[1]The book first I wrote Oh Theophila about all things those began our Lord Ieshu The Messiah to do and to teach [2]Until day that in which He was taken up from after that commanded He had them the Apostles which He had chosen by The Spirit of Holiness [3]Those whom also He showed to them Himself as alive from after He had suffered by signs many in days forty when appearing He was to them and He spoke about the Kingdom of Alaha [4]And while He ate with them bread He commanded them that from Jerusalem not to depart but to wait for the promise of The Father that which you have heard from Me [5]For Yokhanan baptized in water and you shall be baptized in The Spirit of Holiness not after days many [6]They but when they were assembled they asked Him and they were saying to Him our Lord if in this time are restoring You the kingdom to Israel [7]He said to them that not was yours this to know time or times which The Father has placed them in the authority of Himself [8]But when will come The Spirit of Holiness upon you you shall receive power and you shall be to Me witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and also among the Samaritans and unto the borders of the earth [9]And when these things He had said as they saw Him He was taken up and a cloud received Him and He was hidden from their eyes [10]And when gazing they were into the sky as He going was were present two men standing with them in clothing white [11]And they were saying to them men Galilean why? stand you and gaze into the sky this Ieshu Who was taken up from you to Heaven in this way He shall come as when you have seen Him going up into Heaven [12]And from after this they returned themselves to Jerusalem from the Mount which is called "Bayth Zaytha" which is on the side of Jerusalem and separated from it about seven furlongs [13]And from after they entered they came up themselves to an upper room that staying were in which Petros and Yokhanan and Yaqob and Andraeus and Philipus and Thoma and Matthai and Bar Tholmai and Yaqob Bar Halphai and Shimeon the Zealot and Yehuda Bar Yaqob [14]These all of them as one continuing were in prayer in one soul with the women and with Maryam the mother of Ieshu and with His brothers [15]And among them in the days those stood Shimeon Kaypha in the midst of the disciples there were but there assembled men about a hundred and twenty and he said [16]Men brethren right it was that should be fulfilled the scripture which that before said The Spirit of Holiness by the mouth of Dawid about Yehuda he who was the guide to those who seized Ieshu [17]Because numbered he was with us and there was to him a part in ministry this [18]This is he who purchased for himself a field from the reward of sin and he fell on his face on the ground and burst from within him and poured out all his insides [19]And is this known to all of them who live in Jerusalem and so was called field that in the language of the region Haqel Dama of which is its translation Field of Blood [20]It is written for in the book of Psalms his dwelling shall be desolate and an inhabitant not shall be in it and his ministry shall take another [21]And right it is therefore one of these men who have been with us in this time all in which He came in and went out among us our Lord Ieshu [22]Beginning from the baptizing by Yokhanan until the day that He was taken up from our presence that he should be with us a witness of His resurrection [23]And they presented two Yoseph who is called Barshaba who is named Yustos and Matthaia [24]And when they had prayed they said You the Lord know what is in the hearts of all show the one which have chosen You from these two [25]That he would receive a part of the ministry and Apostleship from which withdrew Yehudah that he should go to it to his place [26]And they cast lots and it came up to Matthaia and he was numbered with eleven the Apostles