Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And when gazed Paulus at the assembly he said men brothers I in all conscience good I have lived before Alaha until today [No book]
[2]And Khanan-Yah the priest commanded those who stood on the side to hit Paulus on his mouth [No book]
[3]And Paulus said to him going is Alaha to strike you a wall whitened and you sitting are judge you me according to the law when violate you against the law and command you to strike me [No book]
[4]And those who standing were there were saying to him the priest of Alaha accuse you [No book]
[5]Said to them Paulus not aware I was brothers that the Priest he is written it is for "The Ruler of your people not curse" [No book]
[6]And when knew Paulus that some of the people was of Zadoqia and some of Pharisha shouting he was in the council men brothers I Pharisha am son of a Pharisha and for the hope of the resurrection of the dead judged I am [No book]
[7]And when this he said fell one upon another Pharisha and Zadoqia and was divided the people [No book]
[8]Zadokia for were saying there is no resurrection neither angel nor spirit The Pharisha but confess all of these [No book]
[9]And there was noise great stood some scribes of the side of the Pharisha and contending they were with them and they were saying not we find anything evil in this man if but The Spirit or an angel spoke with him what? is there in it in that [No book]
[10]And when there was an uproar great among them afraid was the Chiliarch lest they would tear apart Paulus and he sent Romans to go snatch him from their midst and bring him to the encampment [No book]
[11]And when he was the night appeared to him our Lord to Paulus and said to him be strong because as you testified of Me in Jerusalem thus are going you also in Rome to testify [No book]
[12]And when it was dawn gathered were some of the Jews and they put a curse upon themselves that not they would eat neither would they drink until they would kill him Paulus [No book]
[13]There were but those who established in an oath this covenant more than forty men [No book]
[14]And they came to The Priests and to The Elders and saying they were "A curse we have cursed upon us that anything not we shall taste until we shall kill Paulus [No book]
[15]And now ask you and The Rulers of the Council from The Chiliarch to bring him to you as if seek you to examine properly his conduct and we we are ready to kill him before he arrives in your presence [No book]
[16]And heard had son of the sister of Paulus plot this and he entered the encampment and informed Paulus [No book]
[17]And sent Paulus he called one of the Centurions and said to him escort young man this to The Chiliarch has he for something to say to him [No book]
[18]And led him The Centurion the youth and brought him to The Chiliarch and said Paulus the prisoner called me and begged of me to bring this young man unto you who has to him something to say to you [No book]
[19]And held him by his hand The Chiliarch the youth and drew him to one side and asking he was him "What? have you to say to me" [No book]
[20]And said to him the youth the Judeans have planned to entreat of you to send down Paulus tomorrow to their Council as if they want something more to learn from him [No book]
[21]You therefore not believe them behold for more than forty men of them are watching for him in ambush and have put a curse on themselves that not to eat nor to drink until they kill him and behold they are ready and waiting for your promise [No book]
[22]And dismissed him The Chiliarch the youth as he ordered a man not would know that these things you have shown me [No book]
[23]And he called two Centurions and said to them go prepare Romans two hundred to go to Qesaria and horsemen seventy and shooters right handed two hundred to go out from third hour in the night [No book]
[24]Prepare but also beasts of burden so they may mount Paulus and let him escape to Filix The Governor [No book]
[25]And he wrote a letter he gave to them who were with him thus [No book]
[26]Qlaudius Lusius to Filix The Governor The Excellent Greeting [No book]
[27]Man this seized the Judeans so as to kill him and I helped I with the Romans and I saved him when I learned that Roman he is [No book]
[28]And when sought I had to know the cause for which accusing they were him I brought him down to their Council [No book]
[29]And I found that about charges of their law accusing they were him and a cause that worthy for imprisonment or for death not was against him [No book]
[30]And when it was shown to me a plot by ambush that made against him the Judeans at once I sent him to you and I ordered his accusers to go and to speak with him before you be well [No book]
[31]Then the Romans as they were ordered brought him Paulus in the night and brought him to Antipatris the city [No book]
[32]And the day next dismissed the horsemen the foot soldiers their comrades to return to camp [No book]
[33]And they brought him to Qesaria and gave the letter to The Governor and presented him before him Paulus [No book]
[34]And when he read the letter asking he was him that from which? province he was and when he learned that from Qiliqia [No book]
[35]He said to him shall hear I you whenever have came your accusers and he commanded to keep him in The Praetorium of Herodus [No book]