[1]And from after days five descended Khanan-Yah High The Priest with The Elders and with Tertullos the orator and they informed The Governor concerning Paulus [2]And when he was called beginning he was Tertullos to accuse him and said in abundance of tranquility we dwell because of you and excellent stability much is to people this in receiving your care [3]And we all in every place we receive your grace Excellent Felix [4]That not but we may weary you with many things beg I of you to hear our lowliness briefly [5]We have found for man this who is a corruptor and an arouser of tumult to all of them the Jews who are in every land the leader he is for of the teaching of The Nazarene [6]And our temple he wanted to defile and when we seized him we sought to judge him according to what is in our Law [7]Came but Lusias The Chiliarch and with violence great from our hands snatched him and to you sent him [8]And he commanded his accusers to come unto you and can you when question you him to learn from him concerning all these things of which we accuse him [9]Cried out but concerning him also those Jews as they were saying "These things so are" [10]And beckoned The Governor to Paulus to speak and answered Paulus and said of years many know I that you are The Judge of nation this and because of this gladly render I a defense for the sake of myself [11]As may you know it is not for me more than twelve days since I came up to Jerusalem to worship [12]Neither did they find me that was speaking I with a man in the temple nor a crowd that gathered I not in their synagogues neither in the city [13]Neither to demonstrate has it come into their hands before you concerning anything of which now they accuse me [14]Yet but this confess I that in it in the same doctrine of which they speak in it serve I The Alaha of my fathers as believe I all things which are written in The Law and in The Prophets [15]And while have I hope upon Alaha which so also they these things preach that there is going to be resurrection which is of the place of the dead of the righteous and of the evil [16]Because of this also labor I that a conscience pure may be to me before Alaha and before the sons of men always [17]Years but many I have come to the children of people my to give charity and to offer gifts [18]Found me these men in the temple when was purified I not with the crowds neither with a tumult [19]But if they stirred up people the Jews who came from Asia those who obligated are to stand with me before you and to bring charge whatever have they [20]Or they these let say what? they have found in me offense when I stood before their Council [21]Except only this one statement which I cried when stood I in their midst that for the resurrection of the dead am judged I today before you [22]Felix but because knew he it way this fully he deferred them when he said "When comes The Chiliarch shall hear I between you" [23]And he ordered the Centurion to guard him Paulus at ease and that not a man of his acquaintances would be forbidden to be ministering to him [24]And from after a few days sent Felix and Dursila his wife who was a Jewess and they called him Paulus and they heard from him concerning the faith of The Messiah [25]And when he was speaking with them of righteousness and upon holiness and upon judgment that was going to be fulfilled was afraid Filix and he said now go and when there is to me a place I shall send after you [26]Hoped he had for that a bribe be given would to him by Paulus because of this also continually sending he was to bring him and speaking with him [27]And when were fulfilled to him two years the next Governor come was in his place who called was Porqius-Festus Filix but so as to do a favor for the Jews he left him Paulus as a prisoner