[1]And when Festus arrived at Caesarea, he, after three days, went up to Jerusalem.
[2]And the chief priests and the head men of the Jews made representations to him concerning Paul.
[3]And they petitioned him, asking of him the favor, that he would send for him to come to Jerusalem; they placing an ambush to slay him by the way.
[4]But Festus made answer: Paul is in custody at Caesarea, whither I am in haste to go.
[5]Therefore, let those among you who are able, go down with us, and make presentment of every offence there is in the man.
[6]And when he had been there eight or ten days, he came down to Caesarea. And the next day, he sat on the tribunal, and commanded Paul to be brought.
[7]And when he came, the Jews who had come from Jerusalem surrounded him, and preferred against him many and weighty charges, which they were unable to substantiate.
[8]Meanwhile Paul maintained, that he had committed no offence, either against the Jewish law, or against the temple, or against Caesar.
[9]But Festus, because he was disposed to conciliate the favor of the Jews, said to Paul: Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and there be tried before me for these things?
[10]Paul replied, and said: I stand before Caesar's tribunal: here I ought to be tried. Against the Jews I have committed no offence, as thou also well knowest.
[11]If I had committed any crime, or done any thing worthy of death, I would not refuse to die. But if none of the things of which they accuse me, is upon me, no one may sacrifice me to their pleasure. I announce an appeal to Caesar.
[12]Then Festus conferred with his counsellors, and said: Hast thou declared an appeal to Caesar? Unto Caesar shalt thou go.
[13]And when [some] days had passed, Agrippa the king, and Bernice, came down to Caesarea to salute Festus.
[14]And when they had been with him: [some] days, Festus related to the king the case of Paul, saying: A certain man was left a prisoner by Felix:
[15]And when I was at Jerusalem, the: chief priests and the Elders of the Jews informed me respecting him, and desired that I would pass judgment upon him in their favor.
[16]And I told them, It is not the custom of the Romans, to give up a man gratuitously to be slain; until his accuser appeareth and chargeth him to his face, and opportunity is afforded him to make defence respecting what is charged upon him.
[17]And: when I had come hither, without delay, I the next day sat on the tribunal, and commanded the man to be brought before me.
[18]And his accusers stood up with him; and they were not able to substantiate any criminal charge against him, as I had expected;
[19]but they had certain controversies with him respecting their worship, and respecting one Jesus, who died, but who, as Paul said, was alive.
[20]And because I was not well established in regard to these questions, I said to Paul: Dost thou ask to go to Jerusalem, and there be judged concerning these matters?
[21]But he requested to be reserved for a trial before Caesar: and I ordered him to be kept, till I could send him to Caesar.
[22]And Agrippa said: I should like to hear that man. And Festus said: To-morrow thou shalt hear him.
[23]And the next day, came Agrippa and Bernice, with great pomp, and entered the house of trials, with the Chiliarchs and chiefs of the city: and Festus commanded, and Paul came.
[24]And Festus said: King Agrippa, and all persons present with us; concerning this man whom ye see, all the people of the Jews applied to me, at Jerusalem and also here, crying out, that he ought no longer to live.
[25]Yet on investigation, I found that he hath done nothing deserving death. But, because he requested to be reserved for the hearing of Caesar, I have ordered him to be sent.
[26]And I know not what I can write to Caesar, in regard to him: and therefore I wished to bring him before you, and especially before thee, king Agrippa; that when his case shall have been heard, I may find what to write.
[27]For it is unsuitable, when we send up a prisoner, not to designate his offence.