[1]And said Agrippus to Paulus it is allowed for you to speak on behalf of yourself then Paulus stretched out his hand and offered he a defense and said[2]Concerning everything whatever of which accused I am by the Jews King Agrippa consider I of myself that blessed I am because before you today bring I a defense[3]Especially know I that capable you are in all inquiries and the Law of the Jews because of this ask I of you that with endurance of spirit you will hear me[4]Aware are for also those the Jews if they wish to testify of my way of life that from my youth that was to me from the beginning in my nation and in Jerusalem[5]Because that from a long time they believe of me who know for in the doctrine authorized of the Pharisha I lived[6]Now for the hope of the promise which was to our fathers from Alaha stand I and judged I am[7]For unto this hope the twelve our tribes we hope to arrive by prayer diligent by day and by night for it for this hope accused I am by the agency of the Jews King Agrippa[8]How? judge you not? ought we believe that raises Alaha the dead[9]I for from before had set in my mind that contrary many things I would commit against The Name of Ieshu The Nazarene[10]This that I did also in Jerusalem and saints many I cast into the house prison by authority that I received from Chief Priests and when being killed they were of them I took part with those who condemned them[11]And in every synagogue torturing I was them when pressing I was to be blaspheming The Name of Ieshu and with rage great full I was against them also to cities other going out I was to persecute them[12]And while going I was because of this to Darmsuq with the authority and with the approval of The Chief Priests[13]At the middle of the day on the road I saw from the heavens Oh King that burst upon me and upon all who with me were a light that was greater than that of the sun[14]And we fell all of us on the ground and I heard a voice when it said to me in Aramaic Shaul Shaul why? persecute you Me hard it is for you to kick the goads[15]And I said who? are You my Lord and our Lord said to me I am Ieshu The Nazarene Whom you persecuting are[16]And He said to me rise to your feet because of this for I have appeared to you to appoint you a minister and a witness that you have seen Me and that are going you to see Me[17]And I shall save you from the people of the Jews and from the nations other to which am sending I you[18]That you will open their eyes so they shall turn from the darkness to the light and from the authority of Satan to Alaha and they shall receive release from sin and a portion with the holy ones by the faith that is in Me[19]Because of this King Agrippa not I stood in dispute against the vision heavenly[20]But I preached from the first to those who in Darmsuq and to those in Jerusalem and who in all villages of Judea also to the nations I preached to return and to be converted to Alaha and to do deeds worthy of a return to Alaha[21]And for the sake of these things seized me the Jews in the temple and wanting they were to kill me[22]Helped me but Alaha until day this and behold stand I and testify I to small and to great while anything outside of Moshe and The Prophets not said I except those things which they said were going to be[23]That would suffer The Messiah and would be The Origin of the resurrection from the house of the dead and would preach light to the people and to the nations[24]And when thus rendered has Paulus the defense cried out Festus in a voice loud are insane you Paul study much has made you insane[25]Said Paulus not I am insane excellent Festus but words of truth and integrity am speaking I[26]Also King Agrippus especially knows of these of such and because of this eye in the public speak I before him because one of these matters not think I escaped him for not were in secret they were done[27]Believe? you King Agrippa The Prophets know I that believe you[28]Said to him Agrippus in a little bit will persuade you me to become a Christian[29]Paulus said desired I have from Alaha in a little and very much not is it for you only but also all of those who are hearing me today to be like me outside of chains these[30]And stood for him The King and The Governor and Berniqa and those who sitting were with them[31]And when they withdrew from there speaking they were one with another and they were saying "A thing worthy of death or of imprisonment not has done man this[32]And said Agrippus to Festus could have been a man this released if an appeal to Qesar not he had invoked