Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Translated from the Latin in the 14th century
[1]Therfor whanne alle these wordis comen on thee, blessyng ether cursing, which Y settide forth in thi siyt, and thou art led bi repentaunce of thin herte among alle folkis, in to whiche thi Lord God hath scaterid thee, [2]and turnest ayen to hym, and obeiest to hise comaundementis, as Y comaundide to thee to dai, with thi sones, in al thin herte and in al thi soule, [3]thi Lord God schal lede thee ayen fro thi caitifte, and schal haue mercy on thee, and eft he schal gadre thee from alle puplis, in to whiche he scateride the bifore. [4]If thou art scaterid to the endis of heuene, fro thennus thi Lord God schal withdrawe thee; [5]and he schal take and schal bringe thee in to the lond which thi fadris weldiden; and thou schalt holde it, and he schal blesse thee, and schal make thee to be of more noumbre than thi fadris weren. [6]Thi Lord God schal circumcide thin herte, and the herte of thi seed, that thou loue thi Lord God in al thin herte and in al thi soule, and maist liue. [7]Forsothe the Lord schal turne alle these cursyngis on thin enemyes, and on hem that haten and pursuen thee. [8]Sotheli thou schalt turne ayen, and schalt here the vois of thi Lord God, and schalt do alle the heestis whiche Y comaunde to thee to dai; [9]and thi Lord God schal make thee to be plenteuouse, in alle the workis of thin hondis, in the children of thi wombe, and in the fruyt of thi beestis, in abundaunce of thi lond, and in largenesse of alle thingis. For the Lord schal turne ayen, that he haue ioye on thee in alle goodis, as he ioyede in thi fadris; [10]if netheles thou herist the voys of thi Lord God, and kepist hise heestis and cerymonys, that ben writun in this lawe, and thou turne ayen to thi Lord God in al thin herte, and in al thi soule. [11]This comaundement whiche Y comaunde to thee to day, [12]is not aboue thee, nethir is set fer, nethir is set in heuene, that thou maist seie, Who of vs may stie to heuene, that he brynge it to vs, and we here, and fille in werk? [13]nether it is set biyende the see, `that thou pleyne, and seye, Who of vs may passe ouer the see, and brynge it til to vs, that we moun here and do that that is comaundid? [14]But the word is ful nyy thee, in thi mouth and in thin herte, that thou do it. [15]Biholde thou, that to day Y haue set forth in thi siyt lijf and good, and ayenward deeth and yuel; [16]that thou loue thi Lord God, and go in hise weies, and kepe hise heestis, and cerymonyes, and domes; and that thou lyue, and he multiplie thee, and blesse thee in the lond to which thou schalt entre to welde. [17]But if thin herte is turned awey, and thou nylt here, and thou art disseyued bi errour, and worschipist alien goddis, [18]and seruest hem, Y biforseie to thee to dai, that thou schalt perische, and schalt dwelle litil tyme in the lond to which thou schalt entre to welde, whanne thou schalt passe Jordan. [19]Y clepe to day heuene and erthe witnesses, that is, aungels and men, that Y haue set forth to you lijf and deeth, good and yuel, blessyng and cursyng; therfor chese thou lijf, that bothe thou lyue and thi seed, [20]and that thou loue thi Lord God, and obeie to his vois, and cleue to hym, for he is thi lijf, and the lengthe of thi daies; that thou dwelle in the lond, for which the Lord swoor to thi fadris, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that he schulde yyue it to hem.

Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)