[1]Paul an apostle of Ieshu The Messiah in the will of Alaha to those who are in Ephesus holy and faithful in Ieshu The Messiah[2]Peace with you and grace from Alaha our Father and from our Lord Ieshu The Messiah[3]Blessed is Alaha The Father of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah He Who has blessed us with all blessings of The Spirit in Heaven in The Messiah[4]Just as that before He chose us in Him from before the foundation of the universe that we shall be holy and without spot before Him and in love before He ordained us for Himself[5]And established us children in Ieshu The Messiah as that is pleasing to His will[6]That may be praised the glory of His grace that which overflows upon us by His Beloved One[7]For in Him is to us redemption and by His blood the forgiveness of sins according to the wealth of His grace[8]That which has superabounded in us in all wisdom and in all intelligence[9]And He taught us the mystery of His will that which before He had ordained to do in Himself[10]For the administration of the end of the times that all things from the top would be made new by The Messiah which are Heaven and in earth[11]And in Him we are chosen as that before He ordained us and willed He that all He would do according to the counsel of His will[12]That would be we those we who first we hoped in The Messiah to the honor of His glory[13]That also you by Him you heard the word of truth which is the Good News of your salvation and in Him you believed and you were sealed in The Spirit of Holiness Who promised was[14]Who is The Pledge of our inheritance to the redemption of those who are saved and for the glory of His honor[15]Because of this also I behold from when I heard of your faith which is in our Lord Ieshu The Messiah and your love that is for the holy ones[16]Not cease I to give thanks over your faces and to remember you in my prayers[17]That The Alaha of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah The Father of glory would give to you The Spirit of wisdom and revelation with His knowledge[18]And will be enlightened the eyes of your hearts that you will know what is the hope of His calling and what is the wealth of the glory of His inheritance in the holy ones[19]And what? is the excellence of the greatness of His power in us in those we who believe according to the action of the immensity of His power[20]Which He performed in The Messiah and raised Him from among the dead and set Him at His right in Heaven[21]Higher than all principalities and rulers and powers and lordships and higher than every name that is named not only in universe this but also in the one coming[22]And He has put into subjection everything under His feet and to Him Who is higher than all He has given Him as the Head to the church[23]Which is His body and the fullness of Him Who all in all fills