[1]Request I therefore of you I a prisoner in our Lord that you walk just as is suitable to the calling in which you are called |
[1]Therfor Y boundun for the Lord biseche you, that ye walke worthili in the clepyng, |
[2]In all humility of mind and quietness and length of spirit and you would be patient one toward another in love |
[2]in which ye ben clepid, with al mekenesse and myldenesse, with pacience supportinge ech other in charite, |
[3]And be you diligent to keep the harmony of The Spirit in the bonds of peace |
[3]bisi to kepe vnyte of spirit in the boond of pees. |
[4]That you would be in one body and in One Spirit as when you were called in one hope of your calling |
[4]O bodi and o spirit, as ye ben clepid in oon hope of youre cleping; |
[5]One there is for the Lord and one faith and one baptism |
[5]o Lord, |
[6]And one Alaha The Father of all and over all and with all and in us all |
[6]o feith, o baptym, o God and fadir of alle, which is aboue alle men, and bi alle thingis, and in vs alle. |
[7]To each one of us but is given grace according to the size of the gift of the Messiah |
[7]But to ech of vs grace is youun bi the mesure of the yyuyng of Crist; |
[8]Because of this it is said "He ascended to the heights and brought captive captivity and He has given gifts to children of men |
[8]for which thing he seith, He stiynge an hiy, ledde caitifte caitif, he yaf yiftis to men. |
[9]That He ascended but what? is that but if that also He descended first to the lower regions of the earth |
[9]But what is it, that he stiede vp, no but that also he cam doun first in to the lowere partis of the erthe? |
[10]He Who descended is He The Same Who also ascended higher than all Heavens to restore all things |
[10]He it is that cam doun, and that stiede on alle heuenes, that he schulde fille alle thingis. |
[11]And He gave some who are apostles and some who are prophets and some who are evangelists and some who are pastors and some who are teachers |
[11]And he yaf summe apostlis, summe prophetis, othere euangelistis, othere scheepherdis and techeris, |
[12]For the perfecting of the holy ones for the work of the ministry for the building up of the body of The Messiah |
[12]to the ful endyng of seyntis, in to the werk of mynystrie, in to edificacioun of Cristis bodi, |
[13]Until we all shall be one thing in faith and in knowledge of The Son of Alaha and one man perfect with the dimensions of the stature of the maturity of The Messiah |
[13]til we rennen alle, in to vnyte of feith and of knowyng of Goddis sone, in to a parfit man, aftir the mesure of age of the plente of Crist; |
[14]Neither we shall be children who are shaken and troubled for every wind of teaching crafty of children of men those who in their cunning plot to seduce |
[14]that we be not now litle children, mouynge as wawis, and be not borun aboute with ech wynd of teching, in the weiwardnesse of men, in sutil wit, to the disseyuyng of errour. |
[15]But we were firm in our love that all affairs our may increase in The Messiah Who is The Head |
[15]But do we treuthe in charite, and wexe in him by alle thingis, that is Crist oure heed; |
[16]And from Him the whole body constructed and joined in every joint according to a gift given in measure to every member for the growth His of body that in love may be completed His building |
[16]of whom alle the bodi set togidere, and boundun togidere bi ech ioynture of vnder seruyng, bi worching in to the mesure of ech membre, makith encreesyng of the bodi, in to edificacioun of it silf in charite. |
[17]This but say I and testify I in the Lord that from now not you should be walking as others of the nations who walk in the emptiness of their minds |
[17]Therfor Y seie and witnesse this thing in the Lord, that ye walke not now, as hethene men walken, in the vanyte of her wit; |
[18]And they are dark in their intellects and aliens are to the Life of Alaha because there is not in them knowledge and because of the blindness of their heart |
[18]that han vndurstondyng derkned with derknessis, and ben alienyd fro the lijf of God, bi ignoraunce that is in hem, for the blyndenesse of her herte. |
[19]Those who have cut off their hope and have handed over their souls to lewdness and to the cultivation of every impurity in their greed |
[19]Which dispeirynge bitoken hem silf to vnchastite, in to the worchyng of al vnclennesse in coueitise. |
[20]You but not have in this way you learned Him The Messiah |
[20]But ye han not so lerud Crist, if netheles ye herden hym, |
[21]If truly you have heard Him and by Him you have learned as whatever is the truth is in Ieshu |
[21]and ben tauyt in hym, as is treuthe in Jhesu. |
[22]But that you should put aside from you your way of life first man that old who is corrupted by desires of deception |
[22]Do ye awey bi the elde lyuyng the elde man, that is corrupt bi the desiris of errour; |
[23]And you should be made new in the spirit of your minds |
[23]and be ye renewlid in the spirit of youre soule; |
[24]And you should put on the man new he who in Alaha has been created in righteousness and in the purity of the truth |
[24]and clothe ye the newe man, which is maad aftir God in riytwisnesse and hoolynesse of treuthe. |
[25]Because of this put aside from you lying and speak the truth a man with his neighbor members we are for one of another |
[25]For which thing `ye putte awei leesyng, and speke ye treuthe ech man with his neiybore, for we ben membris ech to othere. |
[26]Be angry and not sin you and the sun on your anger not let set |
[26]Be ye wrooth, and nyle ye do synne; the sunne falle not doun on youre wraththe. |
[27]Neither you should give a place to The Slanderer |
[27]Nyle ye yyue stide to the deuel. |
[28]And whoever stolen has from now on not let him steal but let him toil with his hands and let him produce good that there will be to him to give to the one who has need |
[28]He that stal, now stele he not; but more trauele he in worchinge with hise hondis that that is good, that he haue whereof he schal yyue to nedi. |
[29]Any words hateful from your mouth not let come out but whatever is good and useful for improvement that you may give grace to those who hear |
[29]Ech yuel word go not of youre mouth; but if ony is good to the edificacioun of feith, that it yyue grace to men that heren. |
[30]Neither be you grieving The Spirit Holy of Alaha you have been sealed in Whom to the day of redemption |
[30]And nyle ye make the Hooli Goost of God sori, in which ye ben markid in the dai of redempcioun. |
[31]All bitterness and fury and rage and clamor and insults let be taken away from you with all wickedness |
[31]Al bitternesse, and wraththe, and indignacioun, and cry, and blasfemye be takun awey fro you, with al malice; |
[32]And be you sweet one to another and affectionate and be you forgiving one another just as Alaha in The Messiah has forgiven us |
[32]and be ye togidere benygne, merciful, foryyuynge togidere, as also God foryaf to you in Crist. |