Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
The King James Version (w/Strong's)
[1]If ony man stelith a scheep, ether oxe, and sleeth, ether sillith, he schal restore fiue oxen for oon oxe, and foure scheep for o scheep. [1]If a manH376 shall stealH1589[H8799] an oxH7794, or a sheepH7716, and killH2873[H8804] it, or sellH4376[H8804] it; he shall restoreH7999[H8762] fiveH2568 oxenH1241 for an oxH7794, and fourH702 sheepH6629 for a sheepH7716.
[2]And if a nyyt theef brekynge an hows, ether vndurmynynge, is foundun, and is deed bi a wounde takun, the smytere schal not be gilti of blood; [2]If a thiefH1590 be foundH4672[H8735] breaking upH4290, and be smittenH5221[H8717] that he dieH4191[H8804], there shall no blood be shed for himH1818.
[3]that if he dide this whanne the sunne was rysun, he dide man sleyng, and he schal die. If a theef hath not that, that he schal yelde for thefte, he schal be seeld; [3]If the sunH8121 be risenH2224[H8804] upon him, there shall be bloodH1818 shed for him; for he should make fullH7999[H8763] restitutionH7999[H8762]; if he have nothing, then he shall be soldH4376[H8738] for his theftH1591.
[4]if that thing that he staal, is foundun quyk at hym, ether oxe, ether asse, ether scheep, he schal restore the double. [4]If the theftH1591 be certainlyH4672[H8736] foundH4672[H8735] in his handH3027 aliveH2416, whether it be oxH7794, or assH2543, or sheepH7716; he shall restoreH7999[H8762] doubleH8147.
[5]If a man harmeth a feeld, ethir vyner, and suffrith his beeste, that it waaste othere mennus thingis, he schal restore for the valu of harm, `what euer beste thing he hath in his feeld, ethir vyner. [5]If a manH376 shall cause a fieldH7704 or vineyardH3754 to be eatenH1197[H8686], and shall putH7971[H8765] in his beastH1165, and shall feedH1197[H8765] in another man'sH312 fieldH7704; of the bestH4315 of his own fieldH7704, and of the bestH4315 of his own vineyardH3754, shall he make restitutionH7999.[H8762]
[6]If fier goith out, and fyndith eeris of corn, and catchith heepis of corn, ethir cornes stondynge in feeldis, he that kyndlide the fier schal yeelde the harm. [6]If fireH784 break outH3318[H8799], and catchH4672[H8804] in thornsH6975, so that the stacks of cornH1430, or the standing cornH7054, or the fieldH7704, be consumedH398[H8738] therewith; he that kindledH1197[H8686] the fireH1200 shall surelyH7999[H8763] make restitutionH7999.[H8762]
[7]If a man bitakith in to kepyng monei to a freend, ether a vessel `in to keping, and it is takun awey bi thefte fro hym that resseyuede, if the theef is foundun, he schal restore the double. [7]If a manH376 shall deliverH5414[H8799] unto his neighbourH7453 moneyH3701 or stuffH3627 to keepH8104[H8800], and it be stolenH1589[H8795] out of the man'sH376 houseH1004; if the thiefH1590 be foundH4672[H8735], let him payH7999[H8762] doubleH8147.
[8]If the theef is hid, the lord of the hows schal be brouyt to goddis, `that is, iugis, and he schal swere, that he helde not forth the hond in to `the thing of his neiybore, [8]If the thiefH1590 be notH3808 foundH4672[H8735], then the masterH1167 of the houseH1004 shall be broughtH7126[H8738] unto the judgesH430, to see whether he have putH7971[H8804] his handH3027 unto his neighbour'sH7453 goodsH4399.
[9]to `do fraude; as wel in oxe, as in asse, and in scheep, and in clooth; and what euer thing may brynge in harm, the cause of euer eithir schal come to goddis, and if thei demen, he schal restore the double to his neiybore. [9]For all mannerH1697 of trespassH6588, whether it be for oxH7794, for assH2543, for sheepH7716, for raimentH8008, or for any manner of lost thingH9, which another challengethH559[H8799] to be his, the causeH1697 of both partiesH8147 shall comeH935[H8799] before the judgesH430; and whom the judgesH430 shall condemnH7561[H8686], he shall payH7999[H8762] doubleH8147 unto his neighbourH7453.
[10]If ony man bitakith to his neiybore oxe, asse, scheep, and al werk beeste to kepyng, and it is deed, ether is maad feble, ethir is takun of enemyes, and no man seeth this, [10]If a manH376 deliverH5414[H8799] unto his neighbourH7453 an assH2543, or an oxH7794, or a sheepH7716, or any beastH929, to keepH8104[H8800]; and it dieH4191[H8804], or be hurtH7665[H8738], or driven awayH7617[H8738], no man seeingH7200 itH8802:
[11]an ooth schal be in the myddis, that he helde not forth the hond to the `thing of his neiybore; and the lord schal resseyue the ooth, and he schal not be compellid to yelde. [11]Then shall an oathH7621 of the LORDH3068 be between them bothH8147, that he hath not putH7971[H8804] his handH3027 unto his neighbour'sH7453 goodsH4399; and the ownerH1167 of it shall acceptH3947[H8804] thereof, and he shall not make it goodH7999.[H8762]
[12]That if it is takun awei bi thefte, he schal restore the harm to the lord; [12]And if it be stolenH1589[H8800][H1589][H8735] from him, he shall make restitutionH7999[H8762] unto the owner thereofH1167.
[13]if it is etun of a beeste, he schal brynge to the lord that that is slayn, and he schal not restore. [13]If it be torn in piecesH2963[H8800][H2963][H8735], then let him bringH935[H8686] it for witnessH5707, and he shall not make goodH7999[H8762] that which was tornH2966.
[14]He that axith of his neiybore ony thing of these bi borewyng, and it is feblid, ether deed, while the lord is not present, he schal be constreyned to yelde; that if the lord is in presence, [14]And if a manH376 borrowH7592[H8799] ought of his neighbourH7453, and it be hurtH7665[H8738], or dieH4191[H8804], the ownerH1167 thereof being not with itH5973, he shall surelyH7999[H8763] make it goodH7999.[H8762]
[15]he schal not restore, moost if it cam hirid, for the meede of his werk. [15]But if the ownerH1167 thereof be with it, he shall not make it goodH7999[H8762]: if it be an hiredH7916 thing, it cameH935[H8804] for his hireH7939.
[16]If a man disseyueth a virgyn not yit weddid, and slepith with hir, he schal yyue dower to hir, and schal haue hir wijf. [16]And if a manH376 enticeH6601[H8762] a maidH1330 that is not betrothedH781[H8795], and lieH7901[H8804] with her, he shall surelyH4117[H8800] endowH4117[H8799] her to be his wifeH802.
[17]If the fadir of the virgyn nyle yyue, he schal yelde money, bi the maner of dower, which virgyns weren wont to take. [17]If her fatherH1 utterlyH3985[H8763] refuseH3985[H8762] to giveH5414[H8800] her unto him, he shall payH8254[H8799] moneyH3701 according to the dowryH4119 of virginsH1330.
[18]Thou schalt not suffre witchis to lyue. [18]Thou shalt not suffer a witchH3784[H8764] to liveH2421.[H8762]
[19]He that doith letcherie with a beeste, die by deeth. [19]Whosoever liethH7901[H8802] with a beastH929 shall surelyH4191[H8800] be put to deathH4191.[H8714]
[20]He that offrith to goddis, out takun to the Lord aloone, be he slayn. [20]He that sacrificethH2076[H8802] unto any godH430, saveH1115 unto the LORDH3068 only, he shall be utterly destroyedH2763.[H8714]
[21]Thou schalt not make sory a comelyng, nether thou schalt turmente hym; for also ye weren comelyngis in the lond of Egipt. [21]Thou shalt neither vexH3238[H8686] a strangerH1616, nor oppressH3905[H8799] him: for ye were strangersH1616 in the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
[22]Ye schulen not anoye a widewe, and a fadirles ethir modirles child. [22]Ye shall not afflictH6031[H8762] any widowH490, or fatherless childH3490.
[23]If ye hirten hem, thei schulen crye to me, and Y schal here the cry of hem, [23]IfH518 thou afflictH6031[H8762] them in any wiseH6031[H8763], and they cryH6817[H8799] at allH6817[H8800] unto me, I will surelyH8085[H8800] hearH8085[H8799] their cryH6818;
[24]and my greet veniaunce schal haue indignacioun, and Y schal smyte you with swerd, and youre wyues schulen be widewis, and youre sones schulen be fadirles. [24]And my wrathH639 shall wax hotH2734[H8804], and I will killH2026[H8804] you with the swordH2719; and your wivesH802 shall be widowsH490, and your childrenH1121 fatherlessH3490.
[25]If thou yyuest money to loone to my pore puple, that dwellith with thee, thou schalt not constreyne hym, as an extorsioner doith, nether thou schalt oppresse hym by vsuris. [25]If thou lendH3867[H8686] moneyH3701 to any of my peopleH5971 that is poorH6041 by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurerH5383[H8802], neither shalt thou layH7760[H8799] upon him usuryH5392.
[26]If thou takist of thi neiybore `a wed a clooth, thou schalt yelde to hym bifore the goyng doun of the sunne; [26]If thou at allH2254[H8800] takeH2254 thy neighbour'sH7453 raimentH8008 to pledgeH2254[H8799], thou shalt deliverH7725[H8686] it unto him byH5704 that the sunH8121 goeth downH935:[H8800]
[27]for that aloone is the cloothing of his fleisch, with which he is hilid, nether he hath another, in which he slepith; if he crieth to me, Y schal here hym; for Y am mercyful. [27]For that is his coveringH3682 only, it is his raimentH8071 for his skinH5785: wherein shall he sleepH7901[H8799]? and it shall come to pass, when he criethH6817[H8799] unto me, that I will hearH8085[H8804]; for I am graciousH2587.
[28]Thou schalt not bacbyte goddis, and thou schalt not curse the prince of thi puple. [28]Thou shalt not revileH7043[H8762] the godsH430, nor curseH779[H8799] the rulerH5387 of thy peopleH5971.
[29]Thou schalt not tarye to offre to the Lord thi tithis, and firste fruytis. Thou schalt yyue to me the firste gendrid of thi sones; [29]Thou shalt not delayH309[H8762] to offer the first of thy ripe fruitsH4395, and of thy liquorsH1831: the firstbornH1060 of thy sonsH1121 shalt thou giveH5414 unto meH8799.
[30]also of oxen, and of scheep thou schalt do in lijk maner; seuene daies be he with his modir, in the eiytithe dai thou schalt yelde hym to me. [30]LikewiseH3651 shalt thou doH6213[H8799] with thine oxenH7794, and with thy sheepH6629: sevenH7651 daysH3117 it shall be with his damH517; on the eighthH8066 dayH3117 thou shalt giveH5414 it meH8799.
[31]Ye schulen be holi men to me; ye schulen not ete fleisch which is bifore taastid of beestis, but ye schulen caste forth to houndis. [31]And ye shall be holyH6944 menH582 unto me: neither shall ye eatH398[H8799] any fleshH1320 that is torn of beastsH2966 in the fieldH7704; ye shall castH7993[H8686] it to the dogsH3611.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Source: studybible.info