Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]Paul an apostle not from children of men and not by the hand of a son of man but by the hand of Ieshu The Messiah and Alaha His father He Who raised Him from among the dead [1]PAULOS, an apostle, not from men, nor by men, but by Jeshu the Meshiha, and Aloha his Father, who raised him from among the dead,
[2]And all of them the brethren who are with me to the assembly that is Galatya [2]And all the brethren who are with me, to the churches which are in Galatia:
[3]Grace with you and peace from Alaha The Father and from our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [3]Grace be with you and peace, from Aloha the Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha,
[4]He Who He gave Himself for the sake of our sins to set us free from world this evil according to the will of Alaha our Father [4]Who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from this evil world, according to the will of Aloha our Father:
[5]To Whom is the glory to eternity of eternities Amen [5]To whom be glory to the age of ages. Amen.
[6]Marvel I how quickly have been turned you from The Messiah He called you by His grace to another gospel [6]I am amazed how soon you have been turned from the Meshiha himself, who called you by his grace, unto another gospel,
[7]That which not does exist but some are there who trouble you and they wish to change the Gospel of The Messiah [7]Which it is not; but there are men who disturb you, and [who] wish to remove you from the gospel of the Meshiha.
[8]Even if we but or an angel from Heaven will evangelize you outside from what we evangelized you he would be damned [8]But if we also, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you other than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
[9]Just as that from the first I said and now again say I that if anyone evangelizes you outside of what you have received he shall be damned [9]As I have said before, and now again say to you, If any man preach to you other than what you have received, let him be accursed.
[10]Now for to the children of men is it? plead I or to Alaha or the children of men do seek I to please if for until now the children of men pleasing I have been the servant of The Messiah not been I have [10]For now do I persuade men, or Aloha? or do I seek to please men? For if until now I had pleased men, I should not have been the servant of the Meshiha.
[11]Notify I to you but my brothers that the Gospel that was evangelized by me not was from a human [11]BUT I make known to you, my brethren, that the gospel which is preached by me was not from man:
[12]Neither for I from a man I received it and I learned it but in the revelation of Ieshu The Messiah [12]For neither from man had I received it and taught it, but by the revelation of Jeshu the Meshiha.
[13]You have heard for of my way of life that from the first that was in Judaism that greatly persecuting I was the church of Alaha and destroying I was it [13]For you have heard of my former manners in Judaism, that I exceedingly persecuted the church of Aloha, and made it desolate.
[14]And surpassing I was in Judaism greatly beyond many sons of years who being were in my kindred and very zealous I was in the teaching of my ancestors [14]And I excelled in Judaism more than many of the sons of my years who were of my kindred, and was exceedingly zealous for the doctrine of my fathers.
[15]When chose but He Who separated me from womb my mother's and called me in His grace [15]But, when He willed who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,
[16]That He would reveal His Son in me that I would proclaim Him among the nations son of a moment not I revealed it to flesh and to blood [16]To reveal his Son in me, that I should preach among the nations, immediately I did not disclose to flesh and to blood;
[17]Neither I went to Jerusalem to the apostles who were from before me but I went to Arabia and again I returned to Darmsoq [17]Neither went I to Urishlem, to the apostles who were before me, but I went into Arabia, and again returned unto Darmsuk.
[18]And from after three years I went to Jerusalem [18]And after three years I went unto Urishlem, that I might see Kipha, and I remained with him days fifteen.
[19]Another but of the apostles not I saw but only Yaqob the brother of our Lord [19]But others of the apostles I saw not, only Jakub, the brother of our Lord.
[20]These things but that write I to you behold before Alaha that not lie I [20]But these which I write to you, behold, before Aloha, that I lie not.
[21]From after these things I came to the regions of Surya and Qiliqya [21]And after these I went to the regions of Syria and of Cilicia.
[22]And not known had me by face the churches that are in Judea these who are in The Messiah [22]Neither did the churches of Jihud which are in the Meshiha know me by face.
[23]But this only heard they had that he who from the first persecuted had us now behold preaches faith that that from earlier times overthrown he had [23]But this only they had heard, that he who had formerly persecuted us, behold, now preacheth he that faith which he beforetime had overthrown.
[24]And they praising were for me to Alaha [24]And in me they glorified Aloha.
[1:8] Cherem.
[1:9] Cherem.
[1:13] Yehudoyutha.
[1:20] I aver
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info