[1]Stonde ye therfor, and nyl ye eftsoones be holdun in the yok of seruage. |
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[2]Lo! Y Poul seie to you, that if ye ben circumcidid, Crist schal no thing profite to you. |
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[3]And Y witnesse eftsoones to ech man that circumcidith hym silf, that he is dettour of al the lawe to be don. |
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[4]And ye ben voidid awei fro Crist, and ye that be iustified in the lawe, ye han fallen awei fro grace. |
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[5]For we thoruy the spirit of bileue abiden the hope of riytfulnesse. |
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[6]For in Jhesu Crist nether circumcisioun is ony thing worth, nether prepucie, but the bileue that worchith bi charite. |
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[7]Ye runnen wel; who lettide you that ye obeyede not to treuthe? |
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[8]Consente ye to no man; for this counsel ys not of hym that hath clepid you. |
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[9]A litil souredowy apeirith al the gobet. |
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[10]I trust on you in oure Lord, that ye schulden vndurstonde noon other thing. And who that disturblith you, schal bere dom, who euere he be. |
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[11]And, britheren, if Y preche yit circumcisioun, what suffre Y yit persecucioun? thanne the sclaundre of the crosse is auoidid. |
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[12]Y wolde that thei weren cut awei, that disturblen you. |
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[13]For, britheren, ye ben clepid in to fredom; oneli yyue ye not fredom in to occasioun of fleisch, but bi charite of spirit serue ye togidere. |
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[14]For euery lawe is fulfillid in o word, Thou schalt loue thi neiybore as thi silf. |
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[15]And if ye bite, and ete ech othere, se ye, lest ye be wastid ech fro othere. |
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[16]And Y seie you in Crist, walke ye in spirit, and ye schulen not performe the desiris of the fleisch. |
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[17]For the fleisch coueitith ayens the spirit, and the spirit ayen the fleisch; for these ben aduersaries togidere, that ye don not alle thingis that ye wolen. |
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[18]That if ye be led bi spirit, ye ben not vnder the lawe. |
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[19]And werkis of the fleisch ben opyn, whiche ben fornicacioun, vnclennes, vnchastite, letcherie, seruice of false goddis, |
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[20]witchecraftis, enmytees, striuyngis, indignaciouns, wraththis, chidingis, discenciouns, sectis, enuyes, |
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[21]manslauytris, dronkennessis, vnmesurable etyngis, and thingis lijk to these, whiche Y seie to you, as Y haue told to you `to fore, for thei that doon suche thingis, schulen not haue the kyngdom of God. |
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[22]But the fruyt of the spirit is charite, ioye, pees, pacience, long abidyng, |
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[23]benygnyte, goodnesse, myldenesse, feith, temperaunce, contynence, chastite; ayen suche thingis is no lawe. |
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[24]And they that ben of Crist, han crucified her fleisch with vices and coueytyngis. |
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[25]If we lyuen bi spirit, walke we bi spirit; |
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[26]we not made coueytouse of veyn glorie, stirynge ech othere to wraththe, or hauynge enuye ech to othere. |
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