The King James Version (w/Strong's)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]GodG2316, who at sundry timesG4181 andG2532 in divers mannersG4187 spakeG2980[G5660] in time pastG3819 unto the fathersG3962 byG1722 the prophetsG4396, [1]IN manifold portions, and in all manners, spake Aloha with our fathers by the prophets from the first:
[2]HathG2980 inG1909 theseG5130 lastG2078 daysG2250 spokenG2980[G5656] unto usG2254 byG1722 his SonG5207, whomG3739 he hath appointedG5087[G5656] heirG2818 of all thingsG3956, byG1223 whomG3739 alsoG2532 he madeG4160[G5656] the worldsG165; [2]But in these last days he hath spoken with us by his Son; whom he constituted the heir of every thing, and by whom he made the worlds;
[3]WhoG3739 beingG5607[G5752] the brightnessG541 of his gloryG1391, andG2532 the express imageG5481 of hisG846 personG5287, andG5037 upholdingG5342[G5723] all thingsG3956 by the wordG4487 of hisG846 powerG1411, when he hadG4160[G2512] byG1223 himselfG1438 purgedG4160[G5671][G2512] ourG2257 sinsG266, sat downG2523[G5656] onG1722 the right handG1188 of the MajestyG3172 onG1722 highG5308; [3]Who himself is the resplendence of his glory, and the image of his Being, and upholdeth all [things] by the power of his word; and he, in his [own] person, hath made purification of sins, and hath sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
[4]Being madeG1096[G5637] so muchG5118 better thanG2909 the angelsG32, asG3745 he hath by inheritance obtainedG2816[G5758] a more excellentG1313 nameG3686 thanG3844 theyG846. [4]And this [person] is altogether more excellent than the angels, by so much as the name he hath inherited [is] more excellent than theirs.
[5]ForG1063 unto whichG5101 of the angelsG32 said heG2036[G5627] at any timeG4218, ThouG4771 artG1488[G5748] myG3450 SonG5207, this dayG4594 haveG1080 IG1473 begottenG1080[G5758] theeG4571? AndG2532 againG3825, IG1473 will beG2071[G5704] toG1519 himG846 a FatherG3962, andG2532 heG846 shall beG2071[G5704] toG1519 meG3427 a SonG5207? [5]For unto which one from [among] the angels at any time said Aloha, Thou art MY SON; I to-day have begotten thee?
[6]AndG1161 againG3825, whenG3752 he bringeth inG1521[G5632] the firstbegottenG4416 intoG1519 the worldG3625, he saithG3004[G5719], AndG2532 letG4352 allG3956 the angelsG32 of GodG2316 worshipG4352[G5657] himG846. [6]And again, I will be to him the Father, and he shall be to me the Son? But again, when bringing in the Firstbegotten into the world, he said, Let all the angels of Aloha worship him.
[7]AndG2532 ofG4314[G3303] the angelsG32 he saithG3004[G5719], Who makethG4160[G5723] hisG846 angelsG32 spiritsG4151, andG2532 hisG846 ministersG3011 a flameG5395 of fireG4442. [7]But concerning the angels, thus hath he spoken: Who hath made his angels spirit, and his ministers a flaming fire.
[8]ButG1161 untoG4314 the SonG5207 he saith, ThyG4675 throneG2362, O GodG2316, is forG1519 everG165 and everG165: a sceptreG4464 of righteousnessG2118 is the sceptreG4464 of thyG4675 kingdomG932. [8]But concerning the Son he hath said, Thy throne, Aloha, [is] for ever and ever, a right sceptre [is] the sceptre of thy kingdom.
[9]Thou hast lovedG25[G5656] righteousnessG1343, andG2532 hatedG3404[G5656] iniquityG458; thereforeG1223[G5124] GodG2316, even thyG4675 GodG2316, hath anointedG5548[G5656] theeG4571 with the oilG1637 of gladnessG20 aboveG3844 thyG4675 fellowsG3353. [9]Thou hast loved righteousness, and hast hated iniquity; therefore Aloha thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of exultation more [abundantly] than thy fellows.
[10]AndG2532, ThouG4771, LordG2962, inG2596 the beginningG746 hast laid the foundationG2311[G5656] of the earthG1093; andG2532 the heavensG3772 areG1526[G5748] the worksG2041 of thineG4675 handsG5495: [10]And again, Thou in the beginning hast laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands.
[11]TheyG846 shall perishG622[G5698]; butG1161 thouG4771 remainestG1265[G5719]; andG2532 they allG3956 shall wax oldG3822[G5701] asG5613 doth a garmentG2440; [11]They pass away, but thou art enduring; and all they as vestments shall become old, and as a garment thou shalt fold them up,
[12]AndG2532 asG5616 a vestureG4018 shalt thou foldG1667 themG846 upG1667[G5692], andG2532 they shall be changedG236[G5691]: butG1161 thouG4771 artG1488[G5748] the sameG846, andG2532 thyG4675 yearsG2094 shallG1587 notG3756 failG1587.[G5692] [12]They shall be changed; but thou [shalt be] as Thou Art, and thy years shall not fail.
[13]ButG1161 toG4314 whichG5101 of the angelsG32 said heG2046[G5758] at any timeG4218, SitG2521[G5737] onG1537 myG3450 right handG1188, untilG302[G2193] I makeG5087[G5632] thineG4675 enemiesG2190 thyG4675 footstoolG5286?[G4228] [13]But to which from [among] the angels hath he said at any time, Sit at my right hand, until I put thine adversaries a footstool beneath thy feet?
[14]Are theyG1526[G5748] notG3780 allG3956 ministeringG3010 spiritsG4151, sent forthG649[G5746] toG1519 ministerG1248 forG1223 them who shallG3195[G5723] be heirs ofG2816[G5721] salvationG4991? [14]Are not all they spirits of ministration, who [are] sent forth in service on behalf of those who are hereafter to inherit salvation?
[1:1] B'cull manon, in all portions. "Omnibus partibus, i. e., omnifariam, multifariam." SCHAFF.
[1:3] The Greatness in the high places.
[1:8] Or, perfect, true.
[1:12] Or, shall not complete.
Source: studybible.info
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info