Peshitta NT (literal)
The Biblical Antiquities of Philo (1917)
[1]The chief part but of all that is ours High The Priest Who sits on the right side of the throne of The Majesty in Heaven [No book]
[2]And He is The Minister of the house of Holiness and the tabernacle of the truth that which set up Alaha and not a son of man [No book]
[3]Every high priest for is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices because of this right it was also for This One to be having for Himself something to offer [No book]
[4]And if in earth He were not even a priest He would be because there have been priests who offering have been gifts according to what is in The Law [No book]
[5]Those who serve the form and the shadow of these things that are in Heaven as was said to Moses when made he the tabernacle "see and do everything by the image that appeared to you on the mountain [No book]
[6]Now but a ministry which is better than that has received Ieshu The Messiah as that is better also covenant that that of which He is made in it Mediator and with promises better than that it is given [No book]
[7]If for been had the first one without fault there not had been a place for this second one [No book]
[8]He found fault with them for and He said "Behold the days are coming says the Lord and I will perfect for the family of the house Israel and for the family of the house of Yehuda a covenant new [No book]
[9]Not like that covenant that I gave to their fathers in the day when I took their hands and I brought them from the land of Egypt because those not continued in covenant My also I rejected them says the Lord [No book]
[10]This but covenant that I shall give to the family of the house Israel after days those says the Lord I shall put My law in their minds and upon their hearts I shall write it and shall be to them I Alaha and those shall be to Me a people [No book]
[11]And not will teach a man a citizen of his city neither his brother and say "know the Lord because all of them shall know Me from their little ones and unto their elders [No book]
[12]And I shall purge them of their evils and their sins again not I shall remember them [No book]
[13]In that He said new the first He made old and that which is outdated and old near is destruction [No book]
Author: Philo
Translation: M. R. James (1917)
Source: www.sacred-texts.com

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