The Septuagint in English by Brenton
The Epistle of Barnabas
[1]Rejoice not, O Israel, neither make merry, as other nations: for thou hast gone a-whoring from thy God; thou hast loved gifts upon every threshing-floor. [No book]
[2]The threshing-floor and wine-press knew them not, and the wine disappointed them. [No book]
[3]They dwelt not in the Lord's land: Ephraim dwelt in Egypt, and they shall eat unclean things among the Assyrians. [No book]
[4]They have not offered wine to the Lord, neither have their sacrifices been sweet to him, but as the bread of mourning to them; all that eat them shall be defiled; for their bread for their soul shall not enter into the house of the Lord. [No book]
[5]What will ye do in the day of the general assembly, and in the day of the feast of the Lord? [No book]
[6]Therefore, behold, they go forth from the trouble of Egypt, and Memphis shall receive them, and Machmas shall bury them: as for their silver, destruction shall inherit it; thorns shall be in their tents. [No book]
[7]The days of vengeance are come, the days of thy recompense are come; and Israel shall be afflicted as the prophet that is mad, as a man deranged: by reason of the multitude of thine iniquities thy madness has abounded. [No book]
[8]The watchman of Ephraim was with God: the prophet is a crooked snare in all his ways: they have established madness in the house of God. [No book]
[9]They have corrupted themselves according to the days of the hill: he will remember their iniquities, he will take vengeance on their sins. [No book]
[10]I found Israel as grapes in the wilderness, and I saw their fathers as an early watchman in a fig-tree: they went in to Beel-phegor, and were shamefully estranged, and the abominable became as the beloved. [No book]
[11]Ephraim has flown away as a bird; their glories from the birth, and the travail, and the conception. [No book]
[12]For even if they should rear their children, yet shall they be utterly bereaved: wherefore also there is woe to them, though my flesh is of them. [No book]
[13]Ephraim, even as I saw, gave their children for a prey; yea, Ephraim was ready to bring out his children to slaughter. [No book]
[14]Give them, O Lord: what wilt thou give them? a miscarrying womb, and dry breasts. [No book]
[15]All their wickedness is in Galgal: for there I hated them: because of the wickedness of their practices, I will cast them out of my house, I will not love them any more: all their princes are disobedient. [No book]
[16]Ephraim is sick, he is dried up at his roots, he shall in no wise any more bear fruit: wherefore even if they should beget children, I will kill the desired fruit of their womb. [No book]
[17]God shall reject them, because they have not hearkened to him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations. [No book]
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com