The Bishops' Bible (1568)
Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
[1]Go to nowe ye riche men, weepe and howle on your wretchednesse that shall come vpon you [1]Do now, ye riche men, wepe ye, yellinge in youre wretchidnessis that schulen come to you.
[2]Your riches is corrupt, your garmentes are motheaten [2]Youre richessis ben rotun, and youre clothis ben etun of mouytis.
[3]Your golde and siluer is cankred, and the rust of them shalbe a witnesse agaynst you, and shall eate your fleshe as it were fyre. Ye haue heaped treasure together in your last dayes [3]Youre gold and siluer hath rustid, and the rust of hem schal be to you in to witnessyng, and schal ete youre fleischis, as fier. Ye han tresourid to you wraththe in the last daies.
[4]Beholde, the hire of labourers, which haue reaped downe your fieldes, which hire is of you kept backe by fraude, cryeth: and the cryes of them which haue reaped, are entred into the eares of the Lorde Sabaoth [4]Lo! the hire of youre werke men, that repiden youre feeldis, which is fraudid of you, crieth; and the cry of hem hath entrid in to the eeris of the Lord of oostis.
[5]Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earth, and ben wanton: Ye haue nourisshed your heartes, as in a day of slaughter [5]Ye han ete on the erthe, and in youre letcheries ye han nurschid youre hertis. In the dai of sleyng ye brouyten,
[6]Ye haue condempned and kylled the iust, and he hath not resisted you [6]and slowen the iust man, and he ayenstood not you.
[7]Be patient therfore brethren, vnto the commyng of the Lorde. Beholde, the husbandman wayteth for the precious fruite of the earth, and hath long patience thervpon, vntill he receaue the early and the later rayne [7]Therfor, britheren, be ye pacient, til to the comyng of the Lord. Lo! an erthetilier abidith preciouse fruyt of the erthe, paciently suffrynge, til he resseyue `tymeful and lateful fruyt.
[8]Be ye also patient therfore, and settle your heartes, for the commyng of the Lorde draweth nye [8]And be ye pacient, and conferme ye youre hertis, for the comyng of the Lord schal neiye.
[9]Grudge not one agaynst another brethren, lest ye be dampned: Beholde, the iudge standeth before the doore [9]Britheren, nyle ye be sorewful ech to other, that ye be not demed. Lo! the iuge stondith niy bifor the yate.
[10]Take my brethren, the prophetes for an ensample of suffering aduersitie, and of patience, which spake in the name of the Lorde [10]Britheren, take ye ensaumple of yuel goyng out, and of long abidyng, and trauel, and of pacience, the prophetis, that speken to you in the name of the Lord.
[11]Beholde, we count the happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of the patience of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the Lorde made: For the Lorde is very pitifull and mercifull [11]Lo! we blessen hem that suffriden. Ye herden the `suffring, ethir pacience, of Joob, and ye sayn the ende of the Lord, for the Lord is merciful, and doynge merci.
[12]But aboue all thynges my brethren, sweare not, neither by heauen, neither by earth, neither any other othe: Let your yea, be yea, and your nay nay, lest you fall into condempnation [12]Bifor alle thingis, my britheren, nyle ye swere, nether bi heuene, nether bi erthe, nethir bi what euere other ooth. But be youre word Yhe, yhe, Nay, nay, that ye fallen not vndir doom.
[13]Is any among you afflicted? let hym pray. Is any mery? let him sing psalmes [13]And if ony of you is sorewful, preye he with pacient soule, and seie he a salm.
[14]Is any diseased among you? let hym call for the elders of the Churche, and let them pray for him, and annoynt him with oyle in the name of the Lorde [14]If ony of you is sijk, lede he in preestis of the chirche, and preie thei for hym, and anoynte with oile in the name of the Lord;
[15]And the prayer of fayth shall saue the sicke, and the Lorde shall raise him vp: and yf he haue committed sinnes, they shalbe forgeuen hym [15]and the preier of feith schal saue the sijk man, and the Lord schal make hym liyt; and if he be in synnes, thei schulen be foryouun to hym.
[16]Knowledge your faultes one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed: For ye feruent prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth much [16]Therfor knouleche ye ech to othere youre synnes, and preye ye ech for othere, that ye be sauyd. For the contynuel preyer of a iust man is myche worth.
[17]Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe monethes [17]Elye was a deedli man lijk vs, and in preier he preiede, that it schulde not reyne on the erthe, and it reynede not thre yeeris and sixe monethis.
[18]And he prayed againe, and the heauen gaue rayne, & the earth brought foorth her fruite [18]And eftsoone he preiede, and heuene yaf reyn, and the erthe yaf his fruyt.
[19]Brethren, yf any of you do erre from the trueth, and another conuert hym [19]And, britheren, if ony of you errith fro trewthe, and ony conuertith hym,
[20]Let the same knowe, that he which conuerteth the sinner from going astray out of his way, shall saue a soule from death, and shall hyde the multitude of sinnes [20]he owith to wite, that he that makith a synner to be turned fro the errour of his weye, schal saue the soule of hym fro deth, and keuereth the multitude of synnes.
Source: studybible.org
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)