The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]The wordH1697 that came to JeremiahH3414 concerning all the peopleH5971 of JudahH3063 in the fourthH7243 yearH8141 of JehoiakimH3079 the sonH1121 of JosiahH2977 kingH4428 of JudahH3063, that was the firstH7224 yearH8141 of NebuchadrezzarH5019 kingH4428 of BabylonH894; [1]The word that came to Jeremiah, concerning all the people of Judah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah that was in the first year of Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babylon:
[2]The which JeremiahH3414 the prophetH5030 spakeH1696[H8765] unto all the peopleH5971 of JudahH3063, and to all the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of JerusalemH3389, sayingH559,[H8800] [2]The which Jeremiah the prophet spake unto all the people of Judah, and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying,
[3]From the thirteenthH7969[H6240] yearH8141 of JosiahH2977 the sonH1121 of AmonH526 kingH4428 of JudahH3063, even unto this dayH3117, that is the threeH7969 and twentiethH6242 yearH8141, the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 hath come unto me, and I have spokenH1696[H8762] unto you, rising earlyH7925[H8687] and speakingH1696[H8763]; but ye have not hearkenedH8085.[H8804] [3]From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even unto this day (that is the three and twentieth year) the word of the Lord hath come unto me, and I have spoken unto you rising early and speaking, but ye would not hear.
[4]And the LORDH3068 hath sentH7971[H8804] unto you all his servantsH5650 the prophetsH5030, rising earlyH7925[H8687] and sendingH7971[H8800] them; but ye have not hearkenedH8085[H8804], nor inclinedH5186[H8689] your earH241 to hearH8085.[H8800] [4]And the Lord hath sent unto you all his servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, but ye would not hear, nor incline your ears to obey.
[5]They saidH559[H8800], Turn ye againH7725[H8798] now every oneH376 from his evilH7451 wayH1870, and from the evilH7455 of your doingsH4611, and dwellH3427[H8798] in the landH127 that the LORDH3068 hath givenH5414[H8804] unto you and to your fathersH1 forH5704 everH5769 and everH5769: [5]They said, Turn again now everyone from his evil way, and from the wickedness of your inventions, and ye shall dwell in the land that the Lord hath given unto you, and to your fathers forever and ever.
[6]And goH3212[H8799] not afterH310 otherH312 godsH430 to serveH5647[H8800] them, and to worshipH7812[H8692] them, and provoke me not to angerH3707[H8686] with the worksH4639 of your handsH3027; and I will do you no hurtH7489.[H8686] [6]And go not after other gods to serve them and to worship them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands, and I will not punish you.
[7]Yet ye have not hearkenedH8085[H8804] unto me, saithH5002[H8803] the LORDH3068; that ye might provoke me to angerH3707[H8687] with the worksH4639 of your handsH3027 to your own hurtH7451. [7]Nevertheless ye would not hear me, saith the Lord, but have provoked me to anger with the works of your hands to your own hurt.
[8]Therefore thus saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635; Because ye have not heardH8085[H8804] my wordsH1697, [8]Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, Because ye have not heard my words,
[9]Behold, I will sendH7971[H8802] and takeH3947[H8804] all the familiesH4940 of the northH6828, saithH5002[H8803] the LORDH3068, and NebuchadrezzarH5019 the kingH4428 of BabylonH894, my servantH5650, and will bringH935[H8689] them against this landH776, and against the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] thereof, and against all these nationsH1471 round aboutH5439, and will utterly destroyH2763[H8689] them, and makeH7760[H8804] them an astonishmentH8047, and an hissingH8322, and perpetualH5769 desolationsH2723. [9]Behold, I will send and take to me all the families of the north, saith the Lord, and Nebuchad-nezzar the king of Babylon my servant, and will bring them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will destroy them, and make them an astonishment and an hissing, and a continual desolation.
[10]Moreover I will takeH6[H8689] from them the voiceH6963 of mirthH8342, and the voiceH6963 of gladnessH8057, the voiceH6963 of the bridegroomH2860, and the voiceH6963 of the brideH3618, the soundH6963 of the millstonesH7347, and the lightH216 of the candleH5216. [10]Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the noise of the millstones, and the light of the candle.
[11]And this whole landH776 shall be a desolationH2723, and an astonishmentH8047; and these nationsH1471 shall serveH5647[H8804] the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 seventyH7657 yearsH8141. [11]And this whole land shall be desolate, and an astonishment, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
[12]And it shall come to pass, when seventyH7657 yearsH8141 are accomplishedH4390[H8800], that I will punishH6485[H8799] the kingH4428 of BabylonH894, and that nationH1471, saithH5002[H8803] the LORDH3068, for their iniquityH5771, and the landH776 of the ChaldeansH3778, and will makeH7760[H8804] it perpetualH5769 desolationsH8077. [12]And when the seventy years are accomplished, I will visit the king of Babylon and that nation, saith the Lord, for their iniquities, even the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it a perpetual desolation,
[13]And I will bringH935[H8689] upon that landH776 all my wordsH1697 which I have pronouncedH1696[H8765] against it, even all that is writtenH3789[H8803] in this bookH5612, which JeremiahH3414 hath prophesiedH5012[H8738] against all the nationsH1471. [13]And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it , even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all nations.
[14]For manyH7227 nationsH1471 and greatH1419 kingsH4428 shall serveH5647[H8804] themselves of them also: and I will recompenseH7999[H8765] them according to their deedsH6467, and according to the worksH4639 of their own handsH3027. [14]For many nations, and great kings shall even serve themselves of them: thus will I recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands.
[15]For thus saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478 unto me; TakeH3947[H8798] the wineH3196 cupH3563 of this furyH2534 at my handH3027, and cause all the nationsH1471, to whom I sendH7971[H8802] thee, to drinkH8248 itH8689. [15]For thus hath the Lord God of Israel spoken unto me, Take the cup of wine of this mine indignation at mine hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it.
[16]And they shall drinkH8354[H8804], and be movedH1607[H8707], and be madH1984[H8703], becauseH6440 of the swordH2719 that I will sendH7971 among themH8802. [16]And they shall drink, and be moved and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them.
[17]Then tookH3947[H8799] I the cupH3563 at the LORD'SH3068 handH3027, and made all the nationsH1471 to drinkH8248[H8686], unto whom the LORDH3068 had sentH7971 meH8804: [17]Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all people to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me:
[18]To wit, JerusalemH3389, and the citiesH5892 of JudahH3063, and the kingsH4428 thereof, and the princesH8269 thereof, to makeH5414[H8800] them a desolationH2723, an astonishmentH8047, an hissingH8322, and a curseH7045; as it is this dayH3117; [18]Even Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them desolate, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse, as appeareth this day:
[19]PharaohH6547 kingH4428 of EgyptH4714, and his servantsH5650, and his princesH8269, and all his peopleH5971; [19]Pharaoh also, king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his people:
[20]And all the mingledH6153 people, and all the kingsH4428 of the landH776 of UzH5780, and all the kingsH4428 of the landH776 of the PhilistinesH6430, and AshkelonH831, and AzzahH5804, and EkronH6138, and the remnantH7611 of AshdodH795, [20]And all sorts of people, and all the kings of the land of Uz: and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and Ashkelon, and Gaza, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod:
[21]EdomH123, and MoabH4124, and the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983, [21]Edom, and Moab, and the Ammonites,
[22]And all the kingsH4428 of TyrusH6865, and all the kingsH4428 of ZidonH6721, and the kingsH4428 of the islesH339 which are beyondH5676 the seaH3220, [22]And all the kings of Tyre, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the Isles, that are beyond the sea,
[23]DedanH1719, and TemaH8485, and BuzH938, and all that are in the utmostH7112[H8803] cornersH6285, [23]And Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and all that dwell in the uttermost corners,
[24]And all the kingsH4428 of ArabiaH6152, and all the kingsH4428 of the mingled peopleH6153 that dwellH7931[H8802] in the desertH4057, [24]And all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of Arabia, that dwell in the desert,
[25]And all the kingsH4428 of ZimriH2174, and all the kingsH4428 of ElamH5867, and all the kingsH4428 of the MedesH4074, [25]And all the kings of Zimri, and all the kings of Elam, and all the kings of the Medes,
[26]And all the kingsH4428 of the northH6828, farH7350 and nearH7138, oneH376 with anotherH251, and all the kingdomsH4467 of the worldH776, which are upon the faceH6440 of the earthH127: and the kingH4428 of SheshachH8347 shall drinkH8354[H8799] after themH310. [26]And all the kings of the north, far and near one to another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the earth, and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them.
[27]Therefore thou shalt sayH559[H8804] unto them, Thus saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, the GodH430 of IsraelH3478; DrinkH8354[H8798] ye, and be drunkenH7937[H8798], and spueH7006[H8798], and fallH5307[H8798], and riseH6965[H8799] no more, becauseH6440 of the swordH2719 which I will sendH7971 among youH8802. [27]Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Drink and be drunken, and spew and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword, which I will send among you.
[28]And it shall be, if they refuseH3985[H8762] to takeH3947[H8800] the cupH3563 at thine handH3027 to drinkH8354[H8800], then shalt thou sayH559[H8804] unto them, Thus saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635; Ye shall certainlyH8354[H8800] drinkH8354.[H8799] [28]But if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink, then tell them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Ye shall certainly drink.
[29]For, lo, I beginH2490[H8688] to bring evilH7489[H8687] on the cityH5892 which is calledH7121[H8738] by my nameH8034, and should ye be utterlyH5352[H8736] unpunishedH5352[H8735]? Ye shall not be unpunishedH5352[H8736]: for I will callH7121[H8802] for a swordH2719 upon all the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of the earthH776, saithH5002[H8803] the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635. [29]For lo, I begin to plague the city, where my name is called upon, and should you go free? Ye shall not go quite: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts.
[30]Therefore prophesyH5012[H8735] thou against them all these wordsH1697, and sayH559[H8804] unto them, The LORDH3068 shall roarH7580[H8799] from on highH4791, and utterH5414[H8799] his voiceH6963 from his holyH6944 habitationH4583; he shall mightilyH7580[H8800] roarH7580[H8799] upon his habitationH5116; he shall giveH6030[H8799] a shoutH1959, as they that treadH1869[H8802] the grapes, against all the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of the earthH776. [30]Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from above, and thrust out his voice from his holy habitation: he shall roar upon his habitation, and cry aloud, as they that press the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.
[31]A noiseH7588 shall comeH935[H8804] even to the endsH7097 of the earthH776; for the LORDH3068 hath a controversyH7379 with the nationsH1471, he will pleadH8199[H8737] with all fleshH1320; he will giveH5414[H8804] them that are wickedH7563 to the swordH2719, saithH5002[H8803] the LORDH3068. [31]The sound shall come to the ends of the earth: for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, and will enter into judgment with all flesh , and he will give them that are wicked, to the sword, saith the Lord.
[32]Thus saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, Behold, evilH7451 shall go forthH3318[H8802] from nationH1471 to nationH1471, and a greatH1419 whirlwindH5591 shall be raised upH5782[H8735] from the coastsH3411 of the earthH776. [32]Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, a plague shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth,
[33]And the slainH2491 of the LORDH3068 shall be at that dayH3117 from one endH7097 of the earthH776 even unto the other endH7097 of the earthH776: they shall not be lamentedH5594[H8735], neither gatheredH622[H8735], nor buriedH6912[H8735]; they shall be dungH1828 uponH6440 the groundH127. [33]And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day, from one end of the earth, even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be mourned, neither gathered nor buried , but shall be as the dung upon the ground.
[34]HowlH3213[H8685], ye shepherdsH7462[H8802], and cryH2199[H8798]; and wallowH6428[H8690] yourselves in the ashes, ye principalH117 of the flockH6629: for the daysH3117 of your slaughterH2873[H8800] and of your dispersionsH8600 are accomplishedH4390[H8804]; and ye shall fallH5307[H8804] like a pleasantH2532 vesselH3627. [34]Howl, ye shepherds, and cry, and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock: for your days of slaughter are accomplished, and of your dispersion, and ye shall fall like precious vessels.
[35]And the shepherdsH7462[H8802] shall have no wayH4498 to fleeH6[H8804], nor the principalH117 of the flockH6629 to escapeH6413. [35]And the flight shall fail from the shepherds, and the escaping from the principal of the flock.
[36]A voiceH6963 of the cryH6818 of the shepherdsH7462[H8802], and an howlingH3215 of the principalH117 of the flockH6629, shall be heard: for the LORDH3068 hath spoiledH7703[H8802] their pastureH4830. [36]A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock shall be heard: for the Lord hath destroyed their pasture.
[37]And the peaceableH7965 habitationsH4999 are cut downH1826[H8738] becauseH6440 of the fierceH2740 angerH639 of the LORDH3068. [37]And the best pastures are destroyed because of the wrath and indignation of the Lord.
[38]He hath forsakenH5800[H8804] his covertH5520, as the lionH3715: for their landH776 is desolateH8047 becauseH6440 of the fiercenessH2740 of the oppressorH3238[H8802], and becauseH6440 of his fierceH2740 angerH639. [38]He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their land is waste, because of the wrath of the oppressor, and because of the wrath of his indignation.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org