[1]At this also mine heart is astonied, and is moved out of his place. [2]Hear the sound of his voice, and the noise that goeth out of his mouth. [3]He directeth it under the whole heaven, and his light unto the ends of the world. [4]After it a noise soundeth: he thundereth with the voice of his majesty, and he will not stay them when his voice is heard. [5]God thundereth marvelously with his voice: he worketh great things, which we know not. [6]For he saith to the snow, Be thou upon the earth: likewise to the small rain and to the great rain of his power. [7]With the force thereof he shutteth up every man, that all men may know his work. [8]Then the beasts go into the den, and remain in their places. [9]The whirlwind cometh out of the south, and the cold from the north wind. [10]At the breath of God the frost is given, and the breadth of the waters is made narrow. [11]He maketh also the clouds to labor, to water the earth, and scattereth the cloud of his light. [12]And it is turned about by his government, that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them upon the whole world: [13]Whether it be for punishment, or for his land, or of mercy, he causeth it to come. [14]Hearken unto this, O Job: stand and consider the wondrous works of God. [15]Didst thou know when God disposed them? And caused the light of his cloud to shine? [16]Hast thou known the variety of the cloud, and the wondrous works of him, that is perfect in knowledge? [17]Or how thy clothes are warm, when he maketh the earth quiet through the south wind? [18]Hast thou stretched out the heavens, which are strong, and as a molten glass? [19]Tell us what we shall say unto him: for we cannot dispose our matter because of darkness. [20]Shall it be told him when I speak? Or shall man speak when he shall be destroyed? [21]And now men see not the light, which shineth in the clouds, but the wind passeth and cleanseth them. [22]The brightness cometh out of the north: the praise thereof is to God, which is terrible. [23]It is the Almighty: we cannot find him out: he is excellent in power and judgment, and abundant in justice: he afflicteth not. [24]Let men therefore fear him: for he will not regard any that are wise in their own conceit.

Source: archive.org