The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The Acts of Thomas
[1]Crye I pray thee, if there be any that will aunswere thee, & loke thou vpon any of the holy [No book]
[2]As for the foolish ma, wrathfulnesse killeth him, and enuie slayeth the ignorant [No book]
[3]I haue seene my selfe when the foolish was deepe rooted, and sodenly I cursed his habitation [No book]
[4]His children were without prosperitie, and they were slayne in the gate, and there was no man to deliuer them [No book]
[5]His haruest was eaten of the hungrie, & taken from among the thornes, and the thurstie drunke vp their labour: It is not the earth that bringeth foorth iniquitie [No book]
[6]Neither commeth sorowe out of the ground [No book]
[7]But man is borne vnto labour, like as the sparkes flee vp [out of the hot coles, [No book]
[8]But I woulde aske counsell at the Lorde, and talke with God [No book]
[9]Whiche doth great thinges and vnsearcheable, [and] maruels without number [No book]
[10]He geueth rayne vpon the earth, and powreth water vpon the streetes [No book]
[11]To set vp them that be of lowe degree, and that those which are in heauinesse may be exalted to saluation [No book]
[12]He destroyeth the deuices of the subtyll, so that their handes are not able to perfourme that which they do enterprise [No book]
[13]He compasseth the wise in their owne craftinesse, & maketh foolishe the counsell of the wicked [No book]
[14]They runne into darknesse by fayre day, and grope at the noone day as in the night [No book]
[15]But he deliuereth the poore from the sworde, from their threatninges, and from the violence of the mightie [No book]
[16]He is the hope of the poore, & the mouth of the wicked shalbe stopped [No book]
[17]Behold, blessed is the man whom God correcteth, therefore refuse not thou the chastening of the almightie [No book]
[18]For be maketh a wounde and he healeth: he smiteth, and his hande maketh whole againe [No book]
[19]He shall deliuer thee in sixe troubles, & in the seuenth there shall no euil come to thee [No book]
[20]In hunger he shall saue thee from death, and when it is warre, from the power of the sworde [No book]
[21]Thou shalt be hyd from the scourge of the tongue, & when destruction commeth thou shalt not neede to feare [No book]
[22]In destruction and dearth thou shalt be mery, and shalt not be afrayde of the beastes of the earth [No book]
[23]For the stones of the land shalbe confederate with thee, and the beastes of the fielde shalbe at peace with thee [No book]
[24]And thou shalt knowe that thy dwelling place shalbe in rest, and thou shalt visite thy habitation, & shalt not sinne [No book]
[25]Thou shalt see also that thy seede shall be great, and thy posteritie as the grasse vpon the earth [No book]
[26]Thou shalt come also to thy graue in a full age, like a corne sheafe cut downe in due season [No book]
[27]Lo, this we our selues haue proued by experience, and euen thus it is: Hearken thou to it also, that thou mayest take heede to thy selfe [No book]
Source: studybible.org