The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]RememberH2142[H8798], O LORDH3068, what is come upon us: considerH5027[H8685], and beholdH7200[H8798] our reproachH2781. [1]Remember, O Lord, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach.
[2]Our inheritanceH5159 is turnedH2015[H8738] to strangersH2114[H8801], our housesH1004 to aliensH5237. [2]Our inheritance is turned to the strangers, our houses to the aliens.
[3]We are orphansH3490 and fatherlessH369[H1], our mothersH517 are as widowsH490. [3]We are fatherless, even without father, and our mothers are as widows.
[4]We have drunkenH8354[H8804] our waterH4325 for moneyH3701; our woodH6086 is soldH935[H8799] unto usH4242. [4]We have drunk our water for money, and our wood is sold unto us.
[5]Our necksH6677 are under persecutionH7291[H8738]: we labourH3021[H8804], and have no restH5117.[H8717] [5]Our necks are under persecution: we are weary, and have no rest.
[6]We have givenH5414[H8804] the handH3027 to the EgyptiansH4714, and to the AssyriansH804, to be satisfiedH7646[H8800] with breadH3899. [6]We have given our hands to the Egyptians, and to Assyria, to be satisfied with bread.
[7]Our fathersH1 have sinnedH2398[H8804], and are notH369; and we have borneH5445[H8804] their iniquitiesH5771. [7]Our fathers have sinned, and are not, and we have born their iniquities.
[8]ServantsH5650 have ruledH4910[H8804] over us: there is none that doth deliverH6561[H8802] us out of their handH3027. [8]Servants have ruled over us, none would deliver us out of their hands.
[9]We gatH935[H8686] our breadH3899 with the peril of our livesH5315 becauseH6440 of the swordH2719 of the wildernessH4057. [9]We got our bread with the peril of our lives, because of the sword of the wilderness.
[10]Our skinH5785 was blackH3648[H8738] like an ovenH8574 becauseH6440 of the terribleH2152 famineH7458. [10]Our skin was black like as an oven because of the terrible famine.
[11]They ravishedH6031[H8765] the womenH802 in ZionH6726, and the maidsH1330 in the citiesH5892 of JudahH3063. [11]They defiled the women in Zion, and the maids in the cities of Judah.
[12]PrincesH8269 are hanged upH8518[H8738] by their handH3027: the facesH6440 of eldersH2205 were not honouredH1921.[H8738] [12]The princes are hanged up by their hand: the faces of the elders were not had in honor.
[13]They tookH5375[H8804] the young menH970 to grindH2911, and the childrenH5288 fellH3782[H8804] under the woodH6086. [13]They took the young men to grind, and the children fell under the wood.
[14]The eldersH2205 have ceasedH7673[H8804] from the gateH8179, the young menH970 from their musickH5058. [14]The elders have ceased from the gate and the young men from their songs.
[15]The joyH4885 of our heartH3820 is ceasedH7673[H8804]; our danceH4234 is turnedH2015[H8738] into mourningH60. [15]The joy of our heart is gone, our dance is turned into mourning.
[16]The crownH5850 is fallenH5307[H8804] from our headH7218: woeH188 H2398unto us, that we have sinnedH8804 [16]The crown of our head is fallen: woe now unto us, that we have sinned.
[17]For this our heartH3820 is faintH1739; for these things our eyesH5869 are dimH2821.[H8804] [17]Therefore our heart is heavy for these things, our eyes are dim,
[18]Because of the mountainH2022 of ZionH6726, which is desolateH8074[H8804], the foxesH7776 walkH1980 upon itH8765. [18]Because of the mountain of Zion which is desolate: the foxes run upon it.
[19]Thou, O LORDH3068, remainestH3427[H8799] for everH5769; thy throneH3678 from generationH1755 to generationH1755. [19]But thou, O Lord, remainest forever: thy throne is from generation to generation.
[20]Wherefore dost thou forgetH7911[H8799] us for everH5331, and forsakeH5800[H8799] us so longH753 timeH3117? [20]Wherefore dost thou forget us forever, and forsake us so long time?
[21]TurnH7725[H8685] thou us unto thee, O LORDH3068, and we shall be turnedH7725[H8799]; renewH2318[H8761] our daysH3117 as of oldH6924. [21]Turn thou us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned: renew our days as of old.
[22]But thou hast utterlyH3988[H8800] rejectedH3988[H8804] us; thou art veryH3966 wrothH7107 against usH8804. [22]But thou hast utterly rejected us: thou art exceedingly angry against us.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org