Peshitta NT (literal)
Book of Jasher (1840)
[1]At that but time came people they said to Him about Galileans those Pilate mingled whose blood with their sacrifices [No book]
[2]And answered Ieshu and He said to them think you that these Galileans sinners were moreso than all Galileans because this happened to them [No book]
[3]No say I to you but that also all of you unless you repent likewise you shall be destroyed [No book]
[4]Or those eighteen fell upon whom the tower in Shiloha and it killed them think? you that sinners they were moreso than all the children of men who dwell in Jerusalem [No book]
[5]No say I to you but that unless you repent all of you like them shall be destroyed [No book]
[6]And He said parable this a fig tree there was to a man that had been planted in his vineyard and he came seeking in it fruit and none he found [No book]
[7]And he said to the cultivators behold three years have come I seeking I am fruit in fig tree this and none find I cut it down why? does it take away from the soil [No book]
[8]Said to him a cultivator my lord leave it also this year while I shall cultivate it and I shall manure it [No book]
[9]And perhaps it will have borne fruit otherwise next year you should cut it down [No book]
[10]When but taught Ieshu in the Sabbath in one of the synagogues [No book]
[11]There was there a woman who was to her a spirit of affliction years eighteen and bent over she was and not able she had been to be straightened at all [No book]
[12]Saw her but Ieshu and He called her and He said to her woman you are released from your affliction [No book]
[13]And He laid His hand upon her and at once she was straightened and she glorified to Alaha [No book]
[14]Answered but the leader of the synagogue when being angered because had healed on the Sabbath Ieshu and he said to the gathering six there are days in which it is legal to work in them you may come be healed and not on the day of the Sabbath [No book]
[15]Ieshu but answered and said to him accepter of faces each one of you on the Sabbath does not? release his ox or his donkey from the stall and goes and waters it [No book]
[16]This but a daughter is of Abraham and has bound her the Devil behold eighteen years is legal? it that she be released from this bondage on the day of the Sabbath [No book]
[17]And when these things said He had ashamed they were all those who stood had against Him and all the people rejoicing were at all the miracles that wrought were by His hand [No book]
[18]Said He but Ieshu what? is like the Kingdom of Alaha and to what shall I compare it [No book]
[19]It is like a grain of mustard seed that which took a man and cast it into his garden and it grew and it became a tree great and a bird of the sky nested in its branches [No book]
[20]Again said Ieshu to what? shall I compare the Kingdom of Alaha [No book]
[21]It is like yeast that took a woman she hid in flour of three 3 gallon measures until all of it was fermented [No book]
[22]And traveled He in villages and in cities as He taught and He went on to Jerusalem [No book]
[23]Asked Him but a man if few are those who have life [No book]
[24]Ieshu but said to them strive hard to enter the gate narrow say I to you for many shall seek to enter and not they shall be able [No book]
[25]From the hour shall arise the Lord of the house and shall bolt the gate and you shall be standing outside and knocking at the gate and you shall begin to say our Lord our Lord open to us and shall answer He and He shall say say I to you that not know I you from where? are you [No book]
[26]And you shall begin to say before You we ate and we drank and in our streets You taught [No book]
[27]And He shall say to you that not know I you from where? are you remove yourselves from Me workers of lies [No book]
[28]There shall be weeping and gnashing teeth when you shall behold Abraham and Isaac and Yaqob and all the prophets in the Kingdom of Alaha you but shall be cast outside [No book]
[29]And they shall come from the east and from the west and from the south and from the north and they shall recline in the Kingdom of Alaha [No book]
[30]And behold there are the last who shall be the first and there are the first who shall be the last [No book]
[31]In it in that day approached some of the Pharisees and they were saying to Him depart go You from here because Herodus wants to kill You [No book]
[32]Said to them Ieshu go tell fox this behold cast out I demons and cures do I today and tomorrow and on the day third shall be perfected I [No book]
[33]However it is right for Me that today and tomorrow I shall work the day the next I shall go because not it is possible that a prophet shall perish outside of Jerusalem [No book]
[34]Jerusalem Jerusalem you have murdered the prophets and you have stoned those who were sent to her how many? times I have desired to gather your children as a hen that gathers her chicks under her wings and not you were willing [No book]
[35]Behold is left to you your house desolate say I to you for that not you shall see Me until you will say blest is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord [No book]
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