[1]And it was that when He entered the house of one of the leaders of the Pharisees to eat bread on the day of the Sabbath and they observing were Him[2]And behold man one who swollen was with fluid there was before Him[3]And answered Ieshu and He said to the Scribes and to the Pharisees surely it is legal on the Sabbath to heal[4]They but were silent and held him He and He healed him and He dismissed him[5]And He said to them who? of you should fall whose son or whose ox in a pit on the day of the Sabbath and not at once would pull and would lift up him[6]And not they could give Him an answer to this[7]And said He parable to those who were invited there upon when saw He those who chose places of the best seats[8]When invited you are by a man to a house banquet not go seat yourself at the best seat lest it may be he appoints there a man who is more honorable than you[9]And should come he who you and him called and say to you give the place to this one and you will be ashamed when stand you and take you place the last[10]But whenever you are invited go seat yourself last that whenever should come he who called you he may say to you my friend come up and be seated and there shall be to you glory before all of them who sit with you[11]Because everyone who will exalt himself shall be humbled and everyone who will humble himself shall be exalted[12]He said but also to him who had invited Him whenever make you a banquet or a supper not do call your friends neither your brothers or your relatives nor your neighbors rich lest also they invite you and would be to you a reward this[13]But whenever make you a reception invite the poor the disabled the maimed the blind[14]And you are blessed for there is nothing with them to repay you shall be for your reward in the resurrection of the Righteous[15]When heard but one of those who were sitting these things he said to Him his blessing to him who will eat bread in the Kingdom of Alaha[16]Said to him Ieshu man one made a supper great and he called many[17]And he sent his servant at the time of the supper to say to those who were called behold everything is ready for you come[18]And they began from each all of them to make excuses said to him the first a field I have bought compelled I am to go to see it beg I of you allow me that should excused I[19]Another said five yoke of oxen I have bought and am going I to examine them beg I of you allow me that should excused I[20]And another said a wife I have taken and because of this not can I come[21]And came that servant and he said to his employer these things then was angry the owner of the house and he said to his servant go out quickly to the market places and to streets of the city and bring here the poor and the afflicted and the feeble and the blind[22]And said the servant my lord it is as you ordered and yet there is room[23]And said the owner to his servant go out to the streets and to the place of hedges and compel them to enter that should be filled my house[24]Say I to you for that one of those men who invited were not will partake of my supper[25]And when going there were with Him crowds great He turned and He said to them[26]Whoever comes to Me and not hates his father and his mother and his brothers and his sisters and his wife and his children and even himself a disciple not can be to Me[27]And whoever not takes his cross and comes after Me a disciple not can be to Me[28]Who is? for among you who wants to build a tower and not first sits down calculates its cost if is he to finish it[29]Lest when he lays the foundation and not can finish all who see will mock him[30]And they will say this man began to build and not could finish[31]Or who is? the king who goes to battle to fight with a king his neighbor and not first considers whether he can with ten thousand confront him who comes against him with twenty thousand[32]And if but not while he is far from him he sends envoys and pleads for peace[33]Thus everyone of you who not forsakes all his possessions not can be to Me a disciple[34]Excellent is salt if but even salt becomes insipid with what? will it be seasoned[35]Not for land nor for manure is it fit outside they cast it whoever has to him an ear that hears let him hear