[1]Approaching they were but to Him tax collectors and sinners to hear Him |
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[2]And Scribes and Pharisees complaining were and they were saying This One sinners receives and He eats with them |
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[3]And said to them Ieshu parable this |
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[4]Who is? among you a man who has to him a hundred sheep and if should be lost one of them not would leave ninety and nine in the wilderness and would go seek that one which is lost until he would find it |
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[5]And whenever he has found it he rejoices and he carries it on his shoulder |
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[6]And he comes to his house and he calls his friends and his neighbors and says to them rejoice with me for I have found my sheep which lost was |
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[7]Say I to you that like this there shall be joy in Heaven over one sinner that returns Home more than over ninety and nine righteous ones who not need for them a Home coming |
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[8]Or who? is the woman which has to her ten quarter-shekels and will lose one of them and not lights a lamp and sweeps the house and searches it carefully until she finds it |
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[9]And when she has found it she calls her friends and her neighbors and she says to them rejoice with me for I have found my quarter of a shekel that lost was |
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[10]Say I to you that like this there shall be joy before the angels of Alaha over one sinner who returns home |
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[11]And said He to them again Ieshu man one there were to him sons two |
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[12]And said to him his son younger my father give to me the portion that befalls me from your estate and he divided to them his wealth |
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[13]And from after days a few gathered he his son younger every thing that was coming to him and he went to a country distant and there dissipated his wealth while living wastefully |
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[14]And when he had spent every thing that was to him there was a famine great in country that and he began to be wanting to him |
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[15]And going he joined himself to one of the sons of a city of country that and he sent him to a field to herd pigs |
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[16]And was made to desire he to fill his belly from carob pods those that eating were the pigs and no man giving was to him |
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[17]And when he came to himself he said how many? now hired servants are in house my father's who have plenteous for themselves bread and I here with my hunger dying am |
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[18]I shall arise I shall go to my father and say to him my father I have sinned to Heaven and before you |
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[19]And not from now am worthy I that your son I should be called make me as one of your hired servants |
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[20]And rising he came to his father and while he was distant saw him his father and he was moved with compassion for him and he ran he fell on his neck and he kissed him |
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[21]And said to him his son my father I have sinned to Heaven and before you and not worthy I am that your son I should be called |
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[22]Said but his father to his servants bring the robe the best clothe him and put a ring on his hand and shoe him with shoes |
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[23]And bring and kill the ox that is fattened and let us eat and let us celebrate |
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[24]Because this my son dead was and he is alive and lost he was and he is found and they began to celebrate |
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[25]He but his son elder in the field was and as he came and he came near to the house he heard the sound of singing of many |
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[26]And he called one of the boys and asked him what is? this |
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[27]He said to him your brother has come and killed your father the ox that was fattened because when he is well he received him |
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[28]And he was angry and not did want he to enter and went out his father pleading with him |
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[29]He but said to his father behold as many years worked I for you servitude and not ever have I transgressed your command and from ever a goat not you gave to me that I may celebrate with my friends |
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[30]This but your son when he had wasted your money with whores and he has come you slew for him the ox fattened |
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[31]Said to him his father my son you always with me are and everything mine yours is |
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[32]To celebrate but right it was for us and to rejoice for this your brother dead was and he is alive and lost he was and he is found |
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