The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]AndG1161 it came to passG1096[G5633] inG1722 thoseG1565 daysG2250, that there went outG1831[G5627] a decreeG1378 fromG3844 CaesarG2541 AugustusG828, that allG3956 the worldG3625 should be taxedG583.[G5729] [1]And it came to pass in those days, that there came a commandment from Augustus Caesar, that all the world should be taxed.
[2](And thisG3778 taxingG582 wasG1096 firstG4413 madeG1096[G5633] when CyreniusG2958 was governorG2230[G5723] of SyriaG4947.) [2](This first taxing was made when Quirinius was governor of Syr ia.)
[3]AndG2532 allG3956 wentG4198[G5711] to be taxedG583[G5745], every oneG1538 intoG1519 his ownG2398 cityG4172. [3]Therefore went all to be taxed every man to his own City.
[4]AndG1161 JosephG2501 alsoG2532 went upG305[G5627] fromG575 GalileeG1056, out ofG1537 the cityG4172 of NazarethG3478, intoG1519 JudaeaG2449, untoG1519 the cityG4172 of DavidG1138, whichG3748 is calledG2564[G5743] BethlehemG965; (becauseG1223 heG846 wasG1511[G5750] ofG1537 the houseG3624 andG2532 lineageG3965 of DavidG1138:) [4]And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of a city called Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem (because he was of the house and linage of David,)
[5]To be taxedG583[G5670] withG4862 MaryG3137 hisG846 espousedG3423[G5772] wifeG1135, beingG5607[G5752] great with childG1471. [5]To be taxed with Mary that was given him to wife, which was with child.
[6]AndG1161 so it wasG1096[G5633], that, whileG1722 theyG846 wereG1511[G5750] thereG1563, the daysG2250 were accomplishedG4130[G5681] that sheG846 should be deliveredG5088.[G5629] [6]Â And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
[7]AndG2532 she brought forthG5088[G5627] herG846 firstbornG4416 sonG5207, andG2532 wrappedG4683 himG846 in swaddling clothesG4683[G5656], andG2532 laidG347[G5656] himG846 inG1722 a mangerG5336; becauseG1360 there wasG2258[G5713] noG3756 roomG5117 for themG846 inG1722 the innG2646. [7]And she brought forth her first begotten son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a creche, because there was no room for them in the inn.
[8]AndG2532 there wereG2258[G5713] inG1722 the sameG846 countryG5561 shepherdsG4166 abiding in the fieldG63[G5723],[G2532] keepingG5442[G5723] watchG5438 overG1909 theirG846 flockG4167 by nightG3571. [8]Â And there were in the same country shepherds, abiding in the field, and keeping watch by night because of their flock.
[9]AndG2532, loG2400[G5628], the angelG32 of the LordG2962 came uponG2186[G5627] themG846, andG2532 the gloryG1391 of the LordG2962 shone round aboutG4034[G5656] themG846: andG2532 they were soreG3173 afraidG5399[G5675].[G5401] [9]And lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone about them, and they were sore afraid.
[10]AndG2532 the angelG32 saidG2036[G5627] unto themG846, FearG5399[G5737] notG3361: forG1063, beholdG2400[G5628], I bringG2097 youG5213 good tidingsG2097[G5731] of greatG3173 joyG5479, whichG3748 shall beG2071[G5704] to allG3956 peopleG2992. [10]Then the Angel said unto them, Be not afraid: for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people:
[11]ForG3754 unto youG5213 is bornG5088[G5681] this dayG4594 inG1722 the cityG4172 of DavidG1138 a SaviourG4990, whichG3739 isG2076[G5748] ChristG5547 the LordG2962. [11]That is, that unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
[12]AndG2532 thisG5124 shall be a signG4592 unto youG5213; Ye shall findG2147[G5692] the babeG1025 wrapped in swaddling clothesG4683[G5772], lyingG2749[G5740] inG1722 a mangerG5336. [12]And this shall be a sign to you, Ye shall find the child swaddled, and laid in a creche.
[13]AndG2532 suddenlyG1810 there wasG1096[G5633] withG4862 the angelG32 a multitudeG4128 of the heavenlyG3770 hostG4756 praisingG134[G5723] GodG2316, andG2532 G3004sayingG5723 [13]And straightway there was with the Angel a multitude of heavenly soldiers, praying God, and saying,
[14]GloryG1391 to GodG2316 inG1722 the highestG5310, andG2532 onG1909 earthG1093 peaceG1515, good willG2107 towardG1722 menG444. [14]Glory be to God in the high heavens, and peace in earth, and towards men good will.
[15]AndG2532 it came to passG1096[G5633], asG5613 the angelsG32 were gone awayG565[G5627] fromG575 themG846 intoG1519 heavenG3772,[G2532] the shepherdsG444[G4166] saidG2036[G5627] oneG240 toG4314 anotherG240, Let usG1330 nowG1211 goG1330[G5632] even untoG2193 BethlehemG965, andG2532 seeG1492[G5632] thisG5124 thingG4487 which is come to passG1096[G5756], whichG3739[G3588] the LordG2962 hath made knownG1107[G5656] unto usG2254. [15]And it came to pass when the Angels were gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said one to another, Let us go then unto Bethlehem, and see this thing that is come to pass, which the Lord hath showed unto us.
[16]AndG2532 they cameG2064[G5627] with hasteG4692[G5660], andG2532[G5037] foundG429[G5627] MaryG3137, andG2532 JosephG2501, andG2532 the babeG1025 lyingG2749[G5740] inG1722 a mangerG5336. [16]So they came with haste, and found both Mary and Joseph, and the babe laid in the creche.
[17]AndG1161 when they had seenG1492[G5631] it, they made known abroadG1232[G5656] the sayingG4012[G4487] whichG3588 was toldG2980[G5685] themG846 concerningG4012 thisG5127 childG3813. [17]And when they had seen it, they published abroad the thing, which was told them of that child.
[18]AndG2532 allG3956 they that heardG191[G5660] it wonderedG2296[G5656] atG4012 those things whichG3588 were toldG2980[G5685] themG4314[G846] byG5259 the shepherdsG4166. [18]And all that heard it, wondered at the things which were told them of the shepherds.
[19]ButG1161 MaryG3137 keptG4933[G5707] allG3956 these thingsG4487[G5023], and ponderedG4820[G5723] them inG1722 herG846 heartG2588. [19]But Mary kept all those sayings and pondered them in her heart.
[20]AndG2532 the shepherdsG4166 returnedG1994[G5656], glorifyingG1392[G5723] andG2532 praisingG134[G5723] GodG2316 forG1909 all the thingsG3956 thatG3739 they had heardG191[G5656] andG2532 seenG1492[G5627], asG2531 it was toldG2980[G5681] untoG4314 themG846. [20]And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all that they had heard and seen, as it was spoken unto them.
[21]AndG2532 whenG3753 eightG3638 daysG2250 were accomplishedG4130[G5681] for the circumcisingG4059[G5629] of the childG3813,[G2532] hisG846 nameG3686 was calledG2564[G5681] JESUSG2424, whichG3588 was so namedG2564[G5685] ofG5259 the angelG32 beforeG4253 heG846 was conceivedG4815[G5683] inG1722 the wombG2836. [21]Â And when the eight days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name was then called JESUS, which was named of the Angel, before he was conceived in the womb.
[22]AndG2532 whenG3753 the daysG2250 of herG846 purificationG2512 accordingG2596 to the lawG3551 of MosesG3475 were accomplishedG4130[G5681], they broughtG321[G5627] himG846 toG1519 JerusalemG2414, to presentG3936[G5658] him to the LordG2962; [22]And when the days of her purification after the Law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord,
[23](AsG2531 it is writtenG1125[G5769] inG1722 the lawG3551 of the LordG2962,[G3754] EveryG3956 maleG730 that openethG1272[G5723] the wombG3388 shall be calledG2564[G5701] holyG40 to the LordG2962;) [23](As it is written in the Law of the Lord, Every man child that first openeth the womb, shall be called Holy to the Lord:)
[24]AndG2532 to offerG1325[G5629] a sacrificeG2378 accordingG2596 to that which is saidG2046[G5772] inG1722 the lawG3551 of the LordG2962, A pairG2201 of turtledovesG5167, orG2228 twoG1417 youngG3502 pigeonsG4058. [24]And to give an oblation, as it is commanded in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons.
[25]AndG2532, beholdG2400[G5628], there wasG2258[G5713] a manG444 inG1722 JerusalemG2419, whoseG3739 nameG3686 was SimeonG4826; andG2532 the sameG3778 manG444 was justG1342 andG2532 devoutG2126, waitingG4327[G5740] for the consolationG3874 of IsraelG2474: andG2532 the HolyG40 GhostG4151 wasG2258[G5713] uponG1909 himG846. [25]And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon: this man was just, and feared God, and waited for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
[26]AndG2532 it wasG2258[G5713] revealedG5537[G5772] unto himG846 byG5259 the HolyG40 GhostG4151, that he shouldG1492 notG3361 seeG1492[G5629] deathG2288, beforeG4250[G2228] he had seenG1492[G5632] the Lord'sG2962 ChristG5547. [26]And a revelation was given him of the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
[27]AndG2532 he cameG2064[G5627] byG1722 the SpiritG4151 intoG1519 the templeG2411: andG2532 when the parentsG1118 broughtG1521[G5629] inG1722 the childG3813 JesusG2424, to doG4160[G5658][G846] forG4012 himG846 afterG2596 the customG1480[G5772] of the lawG3551, [27]And he came by the motion of the spirit into the Temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the Law,
[28]ThenG2532 tookG1209 heG846 himG846 upG1209[G5662] inG1519 hisG846 armsG43, andG2532 blessedG2127[G5656] GodG2316, andG2532 G2036saidG5627 [28]Then he took him in his arms, and praised God, and said,
[29]LordG1203, nowG3568 lettest thouG630 thyG4675 servantG1401 departG630[G5719] inG1722 peaceG1515, accordingG2596 to thyG4675 wordG4487: [29]Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word.
[30]ForG3754 mineG3450 eyesG3788 have seenG1492[G5627] thyG4675 salvationG4992, [30]For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
[31]WhichG3739 thou hast preparedG2090[G5656] beforeG2596 the faceG4383 of allG3956 peopleG2992; [31]Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people:
[32]A lightG5457 toG1519 lightenG602 the GentilesG1484, andG2532 the gloryG1391 of thyG4675 peopleG2992 IsraelG2474. [32]A light to be revealed to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
[33]AndG2532 JosephG2501 andG2532 hisG846 motherG3384 marvelledG2258[G5713][G2296][G5723] atG1909 those things which were spokenG2980[G5746] ofG4012 himG846. [33]And Joseph and his mother marveled at those things, which were spoken touching him.
[34]AndG2532 SimeonG4826 blessedG2127[G5656] themG846, andG2532 saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 MaryG3137 hisG846 motherG3384, BeholdG2400[G5628], thisG3778 child is setG2749[G5736] forG1519 the fallG4431 andG2532 rising againG386 of manyG4183 inG1722 IsraelG2474; andG2532 forG1519 a signG4592 G483which shall be spoken againstG5746 [34]And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising again of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be spoken against,
[35](YeaG1161, a swordG4501 shall pierce throughG1330[G5695] thyG4675 ownG846 soulG5590 alsoG2532,) thatG3704 the thoughtsG1261 ofG1537 manyG4183 heartsG2588[G302] may be revealedG601.[G5686] [35](Yea and a sword shall pierce through thy soul) that the thoughts of many hearts may be opened.
[36]AndG2532 there wasG2258[G5713] one AnnaG451, a prophetessG4398, the daughterG2364 of PhanuelG5323, ofG1537 the tribeG5443 of AserG768: sheG3778[G5625][G846] was of a greatG4183[G1722] ageG2250[G4260][G5761], and had livedG2198[G5660] withG3326 an husbandG435 sevenG2033 yearsG2094 fromG575 herG846 virginityG3932; [36]And there was a Prophetess, one Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, which was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity.
[37]AndG2532 sheG3778 was a widowG5503 of aboutG5613 fourscoreG3589 and fourG5064 yearsG2094, whichG3739 departedG868[G5711] notG3756 fromG575 the templeG2411, but servedG3000[G5723] God with fastingsG3521 andG2532 prayersG1162 nightG3571 andG2532 dayG2250. [37]And she was widow about four score, and four years, and went not out of the Temple, but served God with fastings and prayers, night and day.
[38]AndG2532 sheG3778[G5625][G846] coming inG2186[G5631] thatG846 instantG5610 gave thanks likewiseG437[G5711] unto the LordG2962, andG2532 spakeG2980[G5707] ofG4012 himG846 to allG3956 them that lookedG4327[G5740] for redemptionG3085 inG1722 JerusalemG2419. [38]She then coming at the same instant upon them, confessed likewise the Lord, and spake of him to all that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
[39]AndG2532 whenG5613 they had performedG5055[G5656] all thingsG537 accordingG2596 to the lawG3551 of the LordG2962, they returnedG5290[G5656] intoG1519 GalileeG1056, toG1519 their ownG846 cityG4172 NazarethG3478. [39]And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee to their own city Nazareth.
[40]AndG1161 the childG3813 grewG837[G5707], andG2532 waxed strongG2901[G5712] in spiritG4151, filledG4137[G5746] with wisdomG4678: andG2532 the graceG5485 of GodG2316 wasG2258[G5713] uponG1909 himG846. [40]And the child grew, and waxed strong in Spirit, and was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was with him.
[41]NowG2532 hisG846 parentsG1118 wentG4198[G5711] toG1519 JerusalemG2419 everyG2596 yearG2094 at the feastG1859 of the passoverG3957. [41]Â Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year, at the feast of the Passover.
[42]AndG2532 whenG3753 he wasG1096[G5633] twelveG1427 years oldG2094, theyG846 went upG305[G5631] toG1519 JerusalemG2414 afterG2596 the customG1485 of the feastG1859. [42]And when he was twelve year old, and they were come up to Jerusalem, after the custom of the feast,
[43]AndG2532 when they had fulfilledG5048[G5660] the daysG2250, asG1722 theyG846 returnedG5290[G5721], the childG3816 JesusG2424 tarried behindG5278[G5656] inG1722 JerusalemG2419; andG2532 JosephG2501 andG2532 hisG846 motherG3384 knewG1097[G5627] not of itG3756. [43]And had finished the days thereof, as they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem, and Joseph knew not nor his mother,
[44]ButG1161 they, supposingG3543[G5660] himG846 to have beenG1511[G5750] inG1722 the companyG4923, wentG2064[G5627] a day'sG2250 journeyG3598; andG2532 they soughtG327[G5707] himG846 amongG1722 their kinsfolkG4773 andG2532[G1722] acquaintanceG1110. [44]But they supposing, that he had been in the company, went a day's journey, and sought him among their kinsfolk, and acquaintance.
[45]AndG2532 when they foundG2147[G5631] himG846 notG3361, they turned back againG5290[G5656] toG1519 JerusalemG2419, seekingG2212[G5723] himG846. [45]And when they found him not, they turned back to Jerusalem, and sought him.
[46]AndG2532 it came to passG1096[G5633], that afterG3326 threeG5140 daysG2250 they foundG2147[G5627] himG846 inG1722 the templeG2411, sittingG2516[G5740] inG1722 the midstG3319 of the doctorsG1320, bothG2532 hearingG191[G5723] themG846, andG2532 askingG1905 themG846 questionsG1905.[G5723] [46]And it came to pass three days after, that they found him in the Temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.
[47]AndG1161 allG3956 that heardG191[G5723] himG846 were astonishedG1839[G5710] atG1909 hisG846 understandingG4907 andG2532 answersG612. [47]And all that heard him, were astonished at his understanding, and answers.
[48]AndG2532 when they sawG1492[G5631] himG846, they were amazedG1605[G5648]: andG2532 hisG846 motherG3384 saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 himG846, SonG5043, whyG5101 hast thouG4160 thusG3779 dealtG4160[G5656] with usG2254? beholdG2400[G5628], thyG4675 fatherG3962 and IG2504 have soughtG2212[G5707] theeG4571 sorrowingG3600.[G5746] [48]So when they saw him, they were amazed, and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee with heavy hearts.
[49]AndG2532 he saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 themG846, HowG5101 is it thatG3754 ye soughtG2212[G5707] meG3165? wist yeG1492[G5715] notG3756 thatG3754 IG3165 mustG1163[G5748] beG1511[G5750] aboutG1722 myG3450 Father's businessG3962? [49]Then said he unto them, How is it that ye sought me? knew ye not that I must go about my Father's business?
[50]AndG2532 theyG846 understoodG4920[G5656] notG3756 the sayingG4487 whichG3739 he spakeG2980[G5656] unto themG846. [50]But they understood not the word that he spake to them.
[51]AndG2532 he went downG2597[G5627] withG3326 themG846, andG2532 cameG2064[G5627] toG1519 NazarethG3478, andG2532 wasG2258[G5713] subjectG5293[G5746] unto themG846: butG2532 hisG846 motherG3384 keptG1301[G5707] allG3956 theseG5023 sayingsG4487 inG1722 herG846 heartG2588. [51]Then he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them: and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
[52]AndG2532 JesusG2424 increasedG4298[G5707] in wisdomG4678 andG2532 statureG2244, andG2532 in favourG5485 withG3844 GodG2316 andG2532 manG444. [52]And Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org