Peshitta NT (Murdock, 1852)
Book of Jasher (1840)
[1]And as they approached Jerusalem, near by Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, [No book]
[2]and said to them: Go ye to the village that is over against us, and as soon as ye enter it, ye will find a colt tied, on which no person hath ridden: loose [him], and bring him hither. [No book]
[3]And, if any one say to you, Why do ye this? Say ye to him: Because our Lord hath need of him. And immediately he will send him hither. [No book]
[4]And they went, and they found the colt tied, by the door, without in the street. And as they were loosing [him], [No book]
[5]some of those standing there, said to them: What do ye, untying the colt? [No book]
[6]And they said to them, as Jesus had commanded them; and they permitted them. [No book]
[7]And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments upon him, and set Jesus upon him. [No book]
[8]And many spread their garments in the way; and others cut branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way. [No book]
[9]And those preceding him, and those following him shouted and said: Hosanna: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. [No book]
[10]And blessed is the advancing kingdom of our father David. Hosanna in the highest [heavens]. [No book]
[11]And Jesus entered Jerusalem and the temple, and surveyed every thing. And when evening arrived, he went out to Bethany with the twelve. [No book]
[12]And the following day, as he left Bethany, he was hungry: [No book]
[13]and he saw a fig-tree at a distance, on which were leaves, and he came to it, if he could find somewhat on it. And when he had come, he found on it only leaves; for the time of figs had not arrived. [No book]
[14]And he said to it: Henceforth and for ever, let no man eat fruit from thee: and the disciples heard it. And they came to Jerusalem. [No book]
[15]And Jesus entered the temple of God: and he began to cast out those who bought and sold in the temple; and he overturned the counters of the money-brokers, and the seats of them that sold doves. [No book]
[16]And he suffered no one to carry goods through the temple. [No book]
[17]And he taught them, and said: Is it not written, My house shall be called the house of prayer for all nations? But ye have made it a den of robbers. [No book]
[18]And the chief priests and the Scribes heard [him], and they sought how they might destroy him; for they were afraid of him, because all the people admired his doctrine. [No book]
[19]And when it was evening, they went out from the city. [No book]
[20]And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig-tree dried up, as it were, from its root. [No book]
[21]And Simon remembered, and said to him: Rabbi; behold, the fig-tree which thou cursedst, is dried up. [No book]
[22]And Jesus replied, and said to them: Have faith in God. [No book]
[23]Verily I say to you, That whoever shall say to this mountain, Be thou removed, and fall into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he said will occur, to him will be the thing he spoke. [No book]
[24]Therefore I say to you, That whatsoever ye shall pray and ask for, believe that it will be, and it will be to you. [No book]
[25]And when ye stand up to pray, forgive what ye have against any one; that your Father who is in heaven may also forgive your offences. [No book]
[26]For if ye forgive not, your Father also who is in heaven will not forgive you your offences. [No book]
[27]And they came again to Jerusalem. And as he was walking in the temple, the chief priests and Scribes and Elders came to him, [No book]
[28]and said to him: By what authority doest thou these things? And who gave thee the authority to do these things? [No book]
[29]And Jesus said to them: I also will ask you one thing, that ye may tell me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things. [No book]
[30]The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or from men? Tell me. [No book]
[31]And they reasoned with themselves, and said: If we should say to him, From heaven; he will say to us, Why then did ye not believe him? [No book]
[32]But if we should say, From men; there is fear from the people; for they have all held John to be truly a prophet. [No book]
[33]And they answered, and said to Jesus: We do not know. He said to them: Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things. [No book]
Translation: James Murdock, D. D. (1852)
Source: aramaicnewtestament.org
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