[1][G1161]InG1722 thoseG1565 daysG2250 cameG3854[G5736] JohnG2491 the BaptistG910, preachingG2784[G5723] inG1722 the wildernessG2048 of JudaeaG2449, [2]AndG2532 sayingG3004[G5723], Repent yeG3340[G5720]: forG1063 the kingdomG932 of heavenG3772 is at handG1448.[G5758] [3]ForG1063 thisG3778 is heG2076[G5748] that was spokenG4483[G5685] of byG5259 the prophetG4396 EsaiasG2268, sayingG3004[G5723], The voiceG5456 of one cryingG994[G5723] inG1722 the wildernessG2048, Prepare yeG2090[G5657] the wayG3598 of the LordG2962, makeG4160[G5720] hisG846 pathsG5147 straightG2117. [4]AndG1161 the sameG846 JohnG2491 hadG2192[G5707] hisG846 raimentG1742 ofG575 camel'sG2574 hairG2359, andG2532 a leathernG1193 girdleG2223 aboutG4012 hisG846 loinsG3751; andG1161 hisG846 meatG5160 wasG2258[G5713] locustsG200 andG2532 wildG66 honeyG3192. [5]ThenG5119 went outG1607[G5711] toG4314 himG846 JerusalemG2414, andG2532 allG3956 JudaeaG2449, andG2532 allG3956 the region round aboutG4066 JordanG2446, [6]AndG2532 were baptizedG907[G5712] ofG5259 himG846 inG1722 JordanG2446, confessingG1843[G5734] theirG846 sinsG266. [7]ButG1161 when he sawG1492[G5631] manyG4183 of the PhariseesG5330 andG2532 SadduceesG4523 comeG2064[G5740] toG1909 hisG846 baptismG908, he saidG2036[G5627] unto themG846, O generationG1081 of vipersG2191, whoG5101 hath warnedG5263[G5656] youG5213 to fleeG5343[G5629] fromG575 the wrathG3709 to comeG3195?[G5723] [8]Bring forthG4160[G5657] thereforeG3767 fruitsG2590 meetG514 for repentanceG3341: [9]AndG2532 thinkG1380[G5661] notG3361 to sayG3004[G5721] withinG1722 yourselvesG1438, We haveG2192[G5719] AbrahamG11 to our fatherG3962: forG1063 I sayG3004[G5719] unto youG5213, thatG3754 GodG2316 is ableG1410[G5736] ofG1537 theseG5130 stonesG3037 to raise upG1453[G5658] childrenG5043 unto AbrahamG11. [10]AndG1161 nowG2235 alsoG2532 the axeG513 is laidG2749[G5736] untoG4314 the rootG4491 of the treesG1186: thereforeG3767 everyG3956 treeG1186 which bringethG4160 notG3361 forthG4160[G5723] goodG2570 fruitG2590 is hewn downG1581[G5743], andG2532 castG906[G5743] intoG1519 the fireG4442. [11]IG1473 indeedG3303 baptizeG907[G5719] youG5209 withG1722 waterG5204 untoG1519 repentanceG3341: butG1161 he that comethG2064[G5740] afterG3694 meG3450 isG2076[G5748] mightier thanG2478 IG3450, whoseG3739 shoesG5266 I amG1510[G5748] notG3756 worthyG2425 to bearG941[G5658]: heG846 shall baptizeG907[G5692] youG5209 withG1722 the HolyG40 GhostG4151, andG2532 with fireG4442: [12]WhoseG3739 fanG4425 is inG1722 hisG846 handG5495, andG2532 he will throughly purgeG1245[G5692] hisG846 floorG257, andG2532 gatherG4863[G5692] hisG846 wheatG4621 intoG1519 the garnerG596; butG1161 he will burn upG2618[G5692] the chaffG892 with unquenchableG762 fireG4442. [13]ThenG5119 comethG3854[G5736] JesusG2424 fromG575 GalileeG1056 toG1909 JordanG2446 untoG4314 JohnG2491, to be baptizedG907[G5683] ofG5259 himG846. [14]ButG1161 JohnG2491 forbadG1254[G5707] him, sayingG3004[G5723], IG1473 haveG2192[G5719] needG5532 to be baptizedG907[G5683] ofG5259 theeG4675, andG2532 comestG2064[G5736] thouG4771 toG4314 meG3165? [15]AndG1161 JesusG2424 answeringG611[G5679] saidG2036[G5627] untoG4314 himG846, SufferG863[G5628] it to be so nowG737: forG1063 thusG3779 it becomethG4241[G5723][G2076][G5748] usG2254 to fulfilG4137[G5658] allG3956 righteousnessG1343. ThenG5119 he sufferedG863[G5719] himG846. [16]AndG2532 JesusG2424, when he was baptizedG907[G5685], went upG305[G5627] straightwayG2117 out ofG575 the waterG5204: andG2532, loG2400[G5628], the heavensG3772 were openedG455[G5681] unto himG846, andG2532 he sawG1492[G5627] the SpiritG4151 of GodG2316 descendingG2597[G5723] likeG5616 a doveG4058, andG2532 lightingG2064[G5740] uponG1909 himG846: [17]AndG2532 loG2400[G5628] a voiceG5456 fromG1537 heavenG3772, sayingG3004[G5723], ThisG3778 isG2076[G5748] myG3450 belovedG27 SonG5207, inG1722 whomG3739 I am well pleasedG2106.[G5656]

Source: studybible.info