Peshitta NT (literal)
The Gospel of Barnabas
[1]When He came down but from the mountain followed Him crowds great [No book]
[2]And behold leper a certain came worshiping Him and he said my Lord if willing you are able are to purify me [No book]
[3]And stretching out His hand Ieshu he touched him and said willing I am be purified and in it in the moment was purified his leprosy [No book]
[4]And said to him Ieshu take heed that not to a man say you but go show yourself to the priest and bring a gift as commanded Moshe for their testimony [No book]
[5]When entered but Ieshu to Kapernakhum approached Him centurion a certain and prayed he to Him [No book]
[6]And he said my Lord my boy is lying in the house and is paralyzed and badly is tormented [No book]
[7]Said to him Ieshu I shall come and I shall heal him [No book]
[8]Answered centurion that and he said my Lord not worthy I am that You should enter under my roof but only say in a word and will be healed my boy [No book]
[9]Also I for a man am under authority and are under my hand soldiers and say I to this one go and he goes and to another come and he comes and to my servant that he does this and he does [No book]
[10]When heard but Ieshu He was amazed and He said to them who had come with Him truly say I to you that even not in Israel have I found like this faith [No book]
[11]Say I to you but that many will come from the East and from the West and will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Yaqob in the Kingdom of Heaven [No book]
[12]The children but of the kingdom will be cast out to the darkness outside there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth [No book]
[13]And said Ieshu to centurion that go Just as you have believed it will be done for you and was healed his boy in it in the hour [No book]
[14]And came Ieshu to the house of Shimeon and saw his mother in law who lay and had seized her a fever [No book]
[15]And He touched her hand and left her the fever and she arose and waiting on she was Him [No book]
[16]When it was but evening they brought before Him demon possessed many and He cast out their demons with a word and all of them who ill become had He healed them [No book]
[17]So that should be fulfilled the thing that was said by Isaiah the prophet who said He will take our pains and our sicknesses He will bear [No book]
[18]When saw but Ieshu the crowds great surrounding Him He ordered that they go to the shore [No book]
[19]Came near scribe one and said to Him Rabbi I shall come after You wherever go you [No book]
[20]Said to Him Ieshu for foxes lairs are to them and for the birds of the heavens shelters The Son but of Man there is not for Him where to lay His head [No book]
[21]Another but from His disciples said to Him my Lord allow me first go I shall bury my father [No book]
[22]Ieshu but said to him come after Me and let the dead bury their dead [No book]
[23]And when came up Ieshu into the ship they came up with Him His disciples [No book]
[24]And behold earthquake great was in the sea so that the galley would be covered from the waves He but Ieshu asleep was [No book]
[25]And approached His disciples to waken Him and they were saying to him our Lord deliver us are being destroyed we [No book]
[26]Said to them Ieshu why? are you afraid you of little faith then He arose and rebuked the wind and the sea and there was a calm great [No book]
[27]The men but were shocked and they were saying Who is? This that the wind and the sea obey Him [No book]
[28]And when came Ieshu to the other side to the region of the Gadarenes met Him two demoniacs who came out from house of burials evil very so as that no man could pass on that road [No book]
[29]And they cried out and they were saying what? to us and to You Ieshu Son of Alaha have You come? here before the time to punish us [No book]
[30]There was but far from them a herd of pigs many grazing [No book]
[31]Those but demons begging they were from Him and they were saying if cast out you us allow us that we go to the herd of pigs [No book]
[32]Said to them Ieshu go and at once they came out and they entered into the pigs and whole herd that went straight over the cliff and they fell into the sea and they died in the water [No book]
[33]They but who herding them had been fled and they went to the city and revealed everything that had happened and of those demoniacs [No book]
[34]And came out the whole city to meet with Ieshu and when they saw Him they besought from Him that He would depart from their borders [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com