[1]The worde of the Lorde came vnto Micheas the Morasthite, in the dayes of Iotham, Ahas, & Hezekiah, kinges of Iuda, which he sawe concerning Samaria and Hierusalem
[2]Heare all ye people, marke this well O earth and all that therein is: yea let the Lorde God him selfe be witnesse against you, [euen] the Lorde from his holy temple
[3]For beholde, the Lorde shall come out of his holy place, and come downe and treade vpon the hie thinges of ye earth
[4]The mountaines shal melt vnder him, and the valleyes shall cleaue a sunder, lyke as wax [melteth] before the fire, and as the waters runne downeward
[5]And all this shalbe for the wickednes of Iacob, and the sinnes of the house of Israel: but what is the wickednesse of Iacob? is not Samaria? which are the hie places of Iuda? is not Hierusalem
[6]Therefore I wyll make Samaria an heape of the fielde [meete] for the planting of a vineyarde: her stones wyll I tumble downe into the valley, and discouer her foundations
[7]All her images shalbe broken downe, and all her garmentes shalbe brent in the fire, yea: al her idols wyl I destroy: for they are gathered out of the hyre of an harlot, and into an harlots hyre shall they be turned againe
[8]Wherefore I wyll mourne and make lamentation, bare and naked wyl I go: I wyll mourne lyke the Dragons, and take sorowe as the Ostriches
[9]For their wounde is past remedie, it is come into Iuda, and hath touched the gate of my people at Hierusalem alredie
[10]Declare it not at Gath, neither weepe ye: for the house of Aphra roule thy selfe in the dust
[11]Thou that dwellest at Saphir gette thee hence naked with shame: she that dwelleth at Zaanan, shall not come foorth in the mourning of Bethezel: [the enemie] shal receaue of you for his standing
[12]For the inhabitautes of Maroth wayled for good, but the plague shall come from the Lorde, euen vnto the gates of Hierusalem
[13]O thou inhabitaunt of Lachis, binde the charette to the swiftest beast, she is the beginning of the sinne of the daughter of Sion: for the transgressions of Israel were founde in thee
[14]Therfore shalt thou bring presentes to Moresheth Gath: ye houses of Achzib [shalbe] as a lye to the kinges of Israel
[15]And as for thee O thou that dwellest at Maresa, I shall bring a possessioner vpon thee, he shal come to Adullam, the glory of Israel
[16]Make thee baulde, and shaue thee because of thy tender children: make thee cleane baulde as an Egle, for they shalbe caried away captiue from thee