The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The Epistle of Barnabas
[1]Wo vnto them that imagine iniquitie, and worke wickednesse vpon their beddes: when the morning is light they practise it, because their hande hath power [No book]
[2]And they couet fieldes, and take them by violence, and houses, and take them away: so they oppresse a man and his house, [euen] man and his heritage [No book]
[3]Therefore thus saith the Lorde: Beholde, against this housholde haue I deuised a plague, whereout ye shall not plucke your neckes: ye shall no more go so proudly, for it wyl be a perilous time [No book]
[4]In that day shal this parable be vsed, and a mourning shalbe made ouer you on this maner: We be vtterly desolate, the portion of my people is translated: how wyll he parte vnto vs the lande that he hath taken from vs [No book]
[5]Therefore there shalbe no man to deuide thee thy portion in the congregation of the Lorde [No book]
[6]Ye shal not prophecie [say they] to them that prophecie: they shal not prophecie to them, neither shall they take shame [No book]
[7]O thou that art named the house of Iacob, is the spirite of the Lorde shortened? are these his workes? are not my words good vnto him that walketh vprightly [No book]
[8]But he that was yesterday my people, is rysen vp on the other side [as] against an enemie: they spoyle the beawtifull garment from them that passe by peaceably, as though they returned from the warre [No book]
[9]The women of my people haue ye shut out from their pleasaunt houses, and taken away myne excellent giftes from their children [No book]
[10]Up, get you hence, for here shall ye haue no rest: because [the lande] is defiled, it shall destroy [you] which vtter destruction [No book]
[11]If a man walke in the spirite, and would lye falsely [saying] I wyl prophecie to thee of wine and strong drinke: that were a prophete for this people [No book]
[12]I wyll surely gather thee wholly O Iacob, I wyll surely gather the remnaunt of Israel, I wyll put them together as the sheepe of Bozra, as the flocke in the middest of their folde, they shall make great noyse by reason of the [multitude] of men [No book]
[13]The breaker shall come vp before them, they shall breake out, and passe by the gate, and go out by it: and their king shall go before them, and the Lorde shalbe vpon their heades [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com