[1]The kynges heart is in the hand of the Lord, lyke as are the riuers of water, he maye turne it whyther soeuer he wyll [2]Euery mans way seemeth right in his owne eyes: but the Lorde pondereth the heart [3]To do righteousnes and iudgement, is more acceptable to the Lorde then sacrifice [4]An high looke, a proude heart, and the plowing of the vngodly is sinne [5]The deuises of one that is diligent, bring plenteousnesse: but he that is vnaduised, commeth vnto pouertie [6]To hoorde vp riches with a deceiptfull tongue, is vanitie tossed to and fro of them that seeke death [7]The robberies of the vngodly shalbe their owne destruction: for they wyll not do the thing that is right [8]The way of the vngodly is frowarde and straunge: but of the pure man his worke is right [9]It is better to dwel in a corner on the house toppe, then with a brawling woman in a wide house [10]The soule of the vngodly wisheth euyll, and his neighbour findeth no fauour in his eyes [11]When the scornefull is punished, the ignoraunt take the better heede: and when the wyse is instructed, he wyll receaue vnderstanding [12]The righteous man wysely considereth the house of the wicked, and for their wickednesse [God] ouerthroweth the vngodly [13]Who so stoppeth his eares at the crying of the poore, he shall crye hym selfe and not be hearde [14]A priuie rewarde pacifieth displeasure: and a gyft in the bosome [stylleth] furiousnesse [15]The iust delighteth in doing the thing that is right: but destruction shalbe to the workers of wickednesse [16]The man that wandereth out of the way of wysdome, shall remaine in the congregation of the dead [17]He that hath pleasure in bankettes shalbe a poore man: and whoso delighteth in wyne and delicates, shall not be riche [18]The vngodly shalbe a raunsome for the righteous: and the wicked for the iust [19]It is better to dwell in the wyldernesse, then with a chydyng and an angrye woman [20]In a wise mans house there is a great treasure and oyle: but a foolishe body spendeth vp all [21]Who so foloweth righteousnesse and mercy, findeth both life, righteousnesse, and honour [22]A wyse man skaleth the citie of the mightie, & ouerthroweth the strength wherein they trusted [23]Who so kepeth his mouth and his tongue, the same kepeth his soule from troubles [24]He that is proude and arrogant; is called a scorner, whiche in his wrath worketh presumptuously [25]The desire of the slouthfull kylleth him: for his handes wyll not labour [26]He coueteth greedyly all day long: but the righteous geueth and spareth not [27]The sacrifice of the vngodly is abhomination: howe muche more when they offer the thing that is gotten with wickednesse [28]A false witnesse shall perishe: but [a good] man speaketh constantly what he hath hearde [29]An vngodly man hardeneth his face: but the iust refourmeth his owne way [30]There is no wysdome, there is no vnderstanding, there is no counsayle against the Lorde [31]The horse is prepared against the day of battayle: but the Lorde geueth victorie

Source: studybible.org