[1]Boast not of to-morrow; for thou knowest not what the next day shall bring forth.
[2]Let thy neighbour, and not thine own mouth, praise thee; a stranger, and not thine own lips.
[3] A stone is heavy, and sand cumbersome; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both.
[4]Wrath is merciless, and anger sharp: but envy can bear nothing.
[5]Open reproofs are better than secret love.
[6]The wounds of a friend are more to be trusted than the spontaneous kisses of an enemy.
[7]A full soul scorns honeycombs; but to a hungry soul even bitter things appear sweet.
[8]As when a bird flies down from its own nest, so a man is brought into bondage whenever he estranges himself from his own place.
[9]The heart delights in ointments and wines and perfumes: but the soul is broken by calamities.
[10]Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not; and when thou art in distress go not into thy brother's house: better is a friend that is near than a brother living far off.
[11]Son, be wise, that thy heart may rejoice; and remove thou from thyself reproachful words.
[12]A wise man, when evils are approaching, hides himself; but fools pass on, and will be punished.
[13]Take away the man's garment, (for a scorner has passed by) whoever lays waste another's goods.
[14]Whosoever shall bless a friend in the morning with a loud voice, shall seem to differ nothing from one who curses him.
[15]On a stormy day drops of rain drive a man out of his house; so also does a railing woman drive a man out of his own house.
[16]The north wind is sharp, but it is called by name propitious.
[17]Iron sharpens iron; and a man sharpens his friend's countenance.
[18]He that plants a fig-tree shall eat the fruits of it: so he that waits on his own master shall be honoured.
[19]As faces are not like other faces, so neither are the thoughts of men.
[20]Hell and destruction are not filled; so also are the eyes of men insatiable. [He that fixes his eye is an abomination to the Lord; and the uninstructed do not restrain their tongue.]
[21]Fire is the trial for silver and gold; and a man is tried by the mouth of them that praise him. The heart of the transgressor seeks after mischiefs; but an upright heart seeks knowledge.
[22]Though thou scourge a fool, disgracing him in the midst of the council, thou wilt still in no wise remove his folly from him.
[23]Do thou thoroughly know the number of thy flock, and pay attention to thine herds.
[24]For a man has not strength and power for ever; neither does he transmit it from generation to generation.
[25]Take care of the herbage in the field, and thou shalt cut grass, and gather the mountain hay;
[26]that thou mayest have wool of sheep for clothing: pay attention to the land, that thou mayest have lambs.
[27]My son, thou hast from me words very useful for thy life, and for the life of thy servants.