The Septuagint in English by Brenton
The King James Version (w/Strong's)
[1]The ungodly man flees when no one pursues: but the righteous is confident as a lion. [1]The wickedH7563 fleeH5127[H8804] when no man pursuethH7291[H8802]: but the righteousH6662 are boldH982[H8799] as a lionH3715.
[2]By reason of the sins of ungodly men quarrels arise; but a wise man will quell them. [2]For the transgressionH6588 of a landH776 manyH7227 are the princesH8269 thereof: but by a manH120 of understandingH995[H8688] and knowledgeH3045[H8802] the stateH3651 thereof shall be prolongedH748.[H8686]
[3]A bold man oppresses the poor by ungodly deeds. As an impetuous and profitable rain, [3]A poorH7326[H8802] manH1397 that oppressethH6231[H8802] the poorH1800 is like a sweepingH5502[H8802] rainH4306 which leaveth no foodH3899.
[4]so they that forsake the law praise ungodliness; but they that love the law fortify themselves with a wall. [4]They that forsakeH5800[H8802] the lawH8451 praiseH1984[H8762] the wickedH7563: but such as keepH8104[H8802] the lawH8451 contendH1624 with themH8691.
[5]Evil men will not understand judgment: but they that seek the Lord will understand everything. [5]EvilH7451 menH582 understandH995[H8799] not judgmentH4941: but they that seekH1245[H8764] the LORDH3068 understandH995 all thingsH8799.
[6]A poor man walking in truth is better than a rich liar. [6]BetterH2896 is the poorH7326[H8802] that walkethH1980[H8802] in his uprightnessH8537, than he that is perverseH6141 in his waysH1870, though he be richH6223.
[7]A wise son keeps the law: but he that keeps up debauchery dishonours his father. [7]Whoso keepethH5341[H8802] the lawH8451 is a wiseH995[H8688] sonH1121: but he that is a companionH7462[H8802] of riotousH2151[H8802] men shamethH3637[H8686] his fatherH1.
[8]He that increases his wealth by usuries and unjust gains, gathers it for him that pities the poor. [8]He that by usuryH5392 and unjust gainH8636 increasethH7235[H8688] his substanceH1952, he shall gatherH6908[H8762] it for him that will pityH2603[H8802] the poorH1800.
[9]He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even he has made his prayer abominable. [9]He that turneth awayH5493[H8688] his earH241 from hearingH8085[H8800] the lawH8451, even his prayerH8605 shall be abominationH8441.
[10]He that causes upright men to err in an evil way, himself shall fall into destruction: transgressor also shall pass by prosperity, but shall not enter into it. [10]Whoso causeth the righteousH3477 to go astrayH7686[H8688] in an evilH7451 wayH1870, he shall fallH5307[H8799] himself into his own pitH7816: but the uprightH8549 shall have goodH2896 things in possessionH5157.[H8799]
[11]A rich man is wise in his own conceit; but an intelligent poor man will condemn him. [11]The richH6223 manH376 is wiseH2450 in his own conceitH5869; but the poorH1800 that hath understandingH995[H8688] searcheth him outH2713.[H8799]
[12]By reason of the help of righteous men great glory arises: but in the places of the ungodly men are caught. [12]When righteousH6662 men do rejoiceH5970[H8800], there is greatH7227 gloryH8597: but when the wickedH7563 riseH6965[H8800], a manH120 is hiddenH2664.[H8792]
[13]He that covers his own ungodliness shall not prosper: but he that blames himself shall be loved. [13]He that coverethH3680[H8764] his sinsH6588 shall not prosperH6743[H8686]: but whoso confessethH3034[H8688] and forsakethH5800[H8802] them shall have mercyH7355.[H8792]
[14]Blessed is the man who religiously fears always: but the hard of heart shall fall into mischiefs. [14]HappyH835 is the manH120 that fearethH6342[H8764] alwayH8548: but he that hardenethH7185[H8688] his heartH3820 shall fallH5307[H8799] into mischiefH7451.
[15]A hungry lion and a thirsty wolf is he, who, being poor, rules over a poor nation. [15]As a roaringH5098[H8802] lionH738, and a rangingH8264[H8802] bearH1677; so is a wickedH7563 rulerH4910[H8802] over the poorH1800 peopleH5971.
[16]A king in need of revenues is a great oppressor: but he that hates injustice shall live a long time. [16]The princeH5057 that wantethH2638 understandingH8394 is also a greatH7227 oppressorH4642: but he that hatethH8130[H8802] covetousnessH1215 shall prolongH748[H8686] his daysH3117.
[17]He that becomes surety for a man charged with murder shall be an exile, and not in safety. Chasten thy son, and he shall love thee, and give honour to thy soul: he shall not obey a sinful nation. [17]A manH120 that doeth violenceH6231[H8803] to the bloodH1818 of any personH5315 shall fleeH5127[H8799] to the pitH953; let no man stayH8551 himH8799.
[18]He that walks justly is assisted: but he that walks in crooked ways shall be entangled therein. [18]Whoso walkethH1980[H8802] uprightlyH8549 shall be savedH3467[H8735]: but he that is perverseH6140[H8737] in his waysH1870 shall fallH5307[H8799] at onceH259.
[19]He that tills his own land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that follows idleness shall have plenty of poverty. [19]He that tillethH5647[H8802] his landH127 shall have plentyH7646[H8799] of breadH3899: but he that followethH7291[H8764] after vainH7386 persons shall have poverty enoughH7389.
[20]A man worthy of credit shall be much blessed: but the wicked shall not be unpunished. [20]A faithfulH530 manH376 shall aboundH7227 with blessingsH1293: but he that maketh hasteH213[H8801] to be richH6238[H8687] shall not be innocentH5352.[H8735]
[21]He that reverences not the persons of the just is not good: such a one will sell a man for a morsel of bread. [21]To have respectH5234[H8687] of personsH6440 is not goodH2896: for for a pieceH6595 of breadH3899 that manH1397 will transgressH6586.[H8799]
[22]An envious man makes haste to be rich, and knows not that the merciful man will have the mastery over him. [22]HeH376 that hastethH926[H8737] to be richH1952 hath an evilH7451 eyeH5869, and considerethH3045[H8799] not that povertyH2639 shall comeH935 upon himH8799.
[23]He that reproves a man's ways shall have more favour than he that flatters with the tongue. [23]He that rebukethH3198[H8688] a manH120 afterwardsH310 shall findH4672[H8799] more favourH2580 than he that flatterethH2505[H8688] with the tongueH3956.
[24]He that casts off father or mother, and thinks he sins not; the same is partaker with an ungodly man. [24]Whoso robbethH1497[H8802] his fatherH1 or his motherH517, and saithH559[H8802], It is no transgressionH6588; the same is the companionH2270 of a destroyerH376[H7843].[H8688]
[25]An unbelieving man judges rashly: but he that trusts in the Lord will act carefully. [25]He that is of a proudH7342 heartH5315 stirreth upH1624[H8762] strifeH4066: but he that putteth his trustH982[H8802] in the LORDH3068 shall be made fatH1878.[H8792]
[26]He that trusts to a bold heart, such an one is a fool: but he that walks in wisdom shall be safe. [26]He that trustethH982[H8802] in his own heartH3820 is a foolH3684: but whoso walkethH1980[H8802] wiselyH2451, he shall be deliveredH4422.[H8735]
[27]He that gives to the poor shall not be in want: but he that turns away his eye from him shall be in great distress. [27]He that givethH5414[H8802] unto the poorH7326[H8802] shall not lackH4270: but he that hidethH5956[H8688] his eyesH5869 shall have manyH7227 a curseH3994.
[28]In the places of ungodly men the righteous mourn: but in their destruction the righteous shall be multiplied. [28]When the wickedH7563 riseH6965[H8800], menH120 hideH5641[H8735] themselves: but when they perishH6[H8800], the righteousH6662 increaseH7235.[H8799]
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com
Source: studybible.info