[1]My son, attend to my wisdom, and apply thine ear to my words; [2]that thou mayest keep good understanding, and the discretion of my lips gives thee a charge. [3]for honey drops from the lips of a harlot, who for a season pleases thy palate: [4]but afterwards thou wilt find her more bitter than gall, and sharper than a two-edged sword. [5]For the feet of folly lead those who deal with her down to the grave with death; and her steps are not established. [6]For she goes not upon the paths of life; but her ways are slippery, and not easily known. [7]Now then, my son, hear me, and make not my words of none effect. [8]Remove thy way far from her; draw not near to the doors of her house: [9]lest thou give away thy life to others, and thy substance to the merciless: [10]lest strangers be filled with thy strength, and thy labours come into the houses of strangers; [11]And thou repent at last, when the flesh of thy body is consumed, [12]and thou shalt say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart avoided reproofs! [13]I heard not the voice of him that instructed me, and taught me, neither did I apply mine ear. [14]I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly. [15]Drink waters out of thine own vessels, and out of thine own springing wells. [16]Let not waters out of thy fountain be spilt by thee, but let thy waters go into thy streets. [17]Let them be only thine own, and let no stranger partake with thee. [18]Let thy fountain of water be truly thine own; and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. [19]Let thy loving hart and thy graceful colt company with thee, and let her be considered thine own, and be with thee at all times; for ravished with her love thou shalt be greatly increased. [20]Be not intimate with a strange woman, neither fold thyself in the arms of a woman not thine own. [21]For the ways of a man are before the eyes of God, and he looks on all his paths. [22]Iniquities ensnare a man, and every one is bound in the chains of his own sins. [23]Such a man dies with the uninstructed; and he is cast forth from the abundance of his own substance, and has perished through folly.

Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com