[1]O give thanksH3034[H8685] unto the LORDH3068, for he is goodH2896: for his mercyH2617 endureth for everH5769. [2]Let the redeemedH1350[H8803] of the LORDH3068 sayH559[H8799] so, whom he hath redeemedH1350[H8804] from the handH3027 of the enemyH6862; [3]And gatheredH6908[H8765] them out of the landsH776, from the eastH4217, and from the westH4628, from the northH6828, and from the southH3220. [4]They wanderedH8582[H8804] in the wildernessH4057 in a solitaryH3452 wayH1870; they foundH4672[H8804] no cityH5892 to dwell inH4186. [5]HungryH7457 and thirstyH6771, their soulH5315 faintedH5848 in themH8691. [6]Then they criedH6817[H8799] unto the LORDH3068 in their troubleH6862, and he deliveredH5337[H8686] them out of their distressesH4691. [7]And he led them forthH1869[H8686] by the rightH3477 wayH1870, that they might goH3212[H8800] to a cityH5892 of habitationH4186. [8]Oh that men would praiseH3034[H8686] the LORDH3068 for his goodnessH2617, and for his wonderful worksH6381[H8737] to the childrenH1121 of menH120! [9]For he satisfiethH7646[H8689] the longingH8264[H8802] soulH5315, and fillethH4390[H8765] the hungryH7457 soulH5315 with goodnessH2896. [10]Such as sitH3427[H8802] in darknessH2822 and in the shadow of deathH6757, being boundH615 in afflictionH6040 and ironH1270; [11]Because they rebelledH4784[H8689] against the wordsH561 of GodH410, and contemnedH5006[H8804] the counselH6098 of the most HighH5945: [12]Therefore he brought downH3665[H8686] their heartH3820 with labourH5999; they fell downH3782[H8804], and there was none to helpH5826.[H8802] [13]Then they criedH2199[H8799] unto the LORDH3068 in their troubleH6862, and he savedH3467[H8686] them out of their distressesH4691. [14]He brought them outH3318[H8686] of darknessH2822 and the shadow of deathH6757, and brakeH5423 their bandsH4147 in sunderH5423.[H8762] [15]Oh that men would praiseH3034[H8686] the LORDH3068 for his goodnessH2617, and for his wonderful worksH6381[H8737] to the childrenH1121 of menH120! [16]For he hath brokenH7665[H8765] the gatesH1817 of brassH5178, and cutH1438 the barsH1280 of ironH1270 in sunderH1438.[H8765] [17]FoolsH191 becauseH1870 of their transgressionH6588, and because of their iniquitiesH5771, are afflictedH6031.[H8691] [18]Their soulH5315 abhorrethH8581[H8762] all manner of meatH400; and they draw nearH5060[H8686] unto the gatesH8179 of deathH4194. [19]Then they cryH2199[H8799] unto the LORDH3068 in their troubleH6862, and he savethH3467[H8686] them out of their distressesH4691. [20]He sentH7971[H8799] his wordH1697, and healedH7495[H8799] them, and deliveredH4422[H8762] them from their destructionsH7825. [21]Oh that men would praiseH3034[H8686] the LORDH3068 for his goodnessH2617, and for his wonderful worksH6381[H8737] to the childrenH1121 of menH120! [22]And let them sacrificeH2076[H8799] the sacrificesH2077 of thanksgivingH8426, and declareH5608[H8762] his worksH4639 with rejoicingH7440. [23]They that go downH3381[H8802] to the seaH3220 in shipsH591, that doH6213[H8802] businessH4399 in greatH7227 watersH4325; [24]These seeH7200[H8804] the worksH4639 of the LORDH3068, and his wondersH6381[H8737] in the deepH4688. [25]For he commandethH559[H8799], and raisethH5975[H8686] the stormyH5591 windH7307, which lifteth upH7311[H8787] the waves thereofH1530. [26]They mount upH5927[H8799] to the heavenH8064, they go downH3381[H8799] again to the depthsH8415: their soulH5315 is meltedH4127[H8709] because of troubleH7451. [27]They reel to and froH2287[H8799], and staggerH5128[H8799] like a drunken manH7910, and are at their wits'H2451 endH1104.[H8691] [28]Then they cryH6817[H8799] unto the LORDH3068 in their troubleH6862, and he bringeth them outH3318[H8686] of their distressesH4691. [29]He makethH6965[H8686] the stormH5591 a calmH1827, so that the wavesH1530 thereof are stillH2814.[H8799] [30]Then are they gladH8055[H8799] because they be quietH8367[H8799]; so he bringethH5148[H8686] them unto their desiredH2656 havenH4231. [31]Oh that men would praiseH3034[H8686] the LORDH3068 for his goodnessH2617, and for his wonderful worksH6381[H8737] to the childrenH1121 of menH120! [32]Let them exaltH7311[H8787] him also in the congregationH6951 of the peopleH5971, and praiseH1984[H8762] him in the assemblyH4186 of the eldersH2205. [33]He turnethH7760[H8799] riversH5104 into a wildernessH4057, and the waterspringsH4325[H4161] into dry groundH6774; [34]A fruitfulH6529 landH776 into barrennessH4420, for the wickednessH7451 of them that dwellH3427 thereinH8802. [35]He turnethH7760[H8799] the wildernessH4057 into a standingH98 waterH4325, and dryH6723 groundH776 into waterspringsH4325.[H4161] [36]And there he maketh the hungryH7457 to dwellH3427[H8686], that they may prepareH3559[H8787] a cityH5892 for habitationH4186; [37]And sowH2232[H8799] the fieldsH7704, and plantH5193[H8799] vineyardsH3754, which may yieldH6213[H8799] fruitsH6529 of increaseH8393. [38]He blessethH1288[H8762] them also, so that they are multipliedH7235[H8799] greatlyH3966; and sufferethH4591 not their cattleH929 to decreaseH4591.[H8686] [39]Again, they are minishedH4591[H8799] and brought lowH7817[H8799] through oppressionH6115, afflictionH7451, and sorrowH3015. [40]He pourethH8210[H8802] contemptH937 upon princesH5081, and causeth them to wanderH8582[H8686] in the wildernessH8414, where there is no wayH1870. [41]Yet setteth he the poorH34 on highH7682[H8762] from afflictionH6040, and makethH7760[H8799] him familiesH4940 like a flockH6629. [42]The righteousH3477 shall seeH7200[H8799] it, and rejoiceH8055[H8799]: and all iniquityH5766 shall stopH7092[H8804] her mouthH6310. [43]Whoso is wiseH2450, and will observeH8104[H8799] these things, even they shall understandH995[H8709] the lovingkindnessH2617 of the LORDH3068.

Source: studybible.info