[1]The `title of the threttenthe salm. To the victorie of Dauid. |
[1] Howe long wylt thou forget me O God, for euer? howe long wilt thou hyde thy face from me |
[2]The Lord bihelde fro heuene on the sones of men; that he se, if ony is vndurstondynge, ethir sekynge God. |
[2]Howe long shall I seke counsayle in my soule, and be so vexed in mine heart euery day? howe long shall myne enemie triumph ouer me |
[3]Alle bowiden awei, togidere thei ben maad vnprofitable; noon is that doth good, noon is `til to oon. The throte of hem is an open sepulcre, thei diden gilefuli with her tungis; the venym of snakis is vndur her lippis. Whos mouth is ful of cursyng and bittirnesse; her feet ben swift to schede out blood. Sorewe and cursidnesse is in the weies of hem, and thei knewen not the weie of pees; the drede of God is not bifor her iyen. |
[3]Loke downe and heare me O God my Lorde: lighten myne eyes, lest that I sleepe in death |
[4]Whether alle men that worchen wickidnesse schulen not knowe; that deuowren my puple, as mete of breed? |
[4]Lest myne enemie say, I haue preuayled agaynst hym: lest they that trouble me reioyce yf I shoulde be remoued |
[5]Thei clepeden not the Lord; thei trembliden there for dreed, where was no drede; |
[5](13:5a) But I repose my trust in thy mercie, and my heart is ioyfull in thy saluation |
[6]for the Lord is in a riytful generacioun. Thou hast schent the counsel of a pore man; for the Lord is his hope. |
[6](13:5b) I wyll syng to God, because he hath rewarded me |