[1]RejoiceH7442[H8761] in the LORDH3068, O ye righteousH6662: for praiseH8416 is comelyH5000 for the uprightH3477. [2]PraiseH3034[H8685] the LORDH3068 with harpH3658: singH2167[H8761] unto him with the psalteryH5035 and an instrument of ten stringsH6218. [3]SingH7891[H8798] unto him a newH2319 songH7892; playH5059[H8763] skilfullyH3190[H8685] with a loud noiseH8643. [4]For the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 is rightH3477; and all his worksH4639 are done in truthH530. [5]He lovethH157[H8802] righteousnessH6666 and judgmentH4941: the earthH776 is fullH4390[H8804] of the goodnessH2617 of the LORDH3068. [6]By the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 were the heavensH8064 madeH6213[H8738]; and all the hostH6635 of them by the breathH7307 of his mouthH6310. [7]He gatherethH3664[H8802] the watersH4325 of the seaH3220 together as an heapH5067: he layeth upH5414[H8802] the depthH8415 in storehousesH214. [8]Let all the earthH776 fearH3372[H8799] the LORDH3068: let all the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of the worldH8398 stand in aweH1481 of himH8799. [9]For he spakeH559[H8804], and it was done; he commandedH6680[H8765], and it stood fastH5975.[H8799] [10]The LORDH3068 bringethH6331 the counselH6098 of the heathenH1471 to noughtH6331[H8689]: he makethH5106 the devicesH4284 of the peopleH5971 of none effectH5106.[H8689] [11]The counselH6098 of the LORDH3068 standethH5975[H8799] for everH5769, the thoughtsH4284 of his heartH3820 to allH1755 generationsH1755. [12]BlessedH835 is the nationH1471 whose GodH430 is the LORDH3068; and the peopleH5971 whom he hath chosenH977[H8804] for his own inheritanceH5159. [13]The LORDH3068 lookethH5027[H8689] from heavenH8064; he beholdethH7200[H8804] all the sonsH1121 of menH120. [14]From the placeH4349 of his habitationH3427[H8800] he lookethH7688[H8689] upon all the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of the earthH776. [15]He fashionethH3335[H8802] their heartsH3820 alikeH3162; he considerethH995[H8688] all their worksH4639. [16]There is no kingH4428 savedH3467[H8737] by the multitudeH7230 of an hostH2428: a mighty manH1368 is not deliveredH5337[H8735] by muchH7230 strengthH3581. [17]An horseH5483 is a vain thingH8267 for safetyH8668: neither shall he deliverH4422[H8762] any by his greatH7230 strengthH2428. [18]Behold, the eyeH5869 of the LORDH3068 is upon them that fearH3373 him, upon them that hopeH3176[H8764] in his mercyH2617; [19]To deliverH5337[H8687] their soulH5315 from deathH4194, and to keep them aliveH2421[H8763] in famineH7458. [20]Our soulH5315 waitethH2442[H8765] for the LORDH3068: he is our helpH5828 and our shieldH4043. [21]For our heartH3820 shall rejoiceH8055[H8799] in him, because we have trustedH982[H8804] in his holyH6944 nameH8034. [22]Let thy mercyH2617, O LORDH3068, be upon us, according as we hopeH3176 in theeH8765.

Source: studybible.info