[1]To the Overseer, on stringed instruments. -- By David. Hear, O God, my loud cry, attend to my prayer. [2]From the end of the land unto Thee I call, In the feebleness of my heart, Into a rock higher than I Thou dost lead me. [3]For Thou hast been a refuge for me, A tower of strength because of the enemy. [4]I sojourn in Thy tent to the ages, I trust in the secret place of Thy wings. Selah. [5]For Thou, O God, hast hearkened to my vows, Thou hast appointed the inheritance Of those fearing Thy name. [6]Days to the days of the king Thou addest, His years as generation and generation. [7]He dwelleth to the age before God, Kindness and truth appoint -- they keep him. [8]So do I praise Thy name for ever, When I pay my vows day by day!

Source: unbound.biola.edu