The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[[To him that excelleth.] A Psalm Chapter or song of David.]
[1]To the chief MusicianH5329[H8764], A PsalmH4210 or SongH7892 of DavidH1732. Let GodH430 ariseH6965[H8799], let his enemiesH341[H8802] be scatteredH6327[H8799]: let them also that hateH8130[H8764] him fleeH5127[H8799] before himH6440. [1]God will arise, and his enemies shall be scattered: they also that hate him, shall flee before him.
[2]As smokeH6227 is driven awayH5086[H8736], so drive them awayH5086[H8799]: as waxH1749 meltethH4549[H8736] beforeH6440 the fireH784, so let the wickedH7563 perishH6[H8799] at the presenceH6440 of GodH430. [2]As the smoke vanisheth, so shalt thou drive them away: and as wax melteth before the fire, so shall the wicked perish at the presence of God.
[3]But let the righteousH6662 be gladH8055[H8799]; let them rejoiceH5970[H8799] beforeH6440 GodH430: yea, let them exceedinglyH8057 rejoiceH7797.[H8799] [3]But the righteous shall be glad , and rejoice before God: yea, they shall leap for joy.
[4]SingH7891[H8798] unto GodH430, sing praisesH2167[H8761] to his nameH8034: extolH5549[H8798] him that ridethH7392[H8802] upon the heavensH6160 by his nameH8034 JAHH3050, and rejoiceH5937[H8798] before himH6440. [4]Sing unto God , and sing praises unto his name: exalt him, that rideth upon the heavens, in his Name Jah, and rejoice before him.
[5]A fatherH1 of the fatherlessH3490, and a judgeH1781 of the widowsH490, is GodH430 in his holyH6944 habitationH4583. [5]He is a father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, even God in his holy habitation.
[6]GodH430 settethH3427[H8688] the solitaryH3173 in familiesH1004: he bringeth outH3318[H8688] those which are boundH615 with chainsH3574: but the rebelliousH5637[H8802] dwellH7931[H8804] in a dry landH6707. [6]God maketh the solitary to dwell in families, and delivereth them that were prisoners in stocks: but the rebellious shall dwell in a dry land.
[7]O GodH430, when thou wentest forthH3318[H8800] beforeH6440 thy peopleH5971, when thou didst marchH6805[H8800] through the wildernessH3452; SelahH5542: [7]O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people: when thou wentest through the wilderness, (Selah)
[8]The earthH776 shookH7493[H8804], the heavensH8064 also droppedH5197[H8804] at the presenceH6440 of GodH430: even SinaiH5514 itselfH2088 was moved at the presenceH6440 of GodH430, the GodH430 of IsraelH3478. [8]The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the presence of this God: even Sinai was moved at the presence of God, even the God of Israel.
[9]Thou, O GodH430, didst sendH5130[H8686] a plentifulH5071 rainH1653, whereby thou didst confirmH3559[H8790] thine inheritanceH5159, when it was wearyH3811.[H8738] [9]Thou, O God, sendest a gracious rain upon thine inheritance, and thou didst refresh it when it was weary.
[10]Thy congregationH2416 hath dweltH3427[H8804] therein: thou, O GodH430, hast preparedH3559[H8686] of thy goodnessH2896 for the poorH6041. [10]Thy congregation dwelled therein: for thou, O God, hast of thy goodness prepared it for the poor.
[11]The LordH136 gaveH5414[H8799] the wordH562: greatH7227 was the companyH6635 of those that publishedH1319 itH8764. [11]The Lord gave matter to the women to tell of the great army.
[12]KingsH4428 of armiesH6635 did fleeH5074[H8799] apaceH5074[H8799]: and she that tarriedH5116 at homeH1004 dividedH2505[H8762] the spoilH7998. [12]Kings of the armies did flee: they did flee and she that remained in the house, divided the spoil.
[13]Though ye have lienH7901[H8799] among the potsH8240, yet shall ye be as the wingsH3671 of a doveH3123 coveredH2645[H8737] with silverH3701, and her feathersH84 with yellowH3422 goldH2742. [13]Though ye have lien among pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove that is covered with silver, and whose feathers are like yellow gold.
[14]When the AlmightyH7706 scatteredH6566[H8763] kingsH4428 in it, it was white as snowH7949[H8686] in SalmonH6756. [14]When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as the snow in Zalmon.
[15]The hillH2022 of GodH430 is as the hillH2022 of BashanH1316; an highH1386 hillH2022 as the hillH2022 of BashanH1316. [15]The mountain of God is like the mountain of Bashan: it is an high mountain, as mount Bashan.
[16]Why leapH7520[H8762] ye, ye highH1386 hillsH2022? this is the hillH2022 which GodH430 desirethH2530[H8804] to dwell inH3427[H8800]; yea, the LORDH3068 will dwellH7931[H8799] in it for everH5331. [16]Why leap ye, ye high mountains? As for this mountain, God delighteth to dwell in it: yea, the Lord will dwell in it forever.
[17]The chariotsH7393 of GodH430 are twenty thousandH7239, even thousandsH505 of angelsH8136: the LordH136 is among them, as in SinaiH5514, in the holy placeH6944. [17]The chariots of God are twenty thousand thousand angels, and the Lord is among them, as in the Sanctuary of Sinai.
[18]Thou hast ascendedH5927[H8804] on highH4791, thou hast led captivityH7628 captiveH7617[H8804]: thou hast receivedH3947[H8804] giftsH4979 for menH120; yea, for the rebelliousH5637[H8802] also, that the LORDH3050 GodH430 might dwellH7931 among themH8800. [18]Thou art gone up on high: thou hast led captivity captive, and received gifts for men: yea, even the rebellious hast thou led, that the Lord God might dwell there.
[19]BlessedH1288[H8803] be the LordH136, who dailyH3117[H3117] loadethH6006[H8799] us with benefits, even the GodH410 of our salvationH3444. SelahH5542. [19]Praised be the Lord, even the God of our salvation, which loadeth us daily with benefits. Selah.
[20]He that is our GodH410 is the GodH410 of salvationH4190; and unto GODH3069 the LordH136 belong the issuesH8444 from deathH4194. [20]This is our God, even the God that saveth us: and to the Lord God belong the issues of death.
[21]But GodH430 shall woundH4272[H8799] the headH7218 of his enemiesH341[H8802], and the hairyH8181 scalpH6936 of such an one as goeth on stillH1980[H8693] in his trespassesH817. [21]Surely God will wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy pate of him that walketh in his sins.
[22]The LordH136 saidH559[H8804], I will bring againH7725[H8686] from BashanH1316, I will bring my people againH7725[H8686] from the depthsH4688 of the seaH3220: [22]The Lord hath said, I will bring my people again from Bashan: I will bring them again from the depths of the sea:
[23]That thy footH7272 may be dippedH4272[H8799] in the bloodH1818 of thine enemiesH341[H8802], and the tongueH3956 of thy dogs in the sameH3611. [23]That thy foot may be dipped in blood, and the tongue of thy dogs in the blood of the enemies, even in it.
[24]They have seenH7200[H8804] thy goingsH1979, O GodH430; even the goingsH1979 of my GodH410, my KingH4428, in the sanctuaryH6944. [24]They have seen, O God, thy goings, the goings of my God, and my King, which art in the sanctuary.
[25]The singersH7891[H8802] went beforeH6923[H8765], the players on instrumentsH5059[H8802] followed afterH310; amongH8432 them were the damselsH5959 playing with timbrelsH8608.[H8802] [25]The singers went before, the players of instruments after: in the midst were the maids playing with timbrels.
[26]BlessH1288[H8761] ye GodH430 in the congregationsH4721, even the LordH136, from the fountainH4726 of IsraelH3478. [26]Praise ye God in the assemblies, and the Lord, ye that are of the fountain of Israel.
[27]There is littleH6810 BenjaminH1144 with their rulerH7287[H8802], the princesH8269 of JudahH3063 and their councilH7277, the princesH8269 of ZebulunH2074, and the princesH8269 of NaphtaliH5321. [27]There was little Benjamin with their ruler, and the princes of Judah with their assembly, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.
[28]Thy GodH430 hath commandedH6680[H8765] thy strengthH5797: strengthenH5810[H8798], O GodH430, that whichH2098 thou hast wroughtH6466 for usH8804. [28]Thy God hath appointed thy strength: establish, O God, that, which thou hast wrought in us,
[29]Because of thy templeH1964 at JerusalemH3389 shall kingsH4428 bringH2986[H8686] presents unto theeH7862. [29]Out of thy temple upon Jerusalem: and kings shall bring presents unto thee.
[30]RebukeH1605[H8798] the companyH2416 of spearmenH7070, the multitudeH5712 of the bullsH47, with the calvesH5695 of the peopleH5971, till every one submitH7511[H8693] himself with piecesH7518 of silverH3701: scatterH967[H8765] thou the peopleH5971 that delightH2654[H8799] in warH7128. [30]Destroy the company of the spear men, and multitude of the mighty bulls with the calves of the people, that tread under feet pieces of silver: scatter the people that delight in war.
[31]PrincesH2831 shall come outH857[H8799] of EgyptH4714; EthiopiaH3568 shall soon stretch outH7323[H8686] her handsH3027 unto GodH430. [31]Then shall the princes come out of Egypt: Ethiopia shall haste to stretch her hands unto God.
[32]SingH7891[H8798] unto GodH430, ye kingdomsH4467 of the earthH776; O sing praisesH2167[H8761] unto the LordH136; SelahH5542: [32]Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms of the earth: sing praise unto the Lord, (Selah)
[33]To him that ridethH7392[H8802] upon the heavensH8064 of heavensH8064, which were of oldH6924; lo, he doth send outH5414[H8799] his voiceH6963, and that a mightyH5797 voiceH6963. [33]To him that rideth upon the most high heavens, which were from the beginning: behold, he will send out by his voice a mighty sound.
[34]AscribeH5414[H8798] ye strengthH5797 unto GodH430: his excellencyH1346 is over IsraelH3478, and his strengthH5797 is in the cloudsH7834. [34]Ascribe the power of God: for his majesty is upon Israel, and his strength is in the clouds.
[35]O GodH430, thou art terribleH3372[H8737] out of thy holy placesH4720: the GodH410 of IsraelH3478 is he that givethH5414[H8802] strengthH5797 and powerH8592 unto his peopleH5971. BlessedH1288[H8803] be GodH430. [35]O God, thou art terrible out of thine holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto the people: praised be God.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org