Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
The Second Book of Clement
[1]The title of the nyne and seuentithe salm. To victorie; this salm is witnessing of Asaph for lilies. [No book]
[2]Thou that gouernest Israel, yyue tent; that leedist forth Joseph as a scheep. Thou that sittist on cherubym; be schewid bifore Effraym, [No book]
[3]Beniamyn, and Manasses. Stire thi power, and come thou; that thou make vs saaf. [No book]
[4]God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf. [No book]
[5]Lord God of vertues; hou longe schalt thou be wrooth on the preier of thi seruaunt? [No book]
[6]Hou longe schalt thou feede vs with the breed of teeris; and schalt yyue drynke to vs with teeris in mesure? [No book]
[7]Thou hast set vs in to ayenseiyng to oure neiyboris; and oure enemyes han scornyde vs. [No book]
[8]God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf. [No book]
[9]Thou translatidist a vyne fro Egipt; thou castidist out hethene men, and plauntidist it. [No book]
[10]Thou were leeder of the weie in the siyt therof; and thou plauntidist the rootis therof, and it fillide the lond. [No book]
[11]The schadewe therof hilide hillis; and the braunchis therof filliden the cedris of God. [No book]
[12]It streiyte forth hise siouns til to the see, and the generacioun ther of `til to the flood. [No book]
[13]Whi hast thou destried the wal therof; and alle men that goen forth bi the weie gaderiden awei the grapis therof? [No book]
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com