Young's Literal Translation
The Muratorian Canon
[1]God of vengeance -- Jehovah! God of vengeance, shine forth. [No book]
[2]Be lifted up, O Judge of the earth, Send back a recompence on the proud. [No book]
[3]Till when [do] the wicked, O Jehovah? Till when do the wicked exult? [No book]
[4]They utter -- they speak an old saw, All working iniquity do boast themselves. [No book]
[5]Thy people, O Jehovah, they bruise, And Thine inheritance they afflict. [No book]
[6]Widow and sojourner they slay, And fatherless ones they murder. [No book]
[7]And they say, `Jehovah doth not see, And the God of Jacob doth not consider.' [No book]
[8]Consider, ye brutish among the people, And ye foolish, when do ye act wisely? [No book]
[9]He who planteth the ear doth He not hear? He who formeth the eye doth He not see? [No book]
[10]He who is instructing nations, Doth He not reprove? He who is teaching man knowledge [is] Jehovah. [No book]
[11]He knoweth the thoughts of man, that they [are] vanity. [No book]
[12]O the happiness of the man Whom Thou instructest, O Jah, And out of Thy law teachest him, [No book]
[13]To give rest to him from days of evil, While a pit is digged for the wicked. [No book]
[14]For Jehovah leaveth not His people, And His inheritance forsaketh not. [No book]
[15]For to righteousness judgment turneth back, And after it all the upright of heart, [No book]
[16]Who riseth up for me with evil doers? Who stationeth himself for me with workers of iniquity? [No book]
[17]Unless Jehovah [were] a help to me, My soul had almost inhabited silence. [No book]
[18]If I have said, `My foot hath slipped,' Thy kindness, O Jehovah, supporteth me. [No book]
[19]In the abundance of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul. [No book]
[20]Is a throne of mischief joined [with] Thee? A framer of perverseness by statute? [No book]
[21]They decree against the soul of the righteous, And innocent blood declare wicked. [No book]
[22]And Jehovah is for a high place to me, And my God [is] for a rock -- my refuge, [No book]
[23]And turneth back on them their iniquity, And in their wickedness cutteth them off; Jehovah our God doth cut them off! [No book]
Source: unbound.biola.edu
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/muratorian.html