[1]AndG2532 afterG3326 these thingsG5023 I heardG191[G5656] a greatG3173 voiceG5456 of muchG4183 peopleG3793 inG1722 heavenG3772, sayingG3004[G5723], AlleluiaG239; SalvationG4991, andG2532 gloryG1391, andG2532 honourG5092, andG2532 powerG1411, unto the LordG2962 ourG2257 GodG2316: |
[1]AFTER these I heard a great voice of a multitudinous host in heaven, saying, Halleluia! Salvation, and power, and glory, and honour, be unto our God. |
[2]ForG3754 trueG228 andG2532 righteousG1342 are hisG846 judgmentsG2920: forG3754 he hath judgedG2919[G5656] the greatG3173 whoreG4204, whichG3748 did corruptG5351[G5707] the earthG1093 withG1722 herG846 fornicationG4202, andG2532 hath avengedG1556[G5656] the bloodG129 of hisG846 servantsG1401 atG1537 herG846 handG5495. |
[2]For true and righteous are his judgments; because he hath judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. |
[3]AndG2532 againG1208 they saidG2046[G5758], AlleluiaG239. AndG2532 herG846 smokeG2586 rose upG305[G5719] forG1519 everG165 and everG165. |
[3]And the second time they said, Halleluia! And her smoke went up for ever and ever. |
[4]AndG2532 the fourG5064 andG2532 twentyG1501 eldersG4245 andG2532 the fourG5064 beastsG2226 fell downG4098[G5627] andG2532 worshippedG4352[G5656] GodG2316 that satG2521[G5740] onG1909 the throneG2362, sayingG3004[G5723], AmenG281; AlleluiaG239. |
[4]And the four-and-twenty presbyters fell, and the four living-ones, and worshipped Aloha who sitteth upon the throne, saying, Amen, Halleluia! |
[5]AndG2532 a voiceG5456 cameG1831[G5627] out ofG1537 the throneG2362, sayingG3004[G5723], PraiseG134[G5720] ourG2257 GodG2316, all yeG3956 hisG846 servantsG1401, andG2532 ye that fearG5399[G5740] himG846, bothG2532 smallG3398 andG2532 greatG3173. |
[5]And a voice came forth from the throne, saying, Praise our God, all his servants, and they who fear him, small and great. |
[6]AndG2532 I heardG191[G5656] as it wereG5613 the voiceG5456 of a greatG4183 multitudeG3793, andG2532 asG5613 the voiceG5456 of manyG4183 watersG5204, andG2532 asG5613 the voiceG5456 of mightyG2478 thunderingsG1027, sayingG3004[G5723], AlleluiaG239: forG3754 the LordG2962 GodG2316 omnipotentG3841 reignethG936.[G5656] |
[6]And I heard as the voice of a great host, as the voice of many waters, as the voice of mighty thunders, saying, Halleluia, for the Lord our God the Omnipotent reigneth! |
[7]Let us be gladG5463[G5725] andG2532 rejoiceG21[G5741], andG2532 giveG1325[G5632] honourG1391 to himG846: forG3754 the marriageG1062 of the LambG721 is comeG2064[G5627], andG2532 hisG846 wifeG1135 hath madeG2090 herselfG1438 readyG2090.[G5656] |
[7]Let us rejoice and exult and give glory unto him; because the marriage feast of the Lamb hath come, and his bride hath made herself ready. |
[8]AndG2532 to herG846 was grantedG1325[G5681] thatG2443 she should be arrayedG4016[G5643] in fine linenG1039, cleanG2513 andG2532 whiteG2986: forG1063 the fine linenG1039 isG2076[G5748] the righteousnessG1345 of saintsG40. |
[8]And it was given to her to be arrayed in fine linen, resplendent and pure; for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. |
[9]AndG2532 he saithG3004[G5719] unto meG3427, WriteG1125[G5657], BlessedG3107 are they which are calledG2564[G5772] untoG1519 the marriageG1062 supperG1173 of the LambG721. AndG2532 he saithG3004[G5719] unto meG3427, TheseG3778 areG1526[G5748] the trueG228 sayingsG3056 of GodG2316. |
[9]And he said to me, Write, Blessed are they who to the supper of the marriage feast of the Lamb are called. And he said to me, These my words are the true sayings of Aloha. |
[10]AndG2532 I fellG4098[G5627] atG1715 hisG846 feetG4228 to worshipG4352[G5658] himG846. AndG2532 he saidG3004[G5719] unto meG3427, SeeG3708[G5720] thou do it notG3361: I amG1510[G5748] thyG4675 fellowservantG4889, andG2532 of thyG4675 brethrenG80 that haveG2192[G5723] the testimonyG3141 of JesusG2424: worshipG4352[G5657] GodG2316: forG1063 the testimonyG3141 of JesusG2424 isG2076[G5748] the spiritG4151 of prophecyG4394. |
[10]And I fell before his feet to worship; and he said to me, See [that thou do it] not; thy fellowservant (am I), and of thy brethren who have the testimony of Jeshu. Aloha worship; for the testimony of Jeshu is the spirit of prophecy. |
[11]AndG2532 I sawG1492[G5627] heavenG3772 openedG455[G5772], andG2532 beholdG2400[G5628] a whiteG3022 horseG2462; andG2532 he that satG2521[G5740] uponG1909 himG846 was calledG2564[G5746] FaithfulG4103 andG2532 TrueG228, andG2532 inG1722 righteousnessG1343 he doth judgeG2919[G5719] andG2532 make warG4170.[G5719] |
[11]And I saw heaven opened. And behold a white horse, and he who sat upon him was called the Faithful and the True; and in righteousness he judgeth and maketh war. |
[12][G1161]HisG846 eyesG3788 were asG5613 a flameG5395 of fireG4442, andG2532 onG1909 hisG846 headG2776 were manyG4183 crownsG1238; and he hadG2192[G5723] a nameG3686 writtenG1125[G5772], thatG3739 no manG3762 knewG1492[G5758], butG1508 he himselfG846. |
[12]But his eyes were as the flame of fire, and upon his head were many diadems, having names written; and the name which was written of him no man knoweth but himself. |
[13]AndG2532 he was clothedG4016[G5772] with a vestureG2440 dippedG911[G5772] in bloodG129: andG2532 hisG846 nameG3686 is calledG2564[G5743] The WordG3056 of GodG2316. |
[13]And he was arrayed in a vestment sprinkled with blood, and his name was called The Word of Aloha. |
[14]AndG2532 the armiesG4753 which wereG3588 inG1722 heavenG3772 followedG190[G5707] himG846 uponG1909 whiteG3022 horsesG2462, clothedG1746[G5765] in fine linenG1039, whiteG3022 andG2532 cleanG2513. |
[14]And the armies of heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in garments of fine linen, pure [and] white. |
[15]AndG2532 out ofG1537 hisG846 mouthG4750 goethG1607[G5736] a sharpG3691 swordG4501, thatG2443 withG1722 itG846 he should smiteG3960[G5661] the nationsG1484: andG2532 heG846 shall ruleG4165[G5692] themG846 withG1722 a rodG4464 of ironG4603: andG2532 heG846 treadethG3961[G5719] the winepressG3025[G3631] of the fiercenessG2372 andG2532 wrathG3709 of AlmightyG3841 GodG2316. |
[15]And from his mouth went forth a sharp sword of two edges, that therewith he might smite the nations. And he will rule the nations with a rod of iron, and he will tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Aloha the Omnipotent. |
[16]AndG2532 he hathG2192[G5719] onG1909 his vestureG2440 andG2532 onG1909 hisG846 thighG3382 a nameG3686 writtenG1125[G5772], KINGG935 OF KINGSG935, ANDG2532 LORDG2962 OF LORDSG2962. |
[16]And he had upon his vestment and upon his thigh the name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords. |
[17]AndG2532 I sawG1492[G5627] anG1520 angelG32 standingG2476[G5761] inG1722 the sunG2246; andG2532 he criedG2896[G5656] with a loudG3173 voiceG5456, sayingG3004[G5723] to allG3956 the fowlsG3732 that flyG4072[G5740] inG1722 the midst of heavenG3321, ComeG1205[G5773] andG2532 gather yourselves togetherG4863[G5744] untoG1519 the supperG1173 of the greatG3173 GodG2316; |
[17]And I saw an angel standing in the sun. And he cried with a great voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come, gather to the great supper of Aloha; |
[18]ThatG2443 ye may eatG5315[G5632] the fleshG4561 of kingsG935, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of captainsG5506, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of mighty menG2478, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of horsesG2462, andG2532 of them that sitG2521[G5740] onG1909 themG846, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of allG3956 men, both freeG1658 andG2532 bondG1401, bothG2532 smallG3398 andG2532 greatG3173. |
[18]That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of chiefs of thousands, and the flesh of heroes, and the flesh of horses and them who sit upon them, and the flesh of all the sons of liberty and of the slaves, and of the small and of the great. |
[19]AndG2532 I sawG1492[G5627] the beastG2342, andG2532 the kingsG935 of the earthG1093, andG2532 theirG846 armiesG4753, gathered togetherG4863[G5772] to makeG4160[G5658] warG4171 againstG3326 him that satG2521[G5740] onG1909 the horseG2462, andG2532 againstG3326 hisG846 armyG4753. |
[19]And I saw the beast of prey, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war with him who sat on the throne, and with his armies. |
[20]AndG2532 the beastG2342 was takenG4084[G5681], andG2532 withG3326 himG5127 the false prophetG5578 that wroughtG4160[G5660] miraclesG4592 beforeG1799 himG846, withG1722 whichG3739 he deceivedG4105[G5656] them that had receivedG2983[G5631] the markG5480 of the beastG2342, andG2532 them that worshippedG4352[G5723] hisG846 imageG1504. These bothG1417 were castG906[G5681] aliveG2198[G5723] intoG1519 a lakeG3041 of fireG4442 burningG2545[G5746] withG1722 brimstoneG2303. |
[20]And the beast of prey was taken, and the false prophet with him who wrought signs before him, with which he deluded them who received the signature of the beast of prey, and them who worshipped his image; and living they were both cast into the lake of fire which burneth with sulphur. |
[21]AndG2532 the remnantG3062 were slainG615[G5681] withG1722 the swordG4501 of him that satG2521[G5740] uponG1909 the horseG2462, whichG3588 sword proceededG1607[G5740] out ofG1537 hisG846 mouthG4750: andG2532 allG3956 the fowlsG3732 were filledG5526[G5681] withG1537 theirG846 fleshG4561. |
[21]And the rest were slain with the sword of him who sat upon the horse; with that [sword] which went forth from his mouth. And all the fowls were satiated with their flesh. |