Peshitta NT (literal)
The Gospel of Barnabas
[1]My brothers the desire of my heart and my petition which is before Alaha is for their sake that they might be saved [No book]
[2]Bear witness I for to them that zeal of Alaha is in them but not in knowledge [No book]
[3]The righteousness for of Alaha not they knew but they sought the righteousness of themselves to establish and because of this to the righteousness of Alaha not were submitted [No book]
[4]The consummation for of The Written Law The Messiah is for righteousness to everyone who believes [No book]
[5]Moses for in this way wrote of the righteousness in The Written Law "whoever shall do these things shall live in them" [No book]
[6]The righteousness but that is in faith thus says that not you shall say in your heart who? ascended to Heaven and sent down The Messiah [No book]
[7]And who? went down to the abyss of Sheol and brings up The Messiah from among the dead [No book]
[8]But what? does it say near is to you the answer to your mouth and to your heart this is the word of the faith that we preach [No book]
[9]And if you will confess with your mouth our Lord Ieshu and you will believe in your heart that Alaha has raised Him from among the dead you shall have life [No book]
[10]The heart for that believes in Him is justified and the mouth that confesses Him lives [No book]
[11]Say for the scriptures that everyone who believes in Him not shall be ashamed [No book]
[12]And in this not He makes distinction not for Jews neither for Aramaeans One He is for the Lord of all of them Who is rich with everyone who calls to Him [No book]
[13]Everyone for who will call the Name of Lord shall have Life [No book]
[14]How? therefore would they call to This One unless they believed in Him or how? would they believe Him unless they heard Him or how? would they hear without a preacher [No book]
[15]Or how? will they preach if not they will be sent as it is written how beautiful their feet of a messenger of peace and of a messenger of good things [No book]
[16]But not it was all have obeyed the message of the Gospel Isaiah for said My Lord who is? believing the daughter of our voice [No book]
[17]Therefore the faith from hearing the ear is and hearing the ear from the word of Alaha [No book]
[18]But said I interrog. not? have they heard and behold in the whole earth has gone out the daughter of their voices [No book]
[19]But said I interrog. not? knew Israel before Moses thus said I shall make you jealous by a people that is not a people and by a people that not is obedient I shall anger you [No book]
[20]Isaiah but was bold and he said I appeared to those who not sought Me and I was found by those who for Me not asked [No book]
[21]To Israel but He said I reached My hands day all to a people contentious and dis- obedient [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com