[1]But said I interrog. has thrust away it? Alaha His people Alaha forbid! also I for from Israel am from his seed of Abraham from the tribe of Benjamin [2]Not thrust away Alaha His people which from the first known was to Him or not? know you in the scriptures that Elia which said when complained he had to Alaha about Israel and said [3]My Lord Your prophets they have murdered and Your altars they have toppled and I am alone am left and they seek my life [4]And it was said to him by revelation that behold I have left for myself seven thousand men those who upon their knees not knelt nor worshipped Baal [5]In this way also in this time a remnant there is left in the election of grace [6]If but by grace not it was from work or else grace not is grace if but by work not it was from grace or else work not is work [7]Why? therefore that which seeking was Israel not has it found the election but has found the rest of them but were blinded in their hearts [8]Just as that is written that gave to them Alaha the spirit of irritation and eyes that not will observe in them and ears that not will hear until the day of today [9]And David again said shall be their table before them a trap and their reward an offense [10]Let be darkened their eyes lest they will see and their back in every time shall be bent over [11]Said I but interrog did they stumble? so they would fall Alaha forbid! but by their offense theirs there was life to the nations to their envy [12]And if their offense was wealth to the world and their condemnation wealth to the nations How much more? therefore their fullness [13]To you but said I to the nations I who am the apostle of the nations my ministry honor I [14]Perhaps I may make jealous the sons of my flesh and I may save some of them [15]If for their rejection the reconciliation for the world was How much more? therefore their return but life from the house of the dead [16]And if but the first fruits are holy also the substance and if the root holy is also the branches [17]And if some branches were cut off and you of an olive tree are of the wilderness you were grafted into their place and you have become a partaker of the roots and of the fat of the olive tree [18]Not boast against the branches if but boast you not? was it you were supported by it by the root rather than that root was supported by you [19]And doubtless you will say "the branches" that were cut off that I in their place may be grafted [20]Fine these because not they believed were cut off you but by faith have stood not be lifted up in your mind but fear [21]If Alaha for upon the branches that from their nature not showed pity surely neither upon you He will show pity [22]Behold therefore the sweetness and the hardness of Alaha on those who fell hardness on you but sweetness if you abide in Him in sweetness and if not also you will be cut off [23]And those if not they continue in the destitution of their faith also those they will be grafted is able for Alaha again to graft them [24]If for you who from an olive tree are wild that is because by your nature you were cut off and who not by your nature you were grafted into the olive tree good How many? therefore are those surely to be grafted into the olive tree of their nature [25]Want I for you to know my brethren mystery this lest you will be wise in the opinion of yourselves that blindness of the heart of a time little has come to Israel until will enter the fullness of the nations [26]And then all Israel shall have Life--be saved just as that is written "shall come from Tsion The Savior and He shall turn away evil from Yaqob [27]And then will be to them the covenant that is that from My presence whenever I shall have forgiven to them their sins [28]By the Gospel but enemies they are for your sake and in the election beloved they are because of the patriarchs [29]Not for changes Alaha in His gifts and in His callings [30]Just as for that also you not obeying you were to Alaha from the first and now you have been favored because of dis- their obedience of those [31]In this way also these not obeyed now mercy that upon you that also upon them there shall be mercy [32]Has confined for Alaha every person in dis- -obedience that upon every person He shall have mercy [33]O' the depth of the wealth and the wisdom and knowledge of Alaha for man not has searched His judgments and His ways not are traced [34]Who? for has known the mind of Lord or who? has been to Him master of counsel [35]And who? first has given to Him and then has received from Him [36]Because all from Him and all in Him and all is by His hand that to Him praises and blessings to the eternity of eternities Amen