Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]I beg therefore of you my brethren by the mercies of Alaha that you present your bodies sacrifices living and holy and acceptable to Alaha by a service logical [No book]
[2]And do not imitate you world this but be transformed by the renovation of your minds and you shall distinguish which? is the will of Alaha good and acceptable and perfect [No book]
[3]Say I but by the grace that is given to me to you all that not you should have self esteem outside of what is necessary to have self esteem but you should have self esteem in modesty every person as distributes to him Alaha faith by a measure [No book]
[4]Just as for in one body members many are to us and all of those members not have one function to them [No book]
[5]In this way also we who many are one we are body in The Messiah each one of us but members we are of each other [No book]
[6]But there are to us gifts of a variety according to the grace that is given us there is that of prophesy according to the measure of his faith [No book]
[7]And there is that of ministry it is to one in his service and there is that of teacher that is in his learning [No book]
[8]And there is that of a comforter which is in his comforting and a giver in generosity and a leader chief with diligence and that of caregiver with cheerfulness [No book]
[9]And not let be deceitful your love but be you hating evil and cleaving to the good [No book]
[10]Be you affectionate to your brethren and love one another be you preferring honoring one another [No book]
[11]Be you diligent and do not be lazy be you enthusiastic in spirit be you working for your Lord [No book]
[12]Be you rejoicing in your hope be you enduring your afflictions be you persisting in prayer [No book]
[13]Be you partakers with the needs of the holy ones be you be friends of strangers [No book]
[14]Bless your persecutors bless and do not curse [No book]
[15]Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep [No book]
[16]And whatever esteem you about yourselves do also about your brethren and do not esteem you opinions high but go out to those who are humble and not be you wise in opinions of yourselves [No book]
[17]And do not repay a person evil for evil but it should concern you to do good before the children of men all of them [No book]
[18]And if it is possible according to what is from within you with every person peace make [No book]
[19]And not be you avenging you yourselves beloved but give place to rage is written it for that if not you will execute judgment for yourself I I shall execute your judgment says Alaha [No book]
[20]And if hungers your enemy feed him and if he thirsts give him drink and if these you do to him coals of fire you will heap on his skull [No book]
[21]Not be you overcome by evil but overcome evil by good [No book]