[1]But to him who is weak in the faith give the hand, and be not divided in your thoughts. [2]For there are some who believe that one may eat every thing, and he who is weak; eateth [only] the herb. [3]But let not him who eateth despise him who eateth not; and he who eateth not, let him not judge him who eateth; for Aloha hath received him. [4]Who art thou that judgest a servant who is not thine? who, if he stand, unto his Lord he standeth, and if he fall, falleth unto his Lord. But standing, he standeth; for there is power in the hands of his Lord to make him stand. [5]There is who distinguisheth day from day, and there is who judgeth all days [to be alike]; but let every man in the conviction of his [own] mind be confirmed. [6]He who thinketh of the day, to his Lord he thinketh; and every one who thinketh not of the day, unto his Lord he thinketh not [of it]. He who eateth, to his Lord he eateth, and to Aloha giveth thanks; and he who eateth not, to his Lord he eateth not, and giveth thanks to Aloha. [7]For there is no one of us who to himself liveth and no one who to himself dieth. [8]For if we live, to our Lord we live; and if we die, to our Lord we die: and if we live, then, or if we die, our Lord's are we. [9]Because of this also the Meshiha died and lived and arose, that he might be Lord of the dead and of the living. [10]But thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? Or thou, also, why despisest thou thy brother? For we shall all stand before the tribunal of the Meshiha: [11]As it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, unto me every knee shall bow, and to me shall every tongue confess. [12]Therefore, every one of us the answer for himself shall give unto Aloha. [13]Then judge not one another, but this determine rather, to lay not a stumbling-block for thy brother. [14]For I know, and am persuaded in the Lord Jeshu, that a thing which is unclean from itself is not [so]; but to him who judgeth of any thing that it is polluted, to him only it is polluted. [15]But if on account of meat thou grievest thy brother, thou walkest not in love: destroy not by thy meat him on account of whom the Meshiha died. [16]Let not our good [things] be blasphemed. [17]For the kingdom of Aloha is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Spirit of Holiness. [18]For who in these things serveth the Meshiha pleaseth Aloha, and before men is approved. [19]Now, after peace let us pursue, and after the edification of one another, [20]And not for the sake of meats undo the work of Aloha. For each thing is pure, yet evil is it to the man who eateth with offence. [21]It is well not to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing by which our brother is offended. [22]Hast thou confidence? In thyself retain it before Aloha. Blessed is he who condemneth not himself in what he distinguisheth. [23]For he who doubteth and eateth is made guilty, because he eateth not with confidence. For every thing that is not of confidence is sin.
[14:5] Or, judgeth.
[14:5] Or, knowledge, intelligence.
[14:13] Or, judge.
[14:16] Toböthan, plural.
[14:19] Run.
[14:22] Judgeth.

Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info