Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]Therefore there is not condemnation to those who not are walking in the flesh in Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[2]The Law for of The Spirit of Life which is in Ieshu The Messiah has freed you from the Law of sin and of death [No book]
[3]Because weak was for The Written Law through the sickliness of the flesh sent Alaha His Son in the form of the flesh of sin because of sin to condemn sin in His flesh [No book]
[4]That the righteousness of The Written Law in us would be fulfilled that not would in the flesh we walk but in The Spirit [No book]
[5]Those for who in the flesh are of flesh that are governed and those who of The Spirit are of Spirit That are governed [No book]
[6]The mind for of the flesh death is and the mind of The Spirit life and peace [No book]
[7]Because the mind of the flesh hate is toward Alaha to the Law for of Alaha not it is subject because not that is possible [No book]
[8]And those who in the flesh are to please to Alaha not are able [No book]
[9]You but not you have been in the flesh but in The Spirit if truly The Spirit of Alaha dwells in you if but a man there is not in him The Spirit of The Messiah this one not has been belonging to Him [No book]
[10]And if but The Messiah is in you the body dead is for the cause of sin The Spirit but alive is for the cause of righteousness [No book]
[11]And if His Spirit of Him Who raised our Lord Ieshu The Messiah from the house of the dead dwells in you He Who raised Ieshu The Messiah from the house of the dead also to your bodies dead He will give life because of His Spirit Who dwells in you [No book]
[12]Now my brethren we are indebted not to the flesh that in the flesh we should walk [No book]
[13]If for in the flesh living you are are going you are to die and if in The Spirit the practices of the body putting to death you are are living you [No book]
[14]Those for who by The Spirit of Alaha are led these the children are of Alaha [No book]
[15]Not for you have received The Spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received The Spirit of the placement of children by Whom we cry Father our Father [No book]
[16]And That Spirit testifies to our spirit that we are children of Alaha [No book]
[17]And if children also heirs heirs of Alaha and children of the inheritance of Ieshu The Messiah for if we suffer with Him also with Him we shall be glorified [No book]
[18]Give counsel I for that not are worthy the sufferings of time this to the glory which is going to be revealed in us [No book]
[19]The whole for creation hopes for and expects the revelation of the children of Alaha [No book]
[20]The creation for has been subjected to futility not in its will but because of Him Who subjected it upon hope [No book]
[21]For also that creation shall be freed from the bondage of destruction into the liberty of the glory of the children of Alaha [No book]
[22]We know for that all created things groan and are in labor until today [No book]
[23]And not only those but also we who are in us the first fruits of The Spirit we groan in ourselves and we look for the placement of children and the redemption of our bodies [No book]
[24]Because in hope that we live hope but that appears not is hope if for we see it why? do we look for it [No book]
[25]If but for the thing that not appears we hope in patience we wait [No book]
[26]In this way also that Spirit helps our weakness what? for we should pray as whenever necessary not we know but That Spirit prays for our sake with groaning which not is spoken [No book]
[27]He Who searches but hearts He knows what? is the mind of The Spirit for according to will that of Alaha He is praying for the sake of the saints [No book]
[28]We know but that those who love to Alaha in every thing He helps them for good those whom before He ordained to be called [No book]
[29]And whom before He knew them also He fashioned them in the likeness of the image of His Son that He would be The First Born of brethren many [No book]
[30]Those but Whom before He fashioned them He called and those whom He called them He justified and those whom He justified them He glorified [No book]
[31]What? therefore shall we say about these things if Alaha is for us who is? against us [No book]
[32]And if upon His Son not He showed pity but for the sake of us all He handed Him over how? not every thing with Him shall He give us [No book]
[33]Who? shall accuse against the elect of Alaha Alaha is justifying [No book]
[34]Who is? condemning The Messiah has died and He is risen and He is at the right hand of Alaha and He prays for our sake [No book]
[35]What? will separate me from the love of The Messiah suffering? or imprisonment? or persecution? or famine? or nakedness? or peril? or sword? [No book]
[36]As it is written "for Your sake every day we are killed and we are accounted as sheep for slaughter [No book]
[37]But in these things all we conquer by Him Who has loved us [No book]
[38]Convinced I am for that not death neither life nor angel nor authority nor army nor what is present nor what will come [No book]
[39]Nor height nor depth neither created thing another shall be able to sever me from the love of Alaha which is in our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]