[1]Wysdome shall prayse her selfe, and be honoured in God, & reioyce in the middest of the people: |
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[2]In the congregations of the hyghest shall she open her mouth, and triumph in the beholding of his power. |
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[3]In the middest of her people shall she be exalted, and wondred at in the holy fulnesse. |
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[4]In the multitude of the chosen she shalbe commended, and among such as be blessed she shalbe praysed, and shal say, |
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[5]I am come out of the mouth of the hyghest, first borne before all creatures. |
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[6]I caused the light that fayleth not to aryse in the heauen, and couered all the earth as a cloude. |
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[7]My dwelling is aboue in the heygth, and my seate is in the pyller of the cloude. |
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[8]I my selfe alone haue gone round about the compasse of heauen, and pearsed the grounde of the deepe. |
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[9]I haue walked in the fluddes of the sea, and haue stande in all landes, my dominion is in euery people and in euery nation, and with my power haue I troden downe the heartes of all, both hye and lowe. |
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[10]In all these thinges also I sought rest, and a dwelling in some inheritaunce. |
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[11]So the creator of all thinges gaue me a commaundement, and he that made me, appoynted me a tabernacle, and sayd vnto me: Let thy dwelling be in Iacob, and thine inheritaunce in Israel, & roote thy selfe among my chosen. |
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[12]I was created from the beginning and before the world, and shall not leaue of vnto the world to come: In the holy habitation haue I serued before hym, and so was I stablished in Sion. |
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[13]In the holy citie rested I in like mauer, and in Hierusalem was my power. |
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[14]I toke roote in an honorable people, euen in the portion of the Lorde and in his heritage, and kept me in the fulnesse of the sainctes. |
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[15]I am set vp an hye like a Cedar vpon Libanus, and as a Cipers tree vpon the mount Hermon. |
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[16]I am exalted lyke a palme tree in Cades, and as a rose plant in Iericho, as a fayre Oliue tree in the fielde, and am exalted like as a plantaine tree by the water side. |
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[17]I haue geuen a smell in the streetes as the Cinamon and Balme that hath so good a sauour, yea a sweet odour haue I geuen as it were myrre of the best: I haue made my dwellinges to smell as it were of Rosin, Galbanum, of Cloues, Insence, and as Libanus when it is not hewen downe, and myne odour is as the pure balme. |
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[18]As the Terebint haue I stretched out my braunches, and my braunches are the braunches of honour and louing fauour. |
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[19]As the vine haue I brought foorth fruite of a sweete sauour, & my floures are the fruite of honour and riches. |
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[20]I am the mother of beautie, of loue, of feare, of knowledge, and of holy hope: I geue eternall thinges to all my children to whom God hath commaunded. |
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[21]In me is all grace of lyfe and trueth, in me is all hope of lyfe and vertue. |
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[22]O come vnto me al ye that be desirous of me, & fill your selues with my fruites. |
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[23]For my spirite is sweeter then hony, and so is myne inheritaunce more then the hony combe: the remembraunce of me endureth for euer more. |
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[24]They that eate me, shall haue the more hunger: and they that drinke me, shall thirst the more. |
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[25]Who so hearkeneth vnto me, shall not come to confusion, and they that worke in me shall not offende: they that take me to be knowen, shall haue euerlasting lyfe. |
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[26]All these thinges are the booke of lyfe, the couenaunt of the highest, and the knowledge of the trueth: Moyses commaunded the lawe in the preceptes of righteousnesse for an heritage vnto the house of Iacob, and committed the promise vnto Israel. |
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[27]Be not weery to behaue yourselues valiauntly with the Lord, that he may also confirme you: Cleaue vnto him, for the Lord almightie is but one God, and besides hym there is none other sauiour. |
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[28]( Out of Dauid his seruaunt he ordeyned to rayse vp a most mightie king, sitting in the seate of honour for euermore.) |
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[29]This filleth with wysdome, lyke as the fludde of Phison, and as the fludde of Tigris when the newe fruites are a growing. |
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[30]This bringeth a plenteous vnderstanding like Euphrates, and filleth it vp as Iordane in the time of haruest. |
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[31]This maketh nurture to breake foorth as the light, and as the water Gehon in the haruest. |
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[32]The first hath not knowen her perfectly: no more shall the last seke out the grounde of her. |
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[33]For her thought is fuller then the sea, and her counsell is profounder then the great deepe. |
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[34]I wysdome haue cast out fluddes, I am as a great water brooke out of the riuer, I am as the riuer Dorix, and as a water conduite am I come out of the garden of pleasure. |
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[35]I sayde, I will water the garden of my young plantes, and fil the fruite of my byrth: So my water brooke became exceeding great, and my riuer approched vnto the sea. |
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[36]For I make doctrine to be vnto al men as light as the faire morning, and I shal make it to be euer the clearer. |
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[37]I will pearse thorowe all the lower parties of the earth, I will loke vpon al such as be a sleepe, and lighten all them that put their trust in the Lorde. |
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[38]I shall yet powre out doctrine lyke as prophecie, and leaue it vnto such as seke after wysdome, and their generations shall I neuer fayle vnto the holy euerlasting worlde. |
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[39]Beholde howe that I haue not laboured for my selfe onely: but for all them that seke after the trueth. |
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