The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The First Book of Clement
[1]Do no euyl, so shal there no harme happen vnto thee. [No book]
[2]Depart away from the thyng that is wicked, and no misfortune shall meddle with thee. [No book]
[3]My sonne, sowe no euyll thynges in the sorowes of vnryghteousnes, so shalt thou not reape them seuen folde. [No book]
[4]Labour not to the Lorde for preheminence, neither vnto the kyng for the seate of honour. [No book]
[5]Iustifie not thy selfe before God, for he knoweth the heart: and desire not to be reputed wise in the presence of the kyng. [No book]
[6]Make no labour to be made a iudge, except it so were that thou couldest mightily put downe wickednesse: for yf thou shouldest stande in awe of the presence of the mightie, thou shouldest fayle in geuyng sentence. [No book]
[7]Offende not in the multitude of the citie, and put not thy selfe among the people. [No book]
[8]Bynde not two sinnes together: for in one sinne shalt thou not be vnpunished. [No book]
[9]Say not, tushe, God wyll loke vpon the multitude of my oblations, & when I offer to the hyest God he wyll accept it. [No book]
[10]Be not faynt hearted when thou makest thy prayer, neither slacke in geuyng of almes. [No book]
[11]Laugh no man to scorne in the heauinesse of his soule, for God (which seeth all thinges) is he that can bring downe, and set vp agayne. [No book]
[12]Accept no leasyng agaynst thy brother, neither do the same agaynst thy friend. [No book]
[13]Use not to make any maner of lye: for the custome therof is not good. [No book]
[14]Make not many wordes when thou art among the elders: and when thou prayest, make not much babblyng. [No book]
[15]Let no labourous workes be tedious vnto thee, neither the husbandry which the almightie hath created. [No book]
[16]Make not thy boaste in the multitude of thy wickednesse: but humble thy selfe euen from thyne heart, [No book]
[17]And remember that the wrath shal not be long in tarying, and that the vengeaunce of the fleshe of the vngodly is a very fire and worme. [No book]
[18]Geue not ouer thy friend for any good, nor thy faythful brother for the best gold. [No book]
[19]Depart not from a discrete & good woman that is fallen vnto thee for thy portion in the feare of the Lorde: for the gift of her honesty is aboue golde. [No book]
[20]Where as thy seruaunt worketh truely, intreate hym not euyll, nor the hyreling that is faythfull vnto thee. [No book]
[21]Loue a discrete seruaunt as thyne owne soule, defraude him not of his libertie, neither leaue him a poore man. [No book]
[22]If thou haue cattell, loke wel to them: and if they be for thy profite, kepe them. [No book]
[23]If thou haue sonnes bring them vp in nurture and learning, and hold them in awe from their youth vp. [No book]
[24]If thou haue daughters kepe their body, and shewe not thy face chereful towarde them. [No book]
[25]Mary thy daughter, and so shalt thou perfourme a wayghtie matter: but geue her to a man of vnderstanding. [No book]
[26]If thou haue a wife after thyne owne mynde, forsake her not: but commit not thy selfe to the hatefull. [No book]
[27]Honour thy father from thy whole heart: and forget not the sorowfull trauayle that thy mother had with thee. [No book]
[28]Remember that thou wast borne thorow them, and howe canst thou recompence them the thinges that they haue done for thee? [No book]
[29]Feare the Lord with al thy soule, and honour his ministers. [No book]
[30]Loue thy maker with all thy strength, and forsake not his seruauntes. [No book]
[31]Feare the Lord with all thy soule, & honour his priestes: geue them their portion of the first fruites and increase of the earth, like as it is commaunded thee: & reconcile thy selfe of thy negligence with the litle flocke, geue them the shoulders, and their appoynted offeringes & firstlinges. [No book]
[32]Reache thyne hande vnto the poore, that God may blesse thee with plenteousnes. [No book]
[33]Be liberall vnto all men liuyng: yet let not, but do good euen to them that are dead. [No book]
[34]Let not them that weepe be without comfort, but mourne with such as mourne. [No book]
[35]Let it not greeue thee to visite the sicke, for that shall make thee to be beloued. [No book]
[36]Whatsoeuer thou takest in hande, remember the end, and thou shalt neuer do amisse. [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com