[1]Stryue not with a mightie man, lest thou chaunce to fall into his handes. [2]Make no variaunce with a riche man, lest he happen to bring vp an harde quarell against thee: For golde and siluer hath vndone many a man, yea euen the heartes of kinges hath it made to fall. [3]Stryue not with a man that is full of wordes, and lay no stickes vpon his fire. [4]Kepe no companie with the vnlearned, lest he geue thy kinred an euyll report. [5]Despise not a man that turneth hym selfe away from sinne, and cast him not in the teeth withall: but remember that we are frayle euerichone. [6]Thinke scorne of no man in his olde age, for we waxe olde also. [7]Be not glad of the death of thyne enemie: but remember that we must dye all the sort of vs, and fayne would we come into ioy. [8]Despise not the sermons of such elders as haue vnderstandyng, but acquaynt thy selfe with the wyse sentences of them: for of them thou shalt learne wisdome, & the doctrine of vnderstandyng, and howe to serue great men without complaynt. [9]Go not from the doctrine of the elders, for they haue learned it of their fathers: for of them thou shalt learne vnderstanding, so that thou mayest make aunswere in the time of neede. [10]Kindle not the coales of sinners when thou rebukest them, lest thou be brent in the fyrie flambes of their sinnes. [11]Resist not the face of the blasphemer, that they lay not wayte for thy mouth. [12]Lende not vnto hym that is mightier then thy selfe: yf thou lendest hym, count it but lost. [13]Be not suertie aboue thy power: if thou be, then thinke surely to paye it. [14]Go not to lawe with the iudge: for he will iudge according to his owne honour. [15]Trauayle not by the way with hym that his braynlesse, lest he do the euyll: for he foloweth his owne wilfulnesse, and so shalt thou perishe thorowe his follie. [16]Striue not with him that is angry and cruel, & go not with him into the wildernesse: for blood is nothing in his sight, and where there is no helpe he shall murther thee. [17]Take no counsel at fooles: for they can not kepe a thing close. [18]Do no secrete thing before a straunger, for thou canst not tell what will come of it. [19]Open not thine heart vnto euery man, lest he be vnthankefull to thee, and put thee to reprofe.

Source: studybible.org