[1]But speake thou the thynges which become wholsome doctrine
[2]That the elder men be watchyng, graue, sober, sounde in fayth, in loue, in pacience
[3]The elder women lykewyse, that they be in such behauiour as becometh holynesse, not false accusers, not geuen to much wine, teachers of good thinges
[4]To make the young women sober mynded, to loue their husbandes, to loue their chyldren
[5](To be) discrete, chaste, house kepers, good, obedient vnto their owne husbandes, that the worde of God be not blasphemed
[6]Young men lykewyse exhort, to be sober mynded
[7]In all thynges shewyng thy selfe a paterne of good workes, in the doctrine, vncorruptnesse, grauitie, integritie
[8]Wholsome worde, vnrebukeable, that he which withstandeth, may be ashamed, hauyng no euyll thyng to say of you
[9][Exhort] seruauntes, to be obedient vnto their owne maisters, and to please them in all thynges, not aunsweryng agayne
[10]Neither pickers, but shewing all good faythfulnesse, that they may adourne the doctrine of God our sauiour in all thynges
[11]For there hath appeared the grace of God [which is] healthful to all men
[12]Teachyng vs, that denying vngodlynesse and worldly lustes, we shoulde lyue soberlie and ryghteouslie, and godlie in this present worlde
[13]Lokyng for that blessed hope and appearyng of the glorie of the great God, and our sauiour Iesus Christe
[14]Which gaue hym selfe for vs, that he myght redeeme vs from all vnryghteousnesse, and pourge vs a peculier people vnto hym selfe, zelous of good workes
[15]These thynges speake and exhort, and rebuke with all aucthoritie. Let no man dispise thee