[1]She ordered their workes in the handes of the holy prophete: |
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[2][So that] they went through the wildernesse that was not inhabited, and pitched their tentes in the waste desert. |
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[3]They stoode agaynst their enemies, and were auenged of their aduersaries. |
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[4]When they were thirstie they called vpon thee, and water was geuen them out of the [most] hye rocke, & their thirst was quenched out of the harde stone. |
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[5]For by the thynges wherthrough their enemies were punished, were the children of Israel helped in their neede. |
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[6]For in steede of a fountaine of the perpetuall runnyng flud all troubled with gorie blood, |
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[7]In reproche of the commaundement published to murther the infantes, thou gauest vnto them aboundaunce of water, and that not loked for neither: |
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[8]Declaryng by that thirst then, howe thou hadst punished thine aduersaries. |
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[9]For when they were tryed, and nurtured with [fatherly] mercie, they knewe howe the vngodly were iudged and punished in the wrath [of God.] |
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[10]For these hast thou exhorted as a father, and proued them: but vnto the other thou hast ben a boystuous kyng, layed harde to their charge, and condempned them. |
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[11]Whether they were absent or present, their punishment was a lyke. |
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[12]For their griefe was double, and mournyng for the remembraunce of thynges past: |
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[13]For when they perceaued that their punishmentes dyd them good, they thought vpon the Lorde. |
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[14]For whom in his castyng out before, as an abiect they had denied with derision, him in the ende when they sawe what happened, they wondered at: for they were of another thirst then was the iust. |
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[15]But for the foolishe deuises of their wickednesse, wherwith being deceaued they worshipped serpentes that had not the vse of reason, and vile beastes, thou sentest a multitude of vnreasonable beastes vpon them for reuengeaunce: |
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[16]That they myght knowe, that loke wherewithall a man sinneth, by the same also shall he be punished. |
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[17]For vnto thy almightie hande that made the worlde of naught, it was not vnpossible to sende among them an heape of beares, or wood lions, |
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[18]Or cruell beastes of a straunge kynde such as are vnknowen, or spout fire, or cast out a smokyng breath, or shoote horrible sparkes out of their eyes: |
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[19]Which myght not only destroy them with hurtyng, but also kyll them with their horrible syght. |
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[20]Yea without these [beastes] might they haue ben slayne with one wynde, being persecuted by the reuengeaunce, and scattered abroade through the breath of thy power: Neuerthelesse, thou hast ordered all thinges in measure, number, and wayght. |
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[21]For thou hast euer had great strength and myght, and who may withstande the power of thyne arme? |
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[22]For why? lyke as the small thyng that the ballaunce wayeth, so is the worlde before thee: yea as a drop of the mornyng deawe that falleth downe vpon the earth. |
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[23]But thou hast mercie vpon all, for thou hast power of all thynges, and makest thee as though thou sawest not the sinnes of men, because they shoulde amende. |
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[24]For thou louest all the thynges that are, and hatest none of them whom thou hast made: for thou wouldest not haue made any thyng yf thou hadst hated it. |
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[25]Yea howe myght any thyng endure yf it were not thy wyll? or howe coulde any thyng be preserued, except it were called of thee? |
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[26]But thou sparest all: for they are thine (O Lorde) thou louer of soules. |
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